Messages 2001

Rising above evil.

January 23, 2001

Santa Cruz, California

Received by K.S.


We are here now to write and come in answer to your call - a sincere desire to help your fellow man in search for truth, love and assistance in their earth life struggles. The reason I say “we” is because rarely do we come alone to write, for several reasons. We gain strength from one another, it affords greater protection from negative influences which abound on the earth plane and we can rely upon one another for input, which may be helpful in answering the questions posed.


_[T__ wants to know how to help someone who is being tormented by intrusive, negative spirits. And W__ is seeking advice on how to discern the “goodness” of the spirit he feels is present with him.]_


I am one of your Celestial guardians, and am pleased that you have chosen to be used as an instrument for our communication, for without your willingness to serve in this way, we would be helpless to perform. We can and do use thought transference; we intervene to help our charges, as much as they allow us to, but cannot impose upon them against their wills.

When you believe that God is Love and that Love is more powerful than hate, and other forms of negative qualities and emotions, this will attract good influences to come to you. When advice is given to pray for protection, for example, it is like asking to rise above the stunting, limiting influences which can cause fear. Even though you may not “see” any change in your surroundings when you “elevate” your thoughts and open up your perceptions of love and faith, these negative influences do not have the ability to interfere with that peaceful space you have attained. It is as if you have built up a very real and solid wall of protection against these forces because you have activated your faith in the power of God’s Love to guide and protect you.

It is your journey. It starts with small steps and keeps on going, day-by-day, year-by-year, minute-by-minute. It is your choice to develop a dependence upon God, or believe that it is up to you, alone, to protect yourself from the negative elements in the world.

Like attracts like; fear attracts fear; love attracts love. You, each and every one, are a child of God. Believe this. Know this. Have faith in this. Build on this faith, love yourself. You can fall, or you can rise, depending upon your sense of being. If you give up your power to fear, then you will fall and feel helpless. But, if you know in your heart that fear will attract more fearful events, then you can see the wisdom in reaching out to God for help and love, desiring to put your life into His Loving Arms. These are the steps necessary to pull yourself up to a level of peace, free from fear.

Habit patterns of thinking and behaving are not easy to change, but it can be done. It is within your power to change for the better. You can make the choice to not remain in a fearful place. It does not take money or a position of authority to make this decision. It takes courage and will. It takes a desire to not remain under the control and influence of negative spirits. Is it not worth a try? Acknowledge and accept that you have as much ability to call upon God for help and Love as any soul. All souls are created with free will and power to choose. Take that power and use it wisely to develop inner strength and love.

Start with learning to love yourself. See yourself as a beautiful and loving individual, created in the Image of the Oversoul, Source of all Love and goodness. Accept your responsibility of developing and nurturing this “image,” your soul. Even its natural love, developed to perfection, is a wonderful blessing. The ability to choose God’s Grace to become your possession is the highest power available to God’s children. Choose to accept this power for yourself. It does not require aggression. It does not require education, it requires love, peacefulness, acceptance of your own goodness. Love begets love.

Humbly go to your Creator Soul and let Him know that you want to be His Divine child, that you desire to fulfill the highest potential He bestowed upon your soul. Long to put yourself in His Embrace. Allow His Love to flow into your heart. Trust in this Love to raise you up to higher levels of awareness.

A person can only stay down under the oppression of fear, anger, and grief as long as they allow this to continue, as long as they fail to call upon God for protection from evil. At first, it may be difficult to change your thinking, to actually believe that God Loves you, even as much as He Loves His beloved son, Jesus. But it cannot be a possibility unless you try, until you try.

Say to yourself, “God Loves me. I am one of His beloved children. I have the power within me to reach out and claim the Love and Power that is waiting for me to acquire. All I need to do is ask God for It and humbly accept this great Gift of Love. I know that Love is more powerful than fear. I know that God’s Love in my soul will raise me up to a safe place where the negative spirits will not harm me, where I can be surrounded by the Love of the Celestial army, who come to guide and protect God’s children on their pathway toward divine at-onement with Him in Love.”

“I want this Gift. I want this freedom from fear. It is up to me to claim this Gift by accepting my own goodness and worthiness of God’s Mercy and Love.”

You can do it! I did it. Even though I was not a saint in my earth life; I was what is referred to as a “sinner” because I failed to manifest my love in my daily activities. I did not love myself as a child of God. I did not know about or believe in a Loving God, and fell to the ordinary earth life activities that were going on around me at the time.

If you wish for your life to be more rewarding and fulfilling, you need to develop your spiritual qualities of love and faith. Eating and or preparing a marvelous banquet will not develop your love nature, but when you carry out your earthly activities, being aware of your blessings, thanking God for the provisions you have been given to prepare this banquet for your loved ones, you will be developing your spiritual qualities. You will be raising up the condition of your soul, closer to God’s Will, away from fear, and escape the oppression of dominance and control from unloving people or spirits.

I sincerely pray that these words will prove to be helpful to the seekers who have asked for help and extended their questions for guidance. It is there for you, believe in it, trust us to guide and protect you when you pray sincerely from your heart and soul to God for His Love and Mercy. Put yourself into His Loving Care, strive to align your will with His Will.

I leave you with my blessings. I will come again to write when you present me with the opportunity. God Bless you, each and every one. AMEN.