Messages 2002

Spiritual Retreat - Hawaii

June 7th, 2002


Received by F.A.B.


We are here in great numbers. There is in your world now a great distress. This distress is only for a day, and this is because if there is a foundation, then the house will stand. And so, as each of you has worked so hard to build this foundation in your soul, so the whole world is establishing its foundation, regardless of what may appear.

Each of you has a personal relationship with God and each of you has those intimate feelings and that *** of feeling. I would also like to address now the yearning that you all possess. There is a yearning in every mortal to understand his or her life. Sometimes we are puzzled by what life has given us. Sometimes we may have physical symptoms that are bizarre and worrisome. Were you to progress spiritually, you would see those distressing things, not as causes of worry, but as wonderful opportunities to bring into your lives that power, that glory, which you so much aspire to.

It is said that we are up here and you are down there. But this is only a partial truth. The truth is that we meet each other half way. And as you progress, the distance will grow less and less. Some of you progress more quickly in one area while others may progress more quickly in other areas and it is your job to be tolerant of each other - to embrace each other in love. And where one of you may be a little behind in one area, you can be assured that that same person will be further along in another. Now, as you look at each other, I mean you particularly, this group, we all know that you love each other. But we are encouraging each of you to look deeper into each other and into yourselves. Certainly the bond that you have is powerful, and yet it can be more powerful still. Yes, there is great power here tonight and yes, the bonds you share are permanent and you are building the Kingdom and this is precisely why I speak in this way. Not to make less of the glorious progress you have made and the great bond of love you have achieved but to go even further. Because as the world is now there is something that is needed, and this needed thing begins with the individual soul accepting its worthiness, accepting its happy junction with the Father in such a way that the individual becomes stronger through the self-approval, through the power that comes from thinking well of one’s self.

Now as I said before, some of you have gone a little further than others in this regard. And I am asking each of you to have even more compassion for each other, for it is often difficult to think well of ourselves when our past has been so troubled. There are great tragedies that have occurred in some of your lives and you all know who you are. The key is this: to embrace yourself and to have compassion for yourself where you feel that you have suffered - to love even those negative things in yourself that you don’t like. For when we have a negative thing in ourselves, we have a tendency to beat ourselves. And what this does is that it obscures the good, and when the good is obscured we cannot shine.

So, what do you do when you find something negative in yourself? The answer is to love it and know it for what it is. An analogy would be this: when you meet a person in the street who is hostile and angry, if you look into that person’s eyes with the eyes of love and act in a loving way, that will short- circuit that negative. And I am sure that at least some of you have had this experience. In the same way, when you look at your very selves and whatever negative encrustments there are, look upon those negative things with eyes of love. If you love somebody you do not dismiss them just because there is something negative in them. When a mother’s baby is crying, the mother does not reject the baby just because she is annoying her. But the mother embraces the baby and does everything she can to make sure that that baby is comfortable. So, each and every one of you has this situation in your personal lives. So give to each other the quality of being human. This human quality is the fate that you share.

While all through the beginning of time, the beginning of history, wise people have said that we are all one. But I say more - we are all one in the Love. This to you is common knowledge. And yet, we are one in the Love even when we are being negative to ourselves or to others. You do not behave towards each other essentially negatively - that is not what I am saying. I am saying that being mortals the negative will come, and when it does you will be prepared for it and you will smile upon it and look upon it as a lost little child that needs a home. And when you take a stray child and give it a home that child will blossom because it is loved. And so the negative will wither away like the love of the child. And all this was for the purpose of encouraging you even further, for the more you progress the more unreasonably demanding we become. That is a humorous way of putting it, but it is a truth that the way we operate is this way.

When we see mortals truly trying their best to progress in this wonderful Love, our desire is to encourage them even more. It is not that we are in a race or a competition or there is a stopwatch to time you. It is that we are so excited and so thrilled that you have come this far. And so we are saying, “but you can come even further”. And this is in fact what you all aspire to.

