Messages 2002

Channelling and the influence of ingrained beliefs.

January 9th, 2002

Received by H.

Cuenca, Ecuador.


_H.: Dear Judas, I would like to know a little more about soul perceptions. I still have a very blurred concept in that respect. For example, in my conversations with M__, she claimed that the inner voice is not the only form of soul perception. I suppose that this is correct.

Judas: Yes, this is correct.

H.: Then, when we discussed the subject, I wrote her:

“Yes, there are more perceptions […]. What we hear, apart from our inner voice, what we “feel”, when somebody behind us stares at us… Well, we perceive the concentration of other people on us. We don’t feel “the pressure of their look,” but their thoughts. Not in the sense that we read their thoughts, but rather, we feel emotions, intentions, something like that… This is called empathy, I think.”

And she responded:

_“Perceptions of others, of their thoughts and feelings and intentions!! H, this resembles what Jesus calls communication from soul to soul. This is extraordinary. It is necessary to pray sufficiently, H. Although lately I have wondered, what does it mean to pray, because I am reciting silly sentences. Or, at least, so they seem to be. What does prayer mean?”_

And here, I have two questions. Firstly, whether it is correct what we concluded, and secondly, really, what does prayer mean?

Let us first deal with the second question. Since you have been interested so much in the teachings of Lacan, in the registers of the mortal’s reality, the Real, the Imaginary and the Symbolic, I will use these terms.

God belongs to the Real, or rather, He is Reality. You can only approach Him through the Real, and not through words, which belong to the Symbolic. The world of God is not the world of language. To recite automatic prayers is like reciting the multiplication table. You have already read this. Words only are effective when they are accompanied by what comes from inside, from the soul, because the soul also belongs to the Real. It is the image of God, even if it is not His Substance. God communicates from soul to soul. Man can also do so, but in the world of his reality, the world that he perceives as reality, he does not in general do so.

Prayer does not need words. It needs desires, longings, it needs heart. We could say that prayer is the intent of coming closer to God, of approaching at-onement with Him. It is our small step to bridge the distance between Him and us. We take one step, and God covers the rest of the way, He comes closer to meet us. He gives us answers. And His answers are not words either. Because His answers also belong to the Real.

H.: I think I can understand this.

Then you understand that it is possible to be in constant prayer, without pronouncing a single word.

But now to the other question. Yes, the sensation that somebody is staring at you is a form of communication from soul to soul. You do not perceive words, but you perceive information loaded with positive or negative values. You perceive feelings, intentions, attitudes.

In message transmission, the following happens: You know already that the soul can emit and receive signals. And, as a matter of fact, it does so constantly. However, when we are able to concentrate on the signals we are emitting, and when a mortal tunes in to that signal, we speak of the formation of a channel. It is the principle of “channeling.” If the mortal is not tuned in, but we concentrate our signal on him, he also receives the message, but without much clarity. He perceives impulses, desires, etc., and so in this way we can try to exercise our influence on people, although they are not tuned in to us.

The soul’s “radar” antenna always covers certain areas. And when this area is our frequency band, we will be very successful, and negative influences will pass by without effect on the mortal’s soul. When the area covered by the radar is the negative sector, the influences of negative spirits will manifest themselves in the form of desires and impulses within the mortal. Do you understand this? OK.

H.: And Divine Love has to do with transmission quality, I suppose.


H.: Does Divine Love work then like optical fibers in comparison with a conventional copper wire?

Judas (laughing): We are already sounding like a telecommunications manual, but yes, the comparison is useful.

When one of the parties in the information transfer does not have optical fibers, the signal will come through distortedly. This is why it is so necessary that the medium always prays for more Divine Love. Besides the obvious benefit for the mortal, it also improves communication with us.

H.: How is it possible then that mediums without Divine Love communicate with spirits lacking the Love of God, and that the results of these communications seem quite satisfactory?

We now find something the psychologists call “the lying mind.” The information arrives blurred, not very clear, but the medium’s mind fills in the holes with their own ideas. They add adornments, etc. This happens when the received information is contrary to the beliefs of the medium or incomprehensible to them.

H.: Then, in these cases it is not a communication from soul to soul? In one of your messages you told me so.

This is correct. They are thoughts of the mind that come from this kind of spirit. But, as in the example of prayer, these thoughts bear a certain influence from the soul. In the case of negative spirits, the negativity of their bad intentions arrives in the mortal’s soul in form of desires or impulses. This happens when the mortal is tuned in some way to the spirit. I have already said that each soul has the capacity to filter certain frequencies. But in many cases, they don’t do so. They are like ships adrift, lost in an ocean of influences, accepting anything that may come.

