Messages 2003

Spreading Love.

May 20th, 2003.

Schoten, Belgium.

Received by W.V.


I am here, John.

I have come to try and enlighten you on the subject of “How to spread the Love”.

Up till now, you have been trying to find a way in which it is possible for you to share the truth about the Divine Love with the rest of the world. Like many others, you see the importance of the secret you have discovered, but find it hard to find a good way to convey it.

Well, you might be surprised, but it is not that difficult and you have already discovered how to do it. Everyday when you try to gain more of the Divine Love, you are helping the world to become a better place. What I’m trying to say here, is that by receiving Divine Love in your soul, you are already spreading Divine Love into the world. Even when you can’t talk to others about it, the Love will do it’s work.

I see you are very surprised by it, but what you shouldn’t forget, is the fact that Love radiates through everything. It has no boundaries and flows around and through everything, all the time. So when you ask for Divine Love, it doesn’t only affect your soul, it also affects your surroundings and the people you meet, even when you don’t get the opportunity to talk to them. Walking through a street, praying for Divine Love, affects the trees, the bird, the flowers and the people you walk by.

So you see, that is why it is so important to ask for Divine Love. Every time you pray to receive the Love, you improve the world around you, not only yourself. When you receive the Love, you also radiate the Love and that what you radiate, influences your surroundings.

Walking through a forest, praying for Love, does not only affect your soul, it affects the whole forest with everything in it. So the forest becomes more beautiful, every time you walk through it, radiating the love you’re receiving. And the more beautiful it gets, the more people it will attract. And the more people it attracts, the more people will be influenced by the Love you received and radiated for them to enjoy.

So you see, my friend, that on many occasions you have influenced many more people than you can imagine. Every time you asked for Love, it left a trail and people will find it. They will feel it, see it and hear it, over and over again. They will remember the “vibe” they get walking through that forest and start to look for it in people.

So you see, you are looking for something which is already there. Asking for Divine Love is the most important thing to do to change this world and reach out to others. As you have been saying yourself lately: “Live the Love. Be the Love. Ask for Love.” It is that simple. And if the whole world would just do this little, simple thing, it would become a paradise in a split second.

It does indeed begin with the man/woman in the mirror. To change the world, you need to change. So to make the world a Divine Place, you need to be as Divine as possible.

You are truly blessed, my friend, because you have so much love inside. Don’t be afraid to show it, the world needs it and so do we. We are all equal, remember, so keep up your faith and don’t stop asking the Love.

Our rapport is weakening so let’s end here for today.

I love you, my friend, and will be with you, always.

Your brother and dear friend, John.