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Spheres, Dimensions and Ascension

The Earth is currently in the middle of a major change. This is currently largely illustrated in the weather changes, which while certainly triggered by climate changes driven by our interference with the balance of nature, is only the tip of the iceberg. Those people – and there are a lot of them – who can sense “energy flows” know that a lot more is happening by way of new energies entering our world. Of course the majority of mankind will scoff at that, and sadly the majority of mankind is likely to be left behind in this major change. But first we need to define all these terms.


There are available today sources going back 200 or more years covering the quantity, character and fine details of the spheres that we humans pass over to after death. With this vast amount of collaborative sources one can be rather certain that we know what these are all about. There are seven “lower heaven” spheres. These are locations outside of the Kingdom of God, and which allow humans to progress spiritually until they are fit – if they so choose – to pass into the Kingdom of God. On this site alone there are a great many references describing these locations, and a summary of this information can be found in the booklet called “Getting the Hell out of Here”. These spheres are no part of the process called ascension and the target of the Fifth Dimension – 5D. This is because we will be living humans having a material existence on Earth in 5D.


In the process of ascension of our base frequencies, the terms used for localities of varying consciousness are “dimensions.” Now when we talk frequency do not confuse this with the well known Schumann Resonance1, which is a measure of the electromagnetic base frequency of the Earth. The frequency we are looking at determines consciousness, and in our case the increasing potential consciousness of the human mind. Here is a quote from a message received by Chellea Wilder

The Earths Original Frequency of the 3rd dimension, was at 7.83 hertz, constantly. This Frequency has been known by many of your mystics, Shamans and Monks, who chant OhM, at this vibration.

This was the Earth’s Basic hum, or Heart beat, during her slumber through the Lower dimension. However, Your Mother Earth has awakened. She is a sentient Being, and she, has chosen to ascend permanently, out of the Lower Cycles of Vibration. Her Base vibration now ranges between 10 and 20 hertz, and continues to rise.

We wish to also remind everyone about the different levels of vibration in the spectrum of Existence. From 3 to 10 hertz, is about 3rd degree vibration. The 4th degree vibration is at between 15 and 30 hertz, 5th degree vibrational spectrum is at about 40 hertz, and 6th degree begins around 60 hertz, in your vibrational understanding.

Back to dimension. I know this is a common word in English, but its what these places have been termed. Now I need to point out that this Earth has never been through this process before. Other planets have, and I believe the most accurate source of information on what might happen is from benevolent and highly advanced Extraterrestrials – what I prefer to call my stellar friends. If humans who have passed over comment, you should bear in mind they are almost certainly not in a position – from personal experience – to describe the process simply because they have not lived through one of these events. So we have to rely on sources that are human but not from this Earth, and there are far fewer people willing to channel space people, for many reasons. So what I say here cannot be taken with any certainty. Its going to be wrong in some respect – but I hope not so wrong as to be misleading.

I tend to think the lowest density dimension relevant to humans is 3D – here on Earth. I have heard comment about 1D and 2D but I currently think that is probably not relevant to us, if it even exists at all. I have recently read from a stellar source that when Adam and Eve were here the Earth was in 5D, and one of the indicators of that is how long lived these ancient sources claim such people were. That’s if those reports are correct of course. The Bible indicates humanity “fell” and the history of our planet - again from stellar sources - indicates dreadful turbulence and violence. We do know that for an extremely long time this world has not advanced beyond 3D. Apparently right now the base frequency for the consciousness of the humans on this Earth is 3.7. That is why we are 3D, we lie between 3.0 and 4.0 in frequency.

Certainly there have been, and continue to be individuals that exceed those, and even some I know of who were clearly 5D humans. According to one report there are today 28 humans in 5D. So the term dimension refers to the most common level of spiritual consciousness at a material location. There is no need to describe what happens on Earth in 3D, but its interesting that our absorption with material things has reached a crescendo where vast numbers of educated people do not believe that a God could exist, given how things operate on this planet. And its also obvious that with our global population over 8 billion that we are rapidly destroying this planet, defiling the oceans and the skies, and beginning to run out of some key resources especially fossil fuels which we rely on so heavily.

