Messages 1984 to 2000

Peter: Encouragement Given to Alfredo.

December 19, 1999


Received by Alfredo


I am here, Peter, Apostle of Jesus and true follower of the established Divine Laws. The true one, in the Love of the Heavenly Father, Divine in His Nature.

Don’t worry about your future, because the work has already been done. You have little faith in what is happening to you, and this is what prevents you from achieving certain spiritual progress.

Don’t worry about it, because it is only natural what is happening to you. Be sure that you have chosen the right way, and you will advance, there is no doubt about it.

Very soon you will get evident manifestations of your soul development, because you start to receive the Divine Essence.

God knows you very well, and He knows your doubts. Do you think that He will forsake you? Doubtlessly, a father never forsakes his children.

Open your mind to reality, never doubt of your faculties, God-given to do His Will, and because of your longings to please Him, the fact will be increased.

Be earnest, your progress will happen gradually. You begin to feel our presence, but this presence is not new, because you have been prepared during a long time, so that you could understand and accept what you are learning now.

I say good-bye with my love, Peter, your brother and follower of the Divine Truths.