Messages 2017 and 2018

How Truth emerges in the Soul

October 14th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am Keea Atta Kem. I lived in the time of Ramsey the Second in Egypt. I was one of his daughters. I had a station in life in that place, although I also had over 100 sisters, princesses in the Egyptian court of the time. Now I am an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom. I am close to you my daughter and I often come when you are praying. I come to bring my love and support as you continue to explore the Truth of God’s Love. Remember beloved daughter, to seek with all your earnestness and desire to receive this gift of Love, that it may fill your soul, flow freely within, and uplift you.

You have a questioning mind my daughter. You seek Truth. You have a deep desire to know and I say to you daughter, every day brings a drop of knowledge, an experience, a touch of Love from God. May you come to recognize all these blessings that God pours upon you, and to realize that God has you in His Hands everyday, to trust in His Touch upon you and to know that His angels surround you, that indeed your soul begins to awaken from a slumber. Your eyes begin to open to the Truths of God’s Love. You have the help of those on this spirit plane who are willing, desirous to speak to you and share with you their knowledge. Do not be afraid to ask questions, beloved daughter, ask questions in your prayers, ask questions in your conversations, but most of all, come to know that God will answer every question in good time and that in order to understand Truth one must be prepared to receive Truth. One must have the faculties within, the perceptions to know and recognize the Truth when it is given.

We do not address those questions of the mind that are purely of the mind. Our desire is to address those questions that emerge from your soul, that deep desire to know from that place of soul awareness. That gift of knowing comes as the Father’s Love pours into your soul and opens up those chambers within your soul. In this way you may address God with your questions, and your desire to know and He may respond in a deep way that fills these chambers with His Truth. In this way you may recognize these pearls of wisdom and knowledge that come from God, that come within the inflow of His Love, igniting and awakening your ability to understand from this deep place. For the soul gathers knowledge differently from the mind. The soul breathes in knowledge, like some luscious fruit that’s absorbed into your being, and in this experience of knowing, of recognizing, of understanding a Truth, there is no confusion. All becomes real. All is perfect. All is recognized from deep within.

Now as for being guided day by day, you have already received a message concerning this, that all that is required is faith, that each day will bring another portion of Truth and awareness and that in this comes an awakening, a sense of direction and an understanding of what you are created to do in this world. To fulfil that deep purpose within is the most joyful and satisfying expression of your self, your true self.

God will guide you to that place of recognition and expression. But it must come in droplets of awareness and knowledge. It is a gradual thing, filling the container of your soul with Love and Truth. In this, much will be revealed, and unlike your mind, it does not come in a linear way, it comes as the vessel of your soul is filled by Love and all those faculties and gifts within are awaken by this experience of coming close to God.

So my dear beloved, please do not expect that you will be told in detail what you are meant to do and what is meant to happen, for this will not be so. We do not violate the gift of free will. You are to choose and you are to make that personal effort and discover, with each step forward which leads to another and another step. I know in this world it is difficult to be patient and to trust in this process of awakening. But this is how it is done. This is what God gives to you, with His Love, and guides you accordingly. As you grow in this Light and awaken in this way, you are capable of understanding, a sort of maturity grows within you, where you may act in wisdom and where you may be in harmony and alignment with the flow of God’s Will. Each day brings a test, for within the mind is the desire to act out of will, to have concepts of the mind play out in this world. Do you not see the ramifications of this all around you, how this world suffers from the millions upon millions of wilful acts of humanity seeking to express their personal thoughts and power in the world? We teach something different, my beloved.

To act within the Will of God requires a humility and faith that is not well understood in your culture and society. Your world is one of self acknowledgement, of gaining strength and power through material knowledge and a sense of one’s mental capacities and abilities expressed and recognized by others. This will not answer the questions of the soul. This is not the route to true knowledge or harmonious expression in the world. What is required is for you to truly know your soul and to express yourself in this way. As you seek the Love all will fall into place. The flow of understanding, of knowledge, of knowing, of proceeding forward will come as you continue to dedicate yourself in prayer and seeking the Truth in this way.

This is the message that each of you must give in the world, that there is another way, a way that that is in harmony with God’s Laws of Creation, a way that does not impinge upon the free will of each individual, nor does it take what you call personal power away from them. In fact, these things are enhanced and developed in accordance to Divine Love and the laws that pertain to this gift. Nothing is lost and very much is gained in this pursuit, the pursuit of the awakening of the soul.

So I encourage you and all of you to seek in this way. To have trust and faith in what is enfolding and unfolding within your soul, that the answers to all your questions, all the dilemmas that mankind faces are available to the awakened soul that is truly connected to God, receiving His Essence, showing the way to true enlightenment and understanding.

We cannot tell you what to do my beloveds in any great detail. We can only point the way and suggest what is beneficial and at times what is true, but it is for you to find upon your own path the Truth. To test the Truth, to seek the Truth, to know the Truth. And while God has a plan for each one of you, it cannot come to fruition without the awakening of your soul so that you too may know His Plan and the road that you must walk, that which is of the most benefit and harmony in your life. The beginning is asking from that deep place, asking in prayer, asking that God will touch your soul with His Love, thus igniting true understanding.

Be in the world my beloveds, but not of the world. Allow God to lift you from that condition of humanity, to the Light of God, His Presence in your life. Walk with God. Seek God with every breath. Seek the inflow of His Love with every desire of your soul and the rest will follow in beautiful and wondrous ways, surprising, glorious.

God bless you beloved. I am Keea Atta Kem and I too follow your progress and desire to help you along the way as do many angels who monitor you intensely, my beloveds, for you are precious. You wish to cultivate Light within yourselves, within this world, and there is nothing more precious at this time in your world than to bring Light and to relieve the darkness. And so, many wish to help and support you in these efforts and this desire. God sends His angels to uphold you on the path, and bring you more fully into Light, and so it shall be, beloved souls, so God shall touch you deeply and you will know from the eyes of your souls opening and the knowledge of Truth bursting within you and a deep joy that will well up in acknowledgement of God’s great Love for you.

God bless you beloveds, God bless you.