However there is a Prime Source – a Creator of all, who has in place immutable laws with which we are not familiar. But we are not the owners of this planet and we may not destroy it. That tipping point has been reached and the result is that every single human on this planet now faces a decision. They may not understand this in their minds, but their souls certainly do. The choice is – are you willing to put in the effort to grow spiritually from 3D to 4D and then 5D and thus save the planet or are you not willing?

Now one source states 75% of the 8 billion will not make that positive choice. They are simply unable at the mindal level to follow the desires of their own souls. And with that decision they must leave this planet. How will they leave? Many will die of causes associated with the events we see going on at the moment but which will escalate dramatically. And it has been said that others who are unwilling to change will be taken to another 3D planet. Our benevolent space brothers and sisters have the physical capacity very close to Earth to remove all 8 billion of us, if it were necessary. Sadly I can’t see many accepting any such offer however.

As an example of how the planet will react to our negative energies, hurricanes will be far worse, as we see even now in 2022, large earthquakes are escalating, we will almost certainly face the loss of the electricity grid permanently in the large countries like USA, Australia, Europe, Canada etc. This will probably be caused by start of a pole shift that happens when the Earth’s magnetic field collapses. The collapse of that magnetic field allows the sun’s energy to destroy electrical infrastructure, especially as we will soon reach the cyclical peak of sunspot activity in 2025. We can also expect volcanic eruptions. Our political, military, legal, legislative systems will collapse, as will global currency, commercial, entertainment and transport infrastructure. We could in effect go back 150 years in quite a short period of time.

So what about the other 25% who are expected to survive because they are willing to change completely the way we live on earth? This is where the ascension process begins to be very relevant. We can assume the 75% that depart vibrate well below the 3.7 up to and possibly above 3.7, since 3.7 is simply the average. But with them departing the Earth could literally jump to say 4.2 or 4.3 or maybe higher.


Now ascension is the term used to describe moving to a new range of consciousness. And while many are fixated on 5D, I would like to comment that one source that I found very credible states that the average period for a planet to move from one dimension to the next is 108 million years. So while I believe we could get to 5D faster than that, its very unlikely to be in a decade. That’s according to the normal thing. But there appears to be a very real possibility that what will happen here will not be normal. So it could be faster.


Now what about 4D? You could be forgiven for thinking that to get to 5D surely we pass through 4D? Well from a frequency perspective that’s probably true. But 4D is already full of thought forms we humans have created, which can be positive, but because the Earth itself is currently so low frequency, there are a lot of negative thought forms. This 4D realm is better known as the Astral Realm, and astral travellers can visit it. Its not meant for living humans to inhabit this dimension. Our stellar friends have said this dimension will be emptied of its negative entities before we reach it. A recent (1/1/2024) incident in Miami, Florida may well have been a bleed through from 4D as our Earth moves closer to 4D. Of course it seems crazy, and the official reaction is that nothing metaphysical happened, but witness reports are very convincing. Perhaps other similar events may occur.


It is interesting to discover what changes from 3D to 5D. The minimum criterion to reach this vibration is that the human is non-judgemental and only loving. In short they will live within God’s Laws and begin to properly understand these. There is no violence in 5D. Children and women are not abused, there is no sex or human trafficking. No military or police are required. Individuals discover they have abilities that are scoffed at today: levitation, change the weather, bi-locate, heal much more powerfully than previously. You may even be able to materialise food and prepared meals. Our space brothers will offer us the opportunity to travel anywhere in the universe, they will also deliver the designs for zero-point energy generators and we will not use fossil fuels nor find it necessary to use the current green energy methods such as solar and wind. In the case of Australia we have been told the British Red Fox and rabbit will be removed. I have no idea how or what they will do with the removed animals. I guess the feral cats and pigs and such will be dealt with too along with cane toads. Some extinct species will be returned. Our space brothers and sisters have been keeping these on another 3D planet apparently. At 5D we can become if not actually invisible to those humans who are still 3D, certainly unattractive to them and their activities. So 5D communities can survive unmolested by 3D humans looking to survive their challenges.

