Messages 2017 and 2018

The Law of Desire (Popularly confused as the Law of Attraction)

September 20th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C.

Received by A.Fike.

God bless you, my beloveds, I am Augustine. I wish to speak upon the Law of Desire1, how important this is in the unfolding of each soul’s life in this world and in the next. What that individual yearns for, seeks, reaches out into the world to bring close to themselves, inspires and informs many things that will happen in one’s life.

Desire comes from two different places within your being. There is soul desire and there is the desire of the material mind. Often these two aspects of an individual may be in conflict for a soul may long and yearn for spiritual connection, to be close to God, and the mind in its dominance may subvert the desire of the soul and that the desire of the mind becomes the motivating force of life. When one is entirely in alignment with the mind of the soul, the mind of the material will follow and be incorporated into the mind of the soul, given the blessing of Divine Love to bring this alignment together.

When the mind has dominance, the desires of the mind and the desires of the flesh are all that is attended to. Often the condition of that soul, in that being, is in a place that is not of Light. This wilfulness of the mind combined with the many powers of this world, the many influences from others, the attitudes, perceptions that create a sort of reality for most of humanity is often not in alignment with God. Yes, there is Light to a degree with many for many wish to live a life that is moral and that may bring a level of goodness. Yet so much more is possible when these two parts of the individual come into alignment, for the mind is so subject to the influences and energies of this world. Many thoughts and ideas have been implanted in your minds, beloved souls, as you interact with one another and search and read and contemplate the world, the nature of life, and this way of knowing may bring some insights, understandings, many material truths.

And yet something is missing, something very important is missing when the mind is completely enthralled with its own self and does not take into account that there are higher Truths and forces and influences available to each individual. To some degree this requires a sort of humility, a willingness to go beyond the sense of the power of the individual to the power of God. This often is difficult, for in many cultures in this world one is taught to be self-reliant and powerful within, to gird yourself against those forces that would tear you down and bring you great pain. So you build your fortresses, you encapsulate yourself in fear and judgment.

This is not to say that we see you in this negative light. No, my beloveds, but we recognize the conditions of this world in such plain view to us and so we come to help to sustain you in another way of understanding the world, of seeing yourself, of seeing others and seeing what is indeed beauty and Light and joy. But it requires your longing and desire to inhabit that world, the world of the soul, the world that recognizes God, the world that brings these Lights and His Love and all blessings forth.

This is a difficult transition for each one in this world, for from the inception of each individual there are powerful influences. The mind of the child is influenced by the parents and by all the many individuals that have contact with these children creating within a certain perspective that is recognized by your individual cultures, often creating barriers. The simplistic, or simple perception of the soul is buried under all of these thoughts and concepts and actions of the mind. So we have a difficult time often to reach those of you upon this plane of existence. The power of the thoughts and the energies in this plane do not complement this perspective and often thwarts the opportunity to see with the eyes of the soul what is the Truth.

For what I speak of is the Truth, my beloveds. These great blessings and bounty that can come from God are available to all. But so few seek, so few are able to overcome their biases. They struggle with the conditions of their minds which hold them steadfast in a reality that is created by humanity rather than the Truth that is created by God. So each of you are challenged to some degree or another to come to know the true desires of your soul and to allow those desires to well up within your consciousness, to invade your minds and find a way to God. For great blessings and healings and joyful communion await those who can rise up through the depths of the waters of thought to the clear air of God.

Those who are willing, who have within them a strong desire to know God have the benefit of the angels and of the bright spirits who come to attend those in this world who would put forth their simple prayers and powerful desires to know God. So I tell you, beloved souls, the desires of the individual inform very much the outcomes of their lives. It is not only their desires but the collective awareness of humanity has a great influence upon the reality that you all see in this world, affecting many things in subtle ways, distorting, manipulating and enforcing certain aspects of reality that are not of God, but of man.

But for those who are willing and struggle beyond these conditions, who acknowledge the power of their own souls which is great, all of these blessings come in great abundance, only restricted by your own desire and effort but they do come. For those who are consistent and persistent, the doorways open, the understandings, the blessings, the awareness and the alignment that they so desire comes in this way. Simple prayer and the power of Love, the power of God’s Love will heal all and bring a powerful alignment within you and change your perspective of