Messages 2001

Truth or Love, which is greater?

April 26th, 2001

Santa Cruz, California

Received by Amada Reza.


I am here with you now, my dear sister in Christ, and I am your guardian and friend, Mary, the mother of Jesus. I am happy that you followed the promptings of your heart to receive my message despite the late hour, and I wish to extend my love to you in gratitude. I am a true follower of my son, Jesus, who leads by his loving example to a life in keeping with the Will of God.

I would like to address K___’s concern about sharing the truth with someone she loves, even if she knows it may hurt them. When you are trying to help someone discover the means available to them to progress, it is important to realize that this person has perceptions of the soul, as we all do. In some of us, these perceptions are more developed, but they are nevertheless present even in the one whose mind and emotions overrule that still, small voice we know of as our conscience.

If you ask God through your prayer to be an instrument of love and truth, and open your heart to the soul before you, the Spirit of Love will be with you. Your words, your thoughts will be elevated by the Presence of God’s Love, active within your soul.

Why do you reach out to your sisters and brothers? Is it not to help them find their way to God’s Love and discover the truth of this Love, present within their lives, within their grasp? Reality is just how close we come to the truth of who we really are and how we conduct ourselves within the framework of the workings of God’s Laws. Love is the fulfillment of the law. With Love all things are possible, even sharing truth that may shatter the illusions of the mind.

Clearly our Master, Jesus, came to bring truth to his people. Their “reality” was shattered by the realization that the kingdom they waited for was not on this earth, but in their own souls and built upon their own prayers to God for His Love. They cried out against their oppressors and asked of Jesus, “What of justice? How must we forgive them their sin against us?” His answer was not what they wanted to hear. “Into God’s Hands commend your life, your soul, and all will be given you. Turn the other cheek, for in Love will you find the greatest measure of justice, by the redemption of your own soul.”

Jesus loved his people. All people are his people. All children of God are his brothers and sisters. How could he turn against those who put him to death as undeserving of God’s Mercy and Love? He could not, and many of his followers, including my own sons, turned away in dismay that he could not raise his hand against them, for they could not see their own spiritual freedom. But this Jesus asked of us: to love our so-called enemies, and the only way we could follow his example was to commence to develop our spiritual natures through the redeeming Love of God.

The greatest gift available to us so many reject because they can see no tangible evidence of its presence. But is it not the truth - the greatest truth we have been blessed to realize? The truth of this Love can set you free, but only when you open your soul to receive It with faith and fullness of heart; only when you are willing to relinquish your hold on the beliefs of your mind that happiness and freedom can be found in the material pleasures and pursuits.

People build their entire life around ideas and beliefs that have nothing to do with truth. Theirs will be a rude awakening in the spirit world when they carry with them nothing of their physical attachments and are left only with their souls, empty of love, devoid of the quality that will illuminate the darkness they find themselves in.

My children, reach for God to take you into His Loving Hands now. Do not wait. Do not foster dreams that do not have at their center this life-giving Substance that can change your life into one that is immortal and divine.

Be guided by this Love in everything you want, think and say. Let Love be what is produced by every effort you expend. This will be the way you can fulfill the law. This will bring you wisdom to know how to help your sister and brother - for you have helped yourself by becoming the Christ on earth. You have become at-one with the Soul of God and recognize Him as the true Master of your soul. Now you can lead by example, and your actions will be synonymous with Love. You will speak to the soul of he or she whose heart is open to receive your love. Love is a quality that unmistakably imprints itself upon you, it exudes from you like a perfume that will be perceived.

I love you my family in Christ. I love you with all my soul. This love is the greatest thing I can give you. It is the truth, and it has set me free. I am Mary, the mother of Jesus, and your sister and friend.