Messages 2008

Racism Is Against God.

April 23rd, 2008

Santa Cruz, California

Received by FAB


I am here, John C. Calhoun.

No unjust system can long endure. Oh, how bitter and shocking was my awakening over here that the Southern system of slavery I championed was against God! I discovered that the slaves I looked down on were subject to all the same laws as the whites. Some of these slaves came to revile me, exultant in their newfound freedom, while I observed others who seemed very happy and at peace.

It struck me that the idea of racial superiority, which was the cornerstone of my beliefs, was based on a false assumption. And the next step in my thinking was that the institution of slavery was contrary to morality and the Will of the Creator.

It is truly a terrible thing for a spirit to realize that his whole life was a lie, but that was my fate.

I mentioned all this to relate it to the present predicament in our country. It is clear to me, and to myriad spirits, that the economic structure of our beloved country is completely unjust, and just as the social structure of the South was shattered and destroyed by the Civil War, so this unjust system will be defeated. But this defeat will not be bloody as my society’s was. It will be accomplished by certain strategic events which the Creator will set up.


John Caldwell Calhoun (March 18, 1782 – March 31, 1850) was a leading United States Southern politician and political philosopher from South Carolina during the first half of the 19th century. He was best known as being an advocate of states’ rights, limited government, and nullification.

After a short stint in the South Carolina legislature, where he wrote legislation making South Carolina the first state to adopt white male suffrage, Calhoun began his federal career as a staunch nationalist, favoring war with Britain in 1812 and a federal program of internal improvements afterwards. He reversed course in the 1820s, when the “Corrupt Bargain” of 1824 led him to renounce nationalism in favor of states’ rights of the sort Thomas Jefferson and James Madison had propounded in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798. Although he died a decade before the American Civil War broke out, Calhoun was a major inspiration to the secessionists who created the short-lived Confederate States of America. Nicknamed the “cast-iron man” for his staunch determination to defend the causes in which he believed, Calhoun pushed nullification, states’ rights, under which states could declare null and void federal laws they deemed to be unconstitutional. He was an outspoken proponent of the institution of slavery, which he defended as a “positive good” rather than as a necessary evil. His rhetorical defense of slavery was partially responsible for escalating Southern threats of secession in the face of mounting abolitionist sentiment in the North. He was part of the “Great Triumvirate”, or the “Immortal Trio”, along with his colleagues Daniel Webster and Henry Clay. (Source: Wikipedia)

