Messages 1984 to 2000

Jesus: The Truth That Is Written in Your Soul Must Be Spoken in Every Language.

June 4, 2000

Santa Cruz, California

Received by Amada Reza.

Dear God, fill me with Your Love to lift my thoughts to You and Your angels. I want to be an instrument of Your Love to channel a message of encouragement to our brother, M___, who asks if it is Your Will and if Jesus would support his desire, to translate the volumes into Dutch. I pray for protection from lower spirit influence, and I ask for faith in the Power of Your Love to heal me and make me a better instrument. I love You. Amen.

I am here with you now, my dear sister, and I am your brother in Christ, Jesus, and I am your friend and Master who loves you and serves our Heavenly Father to bring His children the truth of the Divine Love.

I want to speak to M___ of this Love and ask him to understand with his mind open to the possibility that he will be able to not only understand what I say, but that it will be something that he knows firmly in his soul.

God Loves His children. Love is the reason He created the universe as He did. The harmony within the creations which surround us, even here, are born from His Soul, full of Love.

When He gave His highest creation the gift of free will, He did so because He made us in His image. Our souls are in the image of His great Soul. This is what we are — souls, within a body of flesh — and I want you to understand this Love that God has for you is yours for the asking. He waits so patiently and lovingly as a parent who awaits the child to recognize himself in them.

You long for this Love to fill you. You yearn for God to look upon you and say, “You are my son.” You are His son. This is the truth and you know this in your heart to the extent that you would never let Him go from your life, you would not cast Him away as something you do not need. He is your Father, She is your Mother, and we are God’s own.

This is what we seek and what we have found. This Love of God is our fulfillment. Its Promise is the highest hope in our future and we are only happy to see this love spread across the world as a comforting blanket of peace, forgiveness, tolerance and joy.

The truth that is written in your soul must be spoken in every language. It must be heard by every human ear and the love with which you may do this work is because you are God’s son. You do not need to consider something else more important, for you are an instrument in God’s Hands, we will take you to a life of service to bring help to these children who are waiting for the message their souls are yearning to hear: That they belong to God, that Love waits for them and reaches out to them.

Please know you are with my blessing to translate the truth into Dutch. I am very pleased to see your selfless willingness to be of service. I love you, my dear brothers and sisters, and I am with you in spirit, in the Christ spirit, that binds us as one family — as God-loved children we are.

You are my disciples on earth and I thank you for your love and your humble prayers to be at-one with us in the Celestial Heavens in this incredible and joyful work of building a Kingdom of Love.

I am your brother, Jesus, and Master of the Celestial Heavens, who loves and guides you whenever you ask.