Messages 1984 to 2000

A Christmas message.

December 25, 2000.

Aptos, California.

Received by Amada Reza.


Dear God, I pray for Your Divine Love to fill my soul, and if it is Your Will, may Your ministering angels convey a message of love to my spiritual family. I thank you for the gifts You have given me and I ask for faith in the Power of Your Love to fulfill the potential of my soul. I love You, my loving Creator, with all my heart. Amen.


I am here with you, my dear sister in Christ, and I am your friend and brother, Jesus. You may be surprised1 to see that I am here with you on this day that celebrates my birth as the Son of God and savior of mankind, but I want to let you know that you are my dear disciples on earth who I love and cherish with my soul filled with God’s Love.

This is a message to you so that you will remember that we are One in God’s Divine Love - the Substance of His Great Soul - that will bind us forever in this life and the next, and you will remember this especially when you meet one another. There is nothing to compare to the quality of the Christ Love made manifest in the human soul, and you will know one another.

It is important to take heart in your times of doubt or struggle, you are not alone, my brothers and sisters, you are never alone. We are with you always surrounding you with our love and influence to bring you closer to your soul’s at-onement with God. Have faith in the Power of this Love. See It moving through your life in every little detail, and you will begin to see the Plan that God has for you, His Beloved, unfold before you. There is no mistake or error you may make that will remove this Love from you. You are forever in our sight. I love you. I have faith in you.

Pray for the healing of this world and begin with your self. We want you to see yourselves as God’s redeemed children and as disciples of Christ on earth. Take heart. I am with you. I love you as do the many angels beside me now, loving you with burning souls filled with the Light of God that will light the darkness.

Jesus the Christ and your friend and brother.


1 This is a reference to previous communications that have indicated that Jesus is so unhappy about mankind praying to him as god, that he removes himself from the earth plane over Christmas.