Messages 2002

Letting go in order to flow.

March 16th, 2002

Santa Cruz, California

Received by K.S.


We are here with you, my dear sister in Christ, and we never leave you alone for long, but always remain at your beck and call if you have need of any help we can lend. And, as you know, you are the one who needs to activate your faith in the power of your goodness, and ability to touch base with God, through your will being activated. If you feel unworthy or undeserving it will lessen the strength of your will and the sincerity of your prayers. For as you see, fear and lack of acceptance of your worthiness are products of the mind, and when the mind is active it tends to interfere with the faith of the soul being extended in prayer.

You know how to switch gears from mind to soul, but when you allow yourself to be caught up in worries or fears, with thoughts like, “I wonder if this back pain and shoulder pain is a warning of heart distress?” then your prayers will be less effective.

You are going through major cleansing as a result of your intense desires to be rid of negative attitudes. When encrustments are being removed from your soul, you will experience residue from past experiences, which can’t help but be interpreted as stressful. Sometimes it even seems as if you are going through a setback, or that you are re-experiencing stressful events. When you know that God loves you, and that the power of His Love in your soul can remove these encrustments, then you need to activate your faith that this is what is happening: that you are working your way up through the “foggy” strata of so-called protective armor that you have built around yourself to feel safe from persecution.

There is a fine line between feeling indifferent to the opinions of others, and having confidence that you are doing your best, and being loving. Each person needs to come to terms with how to respond, how to best extend their love, and how to become involved without offending others. When you strive to activate your higher spiritual qualities, and strengthen your soul’s love through prayer to God for Divine Grace, you will have inner strength to support your outer conviction. These work together to lead you on your spiritual journey in service to God and all His beloved children. There will always be someone who will find fault with what you do and say. This is because it is an imperfect world. People who don’t feel good about themselves want to pull others down to their level. Don’t allow yourselves to be pulled down. Pray for God’s Love, desire to do His Will, ask the angels to protect and guide you, then proceed to outreach with your love to the best of your ability, and know that it’s good enough.

It will be helpful if those you are interchanging with are willing to see clearly, if they are willing to change and come into greater harmony with the Law of Love. Sharing love and ideas, points of view, and opinions is part of growthful change. Even though you may feel strongly about a certain belief because you learned it when you were a child, or someone you loved and trusted taught you to believe in this concept, it could be an erroneous belief. It doesn’t matter so much that some of your long-held ideas may not be absolute truth, because it is your sincere desires and intentions which will lead you toward spiritual enlightenment.

As you pray for God’s Love to elevate the condition of your soul, and integrate that Love into your daily living, you are on your way to letting go of false beliefs. As you sincerely desire to know the truth, and are willing to let go of long-held beliefs, this will make it easier for them to fall away, when the truth becomes more clearly apparent.

These are the spiritual steps necessary for growth and change to occur in your lives. So now, even without getting to the nitty-gritty of what it is you can’t stomach, you can see that you are having difficulty letting go of beliefs that are proving to be out of harmony with love.

We have suggested previously that it’s easier to roll with the punches than to resist change. Look to the brightness of the day, even if it’s raining – you know that the sun is shining on the other side of the clouds. And, as you come out from under your cloud of doubt, and are willing to change, you will have a brighter outlook on life.

The way a person can pick himself, or herself, up faster and easier is to focus on their goodness and to know that they are progressing. Don’t focus on the imperfections, the patterns that may still bring sadness as a result of long-held attitudes; these are beginning to loosen from the soul and mind as a result of prayers for God’s Love.

Thank you for perceiving my presence, and desire to write. We have been channeling healing energies to you, but you’ve been hanging on to your “determination” to keep things the same. If you expect to progress (and we know that is your sincere desire), then you need to let go of old patterns of thinking – ideas that no longer serve you in a productive way.

I will sign off now with my love and blessings. Flow with the changes; welcome them. See others in a new light. Everyone benefits from giving love, having love, being love. Give it freely, starting with yourself.

I am your friend and brother in Christ – the Spirit of God’s Love made manifest in my soul – Andrew the Apostle of Jesus, and a true follower of his teachings.