Messages 2002

The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

May 6th, 2002

Received by H.

Cuenca, Ecuador.


My dear H___:

As I have promised, I am conveying a final message, at this stage, on “the Samaritans”, or rather, on those tribes of Israel who would integrate in later times with the Samaritans.

One day, when you were in the company of a music professor, who was an expert on the Bible and who knew the Scriptures perfectly well, you discussed the Bible.

Suddenly, the professor, a sensible, responsible and intelligent man, told you that the 10 lost tribes of Israel lived in Europe and North America. You gasped in amazement, asking how he had come to such a conclusion.

He explained to you that after having been exiled by the Assyrians, the 10 tribes lived in the region south of the Caspian Sea, in the northern part of what nowadays is the country of Iran. Finally, when the Assyrian empire succumbed to the pressures of other more vigorous peoples, the Israelites recovered their independence and escaped from the land of their captivity, heading north and crossing the Caucasus Mountains. When they had arrived at the immense steppes of Eastern Europe, they changed direction toward the northwest, until they finally came to the Atlantic Ocean, which blocked their further advance. There they settled and continued living until now. A part of the tribes crossed the English Channel, making their way to the British Isles.

Simeon inhabited Spain. The members of Reuben’s tribe headed for the region made up of the countries of the Netherlands and Belgium. Issachar settled in Finland, Zebulon in France. Dan went to Denmark. Ephraim and Manasseh were those who crossed the Channel, and made themselves comfortable in the British Isles. And I could continue with the list, assigning the diverse tribes to the regions of Europe.

Then he explained to you that in the course of America’s colonization, the Israelites also made their way to the New World. The white Americans, of Anglo-Saxon origin, pertain, therefore, especially to the tribe of Manasseh, while the Britons are in their majority members of the tribe of Ephraim.

With incredulous eyes and openmouthed, you listened to the professor’s sermon, and then you asked him where he had found that “wisdom.” Dan in Denmark? Wouldn’t it simply be because Dan and Dane sound very similar? And what about linguistics? How about Finland, which was populated by nomadic people from Asia in times of late Antiquity? You asked question after question, but the professor insisted: All were the descendants of Israel, the famous lost tribes. He even affirmed that the Germans are the descendants of the Assyrians. They obviously had accompanied their former slaves in their escape to the north. So, my dear friend, you are my Assyrian brother [Judas laughs].

Now, my friend, with no desire to become involved in this nonsense and with no desire of entering into controversy, I only want you to remember that there were in fact 13 tribes. According to the Biblical legend, Jacob, called Israel, had 12 sons, the founders of single tribes. But Joseph’s tribe does not exist. In this exceptional case, his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, would be the mythological founders of two separate tribes. Therefore, 13 tribes existed.

The Bible also indicates the regions that later on were occupied by those tribes, twelve areas in total, because the tribe of Levi did not have a territory of their own, but served as priests among all other tribes.

We need not be interested now in whether this story is correct or not, because the professor’s conclusions are also based on the Biblical story, without subjecting it to a critical investigation.

Thanks to the Biblical history we know that in the centuries after taking possession of Canaan, the big tribes absorbed the smaller ones, the big fish swallowed the small ones. Simeon disappeared in Judah, and we can say the same of Benjamin, although even in the times of the New Testament the separation formally continued. Paul of Tarsus was from this tribe.

The Levites were expelled from the northern kingdom before its destruction by the Assyrians. Therefore, the Kingdom of Judah in the south consisted of the tribes of Judah, Simeon, Benjamin and Levi. They sum up to four tribes out of thirteen. How many remain? For heaven’s sake, which ones are the 10 lost tribes?

But that question does not matter. I have already told you what actually had happened. In addition, supposing that all the tribes of the north had disappeared, where did the prophetess Anna, daughter of Phanuel, from the tribe of Asher, suddenly come from, of whom Luke tells us in his gospel?

I apologize for this message, being convinced that you will find it ridiculous or at least unnecessary. But you are mistaken. I want you to draw two valuable lessons from this story.

In the first place, when it is about religion, reason evaporates. The professor was and is a sensible man, I already said this. How is it possible, then, that he can disclose such nonsense? Do you find this unusual? I could offer many more examples, and you know what I am referring to. Beliefs are so strong that they are able to distort the normal reasoning of people, producing artifacts such as the one mentioned above.

But, in the same manner, your claim of being able to communicate with somebody who died almost 2000 years ago, would be considered another nonsense by many.

In the second place, deductions like the one above, concerning the 10 lost tribes of Israel, are supposedly based on the study of the Bible. However, even less controversial but contradictory doctrines originate from the study of the same writings by different people. All writings, the text of the Bible, as well as the messages received by the diverse mediums, are subject to interpretation. And the results of those interpretations are as varied as are the stars in the sky.

Therefore, considering that belief eclipses reason, it is clear that disputes over religion lead nowhere. The discussion may widen your own horizon, and you may also contribute data to enlarge the understanding of other people, but that is the maximum you will be able to achieve. You will never be able to “convince.”

It is also obvious that the study of religious texts cannot be the appropriate way to find Truth, due to the inherent errors in all texts, and the wide margin for interpretation they grant.

The only way to find Truth is to experience it for yourself and in yourself. This is the way of the mystics. What you wrote a few days ago — that you do not accept any writings and any messages as your gospel, not even those of Padgett, that your only gospel is what you may experience, and thus verify, in your heart — is a great truth.

It is easy to summarize Jesus’ gospel in few words: “God is Love. He offers His Love to all His children, that is to say, to all humanity. Moreover, He is always a personal God who invites us to enter into contact with Him, should we wish to do so. He will listen to us and He will answer.”

God is the Source of Truth. And if you want to discover Truth, go to the Source, and do not be satisfied with second or third hand information.

It has been a great pleasure to converse with you once again. With this message, I declare finished this short sequence on the Samaritans and similar topics. Of course, we will come back when required to on this set of topics in the course of our analyses of Jesus’ history.

It is time to say good-bye, with the sincere desire that the Father may fill you with His abundant blessings.

Your brother in Christ,



© Copyright is asserted in this message by Geoff Cutler 2013