But I want you to explain in detail, for those who may read this message, the “lying mind.”

H.: You have in mind the experiment of Freud?

Judas: Yes.

H.: Freud hypnotized a person, in a room full of furniture, and he suggested to him that the room was completely empty. Then he ordered him to cross the room, heading for the opposite wall. The person obeyed, avoiding all obstacles. When Freud asked, why he had not crossed the room in a straight line, the hypnotized man invented a series of false excuses. He said that he had seen a stain on the floor that seemed very interesting to him, that he wanted to look out of the window, and many other things, in order to justify his behavior. That is to say, even in the presence of reality, his mental condition didn’t admit it, and in order to justify his behavior, he lied.

Judas: Very well, this is what also happens in message transmission. I want to review with you now a few messages that James Padgett received in the beginning of his career as a medium.

In one of the first messages, his wife Helen conveyed to him the following:

“The savior of men. He was with you and I was so glad as I feel that you will now believe that I am in the spirit world and in the Love of God. He is the Lord who came down from Heaven to save men.”

Pay attention to “He is the Lord who came down from Heaven.” It sounds like the creed Padgett professed. Padgett, unconsciously, interpolated something that seemed correct to him. “The Lord” in a religious context is always the synonym for God. However, this is certainly not what Helen transmitted to him.

In another message, very soon afterwards, Jesus said:

“I came to tell you that you are very near the Kingdom, only believe and pray to the Father and you will soon know the truth, and the truth will make you free. You were hard hearted and sinful, but now that you are seeking the light I will come to you and help you, only believe and you will soon see the truth of my teachings. Go not in the way of the wicked for their end is punishment and long suffering. Let your love for God and your fellow man increase.”

Just look, “their end is punishment and long suffering.” This is one of the basic doctrines of orthodoxy. Punishment for the wicked ones. But in later messages, Jesus explains that God does not punish.

In the same tone, Helen wrote:

“Yes, and I have seen the spirit of Rector, he is not the spirit that he represents himself to be, he is a wicked spirit who goes about to deceive the mortals on earth, he is a wicked spirit who has no love for God or man, and he is trying; to lead mankind to believe that he is the Christ, he will be severely punished at the time of reckoning.”

Pay attention to “he will be severely punished at the time of reckoning.” Once again, the idea of punishment, and additionally, the idea of the “time of reckoning”, that is to say, the Day of Judgment. A concept that later on would change dramatically.

Padgett, still without major (soul) preparation, asked Jesus: what does it mean to be “born again?” Jesus answered:

“It is the flowing of the Holy Spirit into the soul of a man and the disappearing of all that tended to keep it in a condition of sin and error.”

Once again, an idea that later on would change. Padgett, at that moment, did not grasp it. He had no idea of what is the Holy Ghost, and confused It with Divine Love.

Soon after, he had already grasped the concept:

“Do not be discouraged or cast down for the Holy Spirit will soon fill your heart with the Love of the Father…”

And also the idea of punishment for the evil-doers began to change in shades of meaning:

“The Love of God is reaching out for every man so that the meanest will be the object of His care.”

But at the end of the same message, he relapses one more time into his ingrained way of thinking:

“The world needs a new awakening, and the infidelity and unbelief of men who think themselves wise but who are foolish, as they will ultimately find out, and the material things must not fill their souls much longer or they will suffer more than they can imagine.”

Apart from the distortion in style, this sentence no longer transmits love but threats.

If you study James Padgett’ messages in chronological order, you will realize how Jesus, step by step, was preparing James Padgett. This not only used to happen during the séances for message receiving, but all the time. Jesus dedicated a lot of energy to influence Padgett.

The first steps were the most difficult. Jesus did not begin at point zero, that is to say, with a blank and unbiased medium. He had to eradicate deeply ingrained beliefs, and that took time. Eventually, the messages improved notably. Padgett was an extraordinary medium, and of good will. And only being so was it possible to achieve this.

Later on, when there were already people who knew the basic concepts of the Gospel of Divine Love, it was much easier to give new shades and colors to the rough and rigid lines of the original messages. Jesus’ message does not change, because it is also part of the Real, but the perception of men changes, and their capacity to understand and to incorporate additional tonalities.

Don’t worry, I have not forgotten about the message or rather messages on faith. But today I have overloaded you. We have touched your limits, and I should not proceed longer. You did not grasp everything; it is only the skeleton of what I wanted to communicate, lacking all the meat, leaving more questions than answered doubts. However, I am content.

I’ll see you soon again. So long,

Your brother in the spirit,



© Copyright is asserted in this message by Geoff Cutler 2013