Messages 1984 to 2000

Jesus: Prayer and protection from lower spirits.

Santa Cruz, California

September 12, 1999

Received by K.S.


_Dear God, Creator of our souls, Source of All Love, I’ve been feeling that Your ministering angels would like to deliver a message through me. There are some questions which I’m very sure they are aware of: T’s brother in spirit, W, does he have anything to say to his family? M___ in H__, a sincere seeker, wants to be sure it’s Jesus of the Bible who wrote through Mr. Padgett.

I pray that I will be a clear channel for whatever the angels wish to write. I pray for an inflowing of Your wondrous Divine Love at this time. I pray to put aside my forethoughts so as to not block the angels thoughts or to write preconceived notions of my own.

Thank you for this privilege. I pray it will be helpful to God’s children seeking truth. Amen.

Message from Jesus


I am here now to write, my dear sister in Christ, and I did indeed encourage you to sit to receive a message and, as you know, we cannot write without a receiver willing to serve in this way. I am your friend and brother in Spirit, the Spirit of God’s Love made manifest in my soul, Jesus of the Bible and Master of the Celestial Heavens.

There is a message W___ would like to deliver to his family and it is one of gratitude and thankfulness for their love and concern for him and he wants to assure them that he is happy in his new life, learning many new things as he goes along. He spent some time in confusion, but that has all passed now and he feels free and thankful.

He doesn’t want them to worry about him anymore, but to keep him in their prayers, as he knows he has a long way to go in his spiritual ascendancy. He would like to come at some future time and deliver an extended message for them, but at this time, he feels there isn’t much he can say which would assist them in their lives, except to love God and try to do His Will and to love one another- this is the way to a happier life.

As you know so well, there is no way we can “prove” that I am Jesus of the Bible to someone who isn’t willing to believe it or accept it. As you also know, all spirits who pray for and receive God’s Divine Love over a prolonged period of time, become transformed into angels and activate the Christ principle in their souls. Even on earth, this is your privilege, but if one is to achieve the transformation of soul during the span of their earth life, he or she would need to begin early on with prayers for truth and love and not stray into negative territory. Not an easy task with the condition of humankind being what it is in these days, but of course, when one sincerely realizes that one reaps what is sown, then that should be an incentive to sow good seeds of love, kindness, helpfulness and, with God’s Love in the soul, joy and fulfillment will come to a person, as well as wisdom and contentment, peace and many spiritual qualities not attainable without this Love.

So, it is the message which is of the greatest value to a person’s spiritual enlightenment, not the messenger. If wonderful words of wisdom and truth come from my apostles of old, guiding souls toward God on the Pathway of Love, a person can follow those guidelines just as effectively and productively as if they were words from me.

There have been spirits who reside in the natural heavens and have called themselves “Jesus,” but because the receiver didn’t challenge the identity of that spirit, none of the angels were alerted to bring their influences to bear against the imposter. But when the medium prays for protection from lower spirits and asks if the spirit knows about God’s transforming Divine Love, about which Jesus taught, and the spirit acknowledges that he is a follower of my teachings and a believer in the Grace of God’s Love, which will eventually qualify one to become a Celestial angel, this sort of questioning and prayer will attract Celestial spirits to the medium and, if the spirit who was attempting to deliver a message, is not a Celestial spirit, they will leave because they will not feel comfortable in the presence of the higher love. We have the power to restrain an unwanted spirit from causing negative influences only if a person asks for help and protection, but ordinarily it is the person, himself, who “invites” the spirit to be his companion, who is into certain activities which attracts this kind of spirit “helper.”

So, there will continue to be a great disparity of soul development on the earth, as it is up to each and every individual person to seek truth and get in touch with soul longings and choose to seek at-onement with God through heartfelt desire and dedication and consistency. Following along the straight and narrow pathway of love and harmony is very difficult to do without the power of God’s higher love in a your soul. It is good that you are becoming more aware that the perfect workings of God’s Laws provide for your blessings when you are sincerely seeking to do His Will in your life. This sincerity of longing is the key which opens your soul to receiving the Grace of God’s Divine Love. Many people throughout the world have had sincere longings to do God’s Will in their lives. Many people are receiving the Grace of His Love, the Amazing Grace which transforms them from a human into an angel. Apply the formula in your life, long to develop the highest potential of your souls, be willing to sacrifice what your mind believes brings you happiness, because oftentimes, this is temporary and fleeting. True joy and lasting contentment comes from soulful love, developing the spiritual qualities dormant in so many angry and violent people.

Go to a quiet place and pray, desire to become at-one with your Creator Soul. Acknowledge that you are soul, that it is the real part of you which goes on after physical death. When you seek to develop the love nature of your soul, first, then all aspects of your earth life will come into greater harmony. If you believe that it is all up to you to make your way in life, you are cutting yourself off from the highest Help that could be yours if you would have faith in the Providence of the Lord.

Have faith, dear children of God. Pray for His Help and Love, know in your hearts that It is available and will be forthcoming when you seek for It in earnestness of heart. I will leave you with these instructions and remind you again about our Creator’s Law of Eventual Harmony. It will lead His children toward the light of His Love. The soul is created to desire peace and harmony, so it will eventually become weary of sinful and evil ways and learn, even if by trial and error, that there truly is a better way.

I will leave you now with my blessings and even if you don’t find anything new in today’s message, our “old news” is still “good news” because there are many more souls which haven’t heard it yet, or at least, they haven’t acted upon it or made it their own.

Thank you for allowing me to write. I will come again in the near future if you are willing to serve me in this way. I leave you with blessings of Love to pass on to your friends and co-workers and will be with you during your prayer today.

Jesus of the Bible