Messages 1984 to 2000

Jesus: Much work lies ahead.

November 24, 1997.

Received by DL


My dear brother in Christ, once again it is my privilege and honor to communicate my love and my gratitude for all the work you have been doing in behalf of the Kingdom, and to welcome you back from your recent and somewhat extended illness. Of course, as you know, I am your brother, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and a co-worker in bringing as many as would desire to come into the Celestial Heavens and into the Father’s Loving Care.

Your recent illness, though quite distressing physically for a time, had its positive aspects. You were able to rest and place your care in the Father’s Hands and ours, which enabled you to not only heal but also minister unto others during your hospital stay, and which resulted in both others being cheered and reassured by your friendliness and outpouring love and in your receiving reflexively more of the Divine Love that results from loving one another with the Divine Love. I am happy to say that your illness has passed and that your health has been restored. More than this, your physical condition is now even healthier than before you had your bowel attack. You are eating more moderately and with foods that are not antagonistic to your digestive system, and your loss of weight is beneficial as well. If you maintain your newly acquired good eating habits, there should not be a recurrence of this particular malady.

As to the prayer that added to your list of prayers, yes, we felt that this was an important addition because it reinforces the truth that, as you are dearly loved by the Father, by the Celestial angels, and by all in your spirit band, we want you to incorporate and fully appreciate that you yourself are more than entitled to love yourself in the best sense of that phrase. All the children of the Father are worthy of self-acceptance and self-love because everything that the Father creates is good and worthy of the highest regard. But, beyond this, as a co-worker for the Father’s Cause of bringing more and more of His children within His Heavenly Kingdom, you are especially worthy of self-appreciation, for there is no higher service any of us can perform than to do the Father’s Bidding. And this you have been doing for a number of years now, faithfully, lovingly, and with great amounts of expended energy.

Surely both you and others similarly working for the Kingdom are fully entitled to appreciate your true worth in the Eyes of the Father, which means you should be seeing yourselves as the Father sees you. Loving oneself in this sense is not an exercise in false aggrandizement, but rather the natural and truthful reality that one should not love oneself any less than the Father sees as appropriate. And, as we want you to fully appreciate, the Father’s Love for you is very great. Accordingly, we want you to fully bask in that acceptance and Great Love He has for you. Hence, the added prayer, we feel, will strengthen your belief and faith that you should always henceforth recognize your self-worth and luxuriate in that worthiness.

Of course, this is not to say that humility is not the touchstone for entrance into the Celestial Kingdom, for it is. This is to say that one must love the self first before loving others is truly possible. And, as you know from your experiences in the hospital, you had an inner sense of goodness and self-acceptance while giving your Divine Love to others. It was that self-acceptance which made your outreaches so effective and so rewarding to both the recipients of your attention and to yourself, the giver.

In the future, we want you to continue giving with a sense of worthiness in your heart, and we want you to feel the increased joy of giving with that abiding inner recognition of your innate goodness. While none of us can love ourselves as much as the Father loves us, we do well in at least attempting to see ourselves as much as possible through His Eyes.

Now, as to the work in the church at this time, we very much like the last communication you sent to all the church Trustees and workers, asking that they choose and commit to some form of service, no matter how humble, or to indicate that they are not prepared to offer their services at this time. We believe that you will find the great majority responding favorably and willingly with respect to the options they choose. And, as you discussed with S____ and M____, once each church member is aware of the work shared by every other member, this will truly bring you all closer together in a shared work effort and in a heightened sense of belonging to our Great Cause. You are to be commended for taking this initiative - BE something - and we added our influence, but it was something you were equally desirous of carrying out.

In truth, your earthly work, as praiseworthy and as extensive as has already been contributed, cannot be compared to the heavier workloads to come. You are right that what one person might undertake and accomplish today will require several more persons to accomplish down the road a piece. This new electronic age of mass communication is only waiting to explode in our direction and on our wavelengths, and we must begin to train ourselves to respond to the growing communication needs ahead. Thus, what you will all volunteer to do today is essentially a needed training period for being able to accommodate growing work requirements ahead.

I want all my co-workers to know how much I love them and how much all of us overseeing your work appreciate all that you do to advance our Kingdom on earth. Without you, we would lack the arms, the legs, the earthly manpower that is so essential if we are to make any significant progress and to shorten the time when the complete brotherhood of man becomes fully established on earth. In these times of strife, unrest and global wars, it may not seem that any progress is being made toward this goal and consummation, but this is not true. Nothing given in love is ever lost, which means that each and every contribution of your Divine Love in the Service of our Father are cumulative in their effects. Rome was not built in a day, but it was built. Similarly, our Kingdom is not yet complete, but it will be, albeit slowly and, at times, during periods of progression amidst retrogressions and apparent standstills. But, in the end, what the Father has decreed must and will come to pass. It only remains for each of us to determine whether or not he or she wants to join the work force that will get us to the Father’s Goal sooner rather than later. And we in the Celestial Heavens are quite proud of our current co-workers and their dedication to working along with us to bring the Father’s Goal to a speedier fruition and consummation.

While not all will be achieved in your earthly lifetimes, as pioneers, your reward will be more than you can conceive of when it is time for you to transfer your work assignments from earth to our heavens. So, my brethren, never lose heart or faith in the knowledge and truth that each of you is vitally important in terms of your contributions. There is no service to the Father that is too small. All forms of help, both modest and great, are fully needed and gratefully accepted.

I will leave you now with my love extended to you and all my co-workers in the flesh who are under the Father’s protective Umbrella. None of you are ever alone or without angelic assistance, for you all are our beloved ones. Please continue to give of your Divine Love as generously as you can, and, as you do so, we will be right at your side with our own loving influences to make each loving contribution result in increased soulful joy to the giver. I am

Your friend and brother,
