Messages 2002

Spiritual Retreat - Hawaii

June 6th, 2002


Received by F.A.B.


I am here, Sam.

As your Hawaii trip continues, you will have a greater understanding of how we work. You all come and go according to a very exact plan that has been premeditated by us. Each of your needs has been taken into account. Most importantly, our plan was to effect healings of illnesses of mind, body, and soul.

To your mortal colleagues, I say that as you know, you have come together for your own sake as well as for your dedication to God. It is the blending of your burning desire to serve with the effort to cleanse yourselves which has produced that harmony and power which have made this meeting a success. Know that each step forward you take prepares for what follows, and enables us to work through you. So take this occasion to look within and discover what is there.

Often mortals are afraid to do this because they think it might be unpleasant. But be assured that there are abundant flowers growing in each of you. Smell each others’ flowers. Know that this place is the fresh start of a new page in this beloved movement.

The spiritual path is like a well of water. At the beginning it can seem dangerous because the well is deep and dark. But as you learn how to use it to draw fresh water, you begin to realize that the water is sweet and refreshing, and the depth of the well is welcomed. You realize that it is the sweet water at the bottom of the well. So, your thirst is continuously quenched at the same time that you desire more and more of it.

We would like you all to reflect on the specific reasons why you have come to this gathering. Of course, I am not implying anything negative whatsoever. I am simply saying that with clarity will come an answer to certain questions and difficulties that have troubled some of you. Of course, you came together for fellowship and sharing. I am referring to certain personal issues that have troubled you. We wish to respect your privacy, so I will not be more specific about this. But there will be those among you who will know instantly what I am talking about.

It would be simple of me to say that the Love actually transforms the soul, so that at one time you may harbor a negative feeling, and at another point be able to let it go. With the expansive quality of the Love, things which at first baffle you become clearer, because the eyes of the soul become sharper and you really see the issue or dilemma with greater clarity. And so, you may easily apply this to whatever difficulties or disagreements you may have as to the material issues raised by your outreach.

I am acting in this message as a guide to your meeting even though the business meeting of the F.C.D.T. is over. Success will come when the material issues blend with the spiritual ones. That is, when you see that the material issues are like a shadow compared to the reality of the object itself, you will realize that every single problem or concern on your agenda is simply a reflection of a spiritual reality that is hiding just below the surface.

Mortals generally feel that certain blocks are unfair or undeserved. But you know in your heart that having the courage to look within produces, in the long run, great joy, peace, and spiritual success.

We come into life with certain givens. As a mortal progress spiritually, he or she realizes that no matter the injustice we have faced, it is still our responsibility to ourselves that really matters.

You all know this, but I felt it would be helpful to mention it because it touches upon certain problems that have plagued some of you. There is a difference between knowing something intellectually and experiencing it in your soul. So it is with these problems.

Your souls are truly like flowers. Blocks are like weeds that prevent the roots from absorbing moisture and nutrients from the soil. But a good gardener can not only recognize them but can also pull them up. The gardener labors many hours in the garden, but the work is worth it, because then his flowers can be healthy and spread their beauty.

We know you have all progressed so far. I have made these comments so you can go even further. The more you progress, the easier it will be for us to work effectively on the earth plane. We encourage each of you to stay the course and continue giving it your best effort. With increased progress will come increased peace and joy.

As you grow into the Celestial reality, you will discover many things about yourselves that were previously obscured. And you will understand your life and your past in a better way.

You have come not only for dedicated work and sharing, but also because each of you desires to understand why your respective lives evolved the way they did. When you go back to your homes, be assured that there will be abundant help in assisting your efforts to understand your lives and the role outside forces have played in creating the person you are today. Meanwhile, take the gifts you received here back home and know that we will always be with you to bind up and heal.

We thank you for your love and dedication. If you could better understand how much we love you, you would come closer to having the Celestial Heavens on earth, for this will occur when the transformation you seek will be accomplished.
