Messages 2004

You set the pace.

March 23, 2004

Santa Cruz, California

Received by K.S.


Dear Father in Heaven, I believe that one (or more) of Your ministering angels is interested in channeling a message to Your children who are living here in their earth lives. If I’m in good enough, loving, spiritual condition to channel their thoughts clearly, I would like to serve You in this way. I desire to know the Truth. I pray for a great inflowing of Your wondrous transforming Love at this time. I pray for protection from negative spirits. Thank You for this blessed opportunity. Amen.


Thank you for your willingness to serve in this important work. We often are looking for opportunities to write, but earth life’s distractions make it difficult for us to find the opportunity to do so. As you are aware, we do not always convey new information in our messages although little snippets of new information are able to sneak through now and then. In order for high spiritual truth to be delivered clearly and absorbed by the mind, soul development in the higher Substance of Love is required on your part. You already have enough information to last your entire lifetime; now the task is for you to grow in the Love, integrate It into your daily living and exemplify It every day and in every way possible.

You are aware of the fact that spiritual healings are being channeled much more frequently than most people are aware. Keep up your good desires to facilitate healings but do not presume that by doing so, even on obvious levels, that this will create an interest in others to apply the truths in their lives. They might want you to channel spiritual healing energies to them to be relieved of their pain and suffering and have faith in this application of the higher laws, but even if their healing is successful, this alone will not guarantee their continuing interest in the humbling process of soul development in Love.

We realize it may be disappointing for you when you see good changes starting to take place in a seeking soul’s attitudes and behavior but then watch her fall back into patterns of negative thinking and behaving which had been active previously. Know that the workings of God’s Laws are perfect and that each child will answer to that law and reap in exact measure what is sown. Spiritual progression will happen for everyone eventually. In the meantime, do not become concerned about injustice – in the “big picture” there is no such thing, just a perceived delay in the carrying out of justice. Be patient and willing to exemplify the workings of higher laws in your own life through the application of prayer and faith in your daily life.

Keep up your good work and desires to apply truth and love in your lives. Set yourselves free from worry, be open and honest, and be your own best friend. These simple rules will help you in getting rid of unwanted attitudes and memories which keep you down. God’s Love is the greatest help you can acquire to give you the inner strength and courage to face harsh and difficult realities.

You are improving just by being willing to learn, grow, and change. The changes mostly are taking place internally; you can help them along by attempting to also change the physical responses, but the most important and meaningful change is in awareness and attitude. Accept yourselves as beloved children of an awesome Creator Who will go out of His way to give you wonderful Gifts whenever you let Him know that you want them. These gifts are joy, fulfillment and a peaceful heart. These gifts have little to do with automobiles or luxuries which don’t add to your spiritual happiness.

God’s Love in your souls can motivate you to want to advance in directions which will bring you the greatest spiritual rewards. We are with you, guiding you, inspiring you to give your love whenever you ask for our help and guidance. We have the power to protect you from low spirits influences if you want us to protect you, but not when you cling to negative thoughts, or remain angry, or want to retaliate for some hurt feelings.

You set the pace. You make up the rules for your progress and development according to the way you choose to see things and how you believe they are. You create your own beliefs, and these beliefs may have nothing to do with high spiritual truth but how you decide you want things to be at a particular time in your evolution. You may choose to have your mind in control of your actions and thoughts and not be guided by God’s Loving care and will, or you may choose otherwise. Everyone has been given free will to think and believe whatsoever he or she chooses. You have the free will choice to make your life full of joy, uncomplicated by deception and mistrust through your faith in God to guide you aright down the pathway of Love and Truth.

I love you and appreciate the opportunity to write. You have received my thoughts well. I will come again whenever you feel moved by your love to receive a Celestial message.

I am your friend and brother in Spirit, Joseph, the father of Jesus, and I leave you with my blessings of Love.