Messages 1984 to 2000

Advice on Healing… Comments on Books Purporting to be Written by God.

February 1st, 1997

Santa Cruz, California

Received by K.S.


Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank You for the many blessings You bestow upon us every day. I pray I will be able to receive Jesus’ thoughts clearly in answer to the following concerns:

______ wants to be reassured that there is a path out of the lonely pit of pain he’s been in, and wonders if he’s started progressing on that pathway since he’s using less prescription medication and his breathing is not as difficult?_

______’s question has to do with a book called “Conversations with God” by Neal Donald Walsch; ____ says, “this book contains automatic writings where God is supposed to be the One writing the messages.” ____ would like Jesus to comment on the validity of the book._

____’s question is, “why is it that many of the writings in the Old Testament are written with God in the first person?”

I pray dear God, for an inflowing of Your Love at this time. I pray I will be able to put aside my own thoughts and be a clear channel for a message from Jesus to answer the above questions.

Thank You for Your great Love. I love You.



I am here now to write, my dear sister in Christ and I come to you again today to convey my thoughts through you in writing I am your friend and brother in Spirit, the Spirit of God’s Love made manifest in my soul, Jesus of he Bible and Master of the Celestial Heavens; I welcome this opportunity you’re giving me to convey my thoughts in this way.


_Q: ____ wants to be reassured that there is a path out of the lonely pit of pain he’s been in, and wonders if he’s started progressing on that pathway since he’s using less prescription medication and his breathing is not as difficult?_


Of course you know ___ is making spiritual progress; he, too, knows this is true because he has faith in the Power of God’s Love! He would not still be following our teachings if he didn’t know they are true. But, as you see and can well believe, the material mind can become “hung up” on any number of snags in life, and then it will have a very difficult time extricating itself from the negative thought patterns which keep the person from progressing freely ahead.

In many cases of people still in the flesh, and of earth-bound spirits, their souls may be in condition to be elevated from the condition they presently find themselves in, but because of false beliefs and adherence to old patterns of thinking and believing, the person still experiences blocks, fears, anger, resentments and other negative emotions which replay the old feelings and prevent the greater joys of soul development, freedom from worry and spiritual upliftment from being experienced.

The “trick” is to “let go” of these negativities and false beliefs! It’s easier than one might think, but as long as they believe they can’t let go, then they can’t!

It’s as simple as changing your thoughts and thought patterns, but some effort needs to be made in order to accomplish this goal. When you see a familiar picture or scene which brings to mind an angry reaction, you need to say to yourself, I don’t want to experience this anger and resentment again over this scene, I want to change my reaction.

If you can realize everyone has to answer to the laws of God for their own transgressions against God’s Laws of Love, then its not your responsibility to think you have to make them pay for their sins. You only have to pay for your own sins; whatever you’ve done to break the Law of Love. Everything done in love is in harmony with the laws of God

Even if you have to start from now, today, making the effort to extend your love into every situation which comes up for you to deal with, deal with it in love! And when you find yourself in situations which make it exceedingly difficult for you to extend your love into, then discontinue your association with those situations.

Change your direction. Change your thought focus. Do not hold negative, hateful, revengeful thoughts toward anyone or anything, for these will only prolong your stay in the pit of pain.

Continue your prayers for the Love. Continue your activities which you enjoy doing and you will begin to experience more freedom and joy and healthiness.


_Q: _____’s question has to do with a book called “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch; — says, “this book contains automatic writings where God is supposed to be the one writing the messages.” ____ would like Jesus to comment on the validity of the book._

(Ed. Note - As you will see, Jesus chose not to comment on the validity of this particular book, but instead took this opportunity to speak in general terms, encouraging us to think for ourselves. )


As you may or may not know there are hundreds of books being produced which lay claim to having received information from me. Some of them have, or may have received some Celestial thoughts and influences; but, as in most cases, there are more errors than truth in the majority of literature currently saturating the minds of humankind.

Some who “think” for themselves, try to follow what “feels right” to them, oftentimes are better off than the many who study everything that comes along. But since soul development is an individual matter between each soul and the Soul of God, then it is up to their free will choices as to which path they decide to accept as valid. We are at a loss as to understand how to help them onto the Pathway of Truth when they’ve “made up their minds” to follow and believe in a myriad of false beliefs and directions.

Some maintain they believe in certain teachings even when these are contradictory; even when they defy common sense or other things known to be true.

Each person has to take responsibility for his or her own choices and acknowledge that they are the ones who have chosen to follow this dead-end path. Even if it was a result of the churches doctrine, blaming the church for their stagnation will not reverse that condition.

So, when you know God Is Love, and you have been created in the image of love, with the potential to become At-One with Love, then why would you take the chance of going down a dead-end path instead of striving for the fulfillment of Love in your soul?

It’s confusing to us why so many people choose to remain in the same religions as their parents and grandparents when they can full-well see the lack of harmony which exists in these people’s lives.

It’s like hanging onto a hot wire, you know its hurting your hand, but you’re afraid to let go because you don’t know what will happen when you fall.

But when you pray for God’s Love and when you have faith (that) the Loving Father in Heaven loves you and wants you to be happy and fulfilled, then you should be anxious to let go of your hurts, and take the chance that the outcome will be better than what you are trying to hang onto which is not making you happy.


Q: “Why is it that many of the writings in the Old Testament are written with God in the first person?”


In relation to stories using God in the first person, there are cases where this is done as in many stories in your own literature. Some believe this may be of more interest to the reader, and so they try this approach.

But, of course, even though we receive information from God in answer to our prayers for guidance, this guidance comes in the form of a knowing the right choice to make, for example; not as a first person narrative.

There might be a way this kind of presentation could be made in an effective way, but it should be clarified that God’s “language” is far different from ours, and the wisdom which comes to your heart with His Love is a far greater knowledge than words on a page. It’s like trying to compare a feeling of joy to a written expression; even when the words are read and understood by the reader, this does not mean the reader will have an experience of that joy!

You can understand that if approximately 50% of what’s written in the Bible is somewhat correct, accurate and/or truthful, that would make the other 50% not reliable. So in the case of the books like, “Conversations with God” the reader will have to decide what “speaks” to his inner perceptions of truth and what does not.

This is a very difficult way to attempt to discover truth, because until the perceptions of the soul are developed in Love it is almost impossible to discern what is true and what is not.

Pray for God’s Love to develop the wisdom of your soul. Pray to know the Truth. Pray to have faith in the power of God’s Love to guide you in an upward direction.

Too many people in the world today are “progressing’ in an almost sideways direction. They may change ideas, take on new teachings, give up old ways, but still are not starting significantly upward.

When you have had revealed to you the Way to progress spiritually, never stop applying that method in your efforts to progress. Shout it from the rooftops so others might learn of the Way.

“Rooftops’ of course is figuratively speaking - meaning at every chance you get, everyone you interchange with, become an example of God’s Love made manifest, even when you may feel others might reject you, because it’s better to make a change by expounding the Truth and be rejected, than to keep silent and miss the chance of sharing the Good News with a hungering soul.

I love you, each and everyone and I will leave you now with my blessings.

I am your friend and brother in Christ,

Jesus of the Bible and Master of the Celestial Heavens.