Many of you have been puzzled why your movement has not seemed to take off, has not seemed to get off the ground. But I say to you that the more you face yourselves, the more you deal effectively with yourself, the easier it will be for this thing to take off. And you need not fret or be puzzled or be confused because you know in your soul that you have done your best, at least you have tried, at least you have shown love and hugged people and given them comfort when they needed it most.

Now, the material issues that you deal with, for example in your business meeting, those things certainly have their place. And I want you to know that we hear those things very carefully. We do not think that just because they are material that they are unimportant. But this is what I would ask you to think about. As you approach or deal with the material necessities of your church, consider the great power that is behind them. There is a need that you have as mortals to integrate the material with the spiritual. And this is also a part of taking off.

As you have read in the Padgett messages, at the very beginning of Christianity there were only two people - that’s all there was. It could not have gotten as far as it did if Jesus were not who he was. And I wish to say that his Love as a mortal was irresistible - people could not resist it. Unfortunately, there were those in power who could not face that and chose another path. But they too were affected by his Love. And I also wish to say that those very souls who murdered him had an awakening in the spirit world and they realized that they too were affected by his Love. The very people who put him to death, somewhere in their souls they were touched by Jesus’ Love.

Now you will say, “yes, but he was the Messiah, and he had the New Birth,” but I say to you - you are each of you co-messiahs - you are each of you little messiahs, messiahs of the Messiah. The point is not that you have weaknesses, not that you are imperfect, not that you have negative things, that is not the point. The point is that you are on the path to spiritual glory - you are on your way to the Celestial Heavens. And no matter what occurs in the mortal life either within or without, you will know that the Celestial Heavens will one day be yours.

Now, it seems to be a truth that the most difficult thing is to love oneself. But this will be made easier if you have compassion for your very selves. Even when you do something which you think is negative you can still have compassion for yourself. You can hold yourself in your arms, you can kiss and hug yourself, sing yourself to sleep. Have compassion for the tragedies that you have endured and of course be grateful that the Good Lord saved you. And even though the world at large does not acknowledge you, does not see the tremendous drama and what has occurred at this meeting, nevertheless, we see the whole thing. And it is as it were recorded, it is as it were remembered.

There is something else I wish to say. And that is, there have been many, many spirits who have been affected by this gathering. They have observed the way each of you has handled the difficulties that have arisen. And each and every one of you knows what you have done in this meeting. And it is not the failures that they observed but the way you turned the failures into success, the way you took the bull by the horns, the way you achieved victory. This is the thing that impresses spirits who are eager to know the truth. So have confidence in yourselves. Know that you have made a difference.

For the future, remember, the way you interact with each other is the way you choose your path to the Celestial Kingdom. For each step you take toward love and reconciliation is one step closer to our home and your home. For the goal of God is for the Celestial Heavens to come to earth. And you are the ones by which this will occur.

I realize that this is a long channeling and I realize that you will not remember all the things that I have said. But stay the course, keep up your courage and know that we will always be with you. We love you so much. The power that has been exerted here is very awesome and it has made a great impression in the spirit world. Many spirits have been very curious as to what has occurred, for they see a great activity hovering around this part of the earth plane. This has been a meeting of power. And the reason why it has been a meeting of power is because each of you has made great breakthroughs recently. Each of you has faced fears down, each of you has stretched your courage, each of you has given God a sign that you can be counted on to serve Him. No matter the failures, no matter the weaknesses, no matter the flaws, no matter the negative encrustments. Quite frankly these are unimportant. You may certainly work on them. You may certainly be aware that there is something that needs healing.

But as the healing continues, the spiritual progress grows in a greater way, and the greater the spiritual progress, the sooner the Celestial Heavens will occur on earth. There is a turning point now. The path is before you. The road is being made clear. There are as many roads to the Celestial Kingdom as there are individuals on earth. And what I mean by that is that though mortals who are on the Divine pathway have a similar goal, their paths will have to be different based on the differences of personalities and desires, and each of you knows where your path will lie. There is no need to feel limited by your group. Be bold, experiment, trust your heart, honor the other **** (faiths?) of the world. Make dramatic changes in your life. See this as a great adventure. We honor the purpose of your soul. We thank you for all that you have done. So now I will say good night.