When we reach this Fifth dimension it will be called “The Golden Age” and is the “Light and Life” stage sometimes referred to. I would hazard a guess we might reach this in some hundreds of years, perhaps a thousand.

At this point all humans will have “crystal” bodies, really silicon bodies where one electron has been added to the carbon atom to change to silicon.2 This renders the body literally immortal, and after 1000 years you would still look around 30 or 40. No meat will be eaten and no animals will consume flesh either. I have no idea how that is achieved. Anything you require will be manifested out of apparently thin air. In fact its already there and we simply bring it into our 5D realm. The highest dimension we can reach as a planet of living humans is 12D. At that level, indeed even quite some level below it, they travel in space ships powered by thought, or simply avoid space ships and travel by bilocation.

A recent communication from a space friend who calls himself Orion is full of details about how they live, so this gives some indication of where we are heading.

How is this going to happen?

I am sticking my neck out here, but sometimes you have to do that. And yes I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. But I do think this change process is imminent. I will start back in time.

Within Catholic circles there have actually been many “seers” - their term for what I call mediums and channelers. Of course they very quickly tell you - but these people are talking to God - and I say fine, so do we. However there has been a curious history of something called the Three Days of Darkness.3 Now that resonated immediately with me until I read the details. Then I realised you cannot expect an untrained medium who is absolutely steeped in religious ideas to get a clear message. It has to come biased by that belief system.

Now in my own circles we have been told of a period of three days and nights of absolute complete darkness, and with a total failure of pretty much all electro-mechanical devices including batteries. As someone with a scientific background - I am a qualified Electrical Engineer - I frankly found this too hard to believe, and when I asked for an explanation to be told “God can do anything” did not frankly impress me. Yes God can, but in my experience, He always uses His existing Laws to achieve things, so I wanted a scientific explanation, even if that includes concepts not known to our scientists. And as is often the way, I first found that in a book called “You are Becoming a Galatic Human” published by Sheldon Nidle in 1994.

The biggest problem with that book was not its explanation of how this would occur, but the predicted dates that never happened. And then Lord Ashtar came and explained all that as well. It’s best to simply read this last link to Lord Ashtar’s message to get the details.

Note 1

“The Earth’s Schumann Resonance within the Last few of your earth Days, became erratic, dropping below a 2, and then spiking to 38hz on the 30th November and then it jumped to 18hz on the 1st of December. The Frequencies of The Earth now are stable within an 11 to 13 Schumann Resonance frequency, keeping her steady within a 4th dimensional vibration.”

This was recently channeled by Chellea Wilder (December 2nd, 2023) and seems to indicate that there is some fairly direct relationship between the Schumann Resonance of a planet and the vibration level of the consciousness of the beings on that planet.

Note 2

I have been advised that this statement is inaccurate. It always bothers me when a source has something that was inaccurately recorded, as one wonders if its the medium or the discarnate source that is wrong. But this is the more accurate statement, I have been told: “Actually silicon has 8 extra electrons, protons and neutrons. They both have 4 electrons in the outer shell which makes them chemically similar. Nitrogen has one extra electron to carbon.”

The implications of this to me is that its not quite as trivial to alter one’s body composition as at first it seemed. That the body is altered has been recorded in texts witnessed by American scientists, although they were very backward in coming forward with their observations. Clearly they were not willing to face the likely ridicule of their colleagues.

Note 3

This page covers the story of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (1769–1837) who is probably the most well known of those who have been associated with this prophecy. In her prophecy she talks of demons. Naturally that’s a very orthodox Christian perspective but it occurs to me that as we raise our vibrations we will move into 4D. And 4D is the Astral Plane, so it may be that for a time we will suddenly see the entities that have been there a long time. That would certainly scare people, so I hope that does not occur or is very short-lived because when we are in 5D they will have no impact on us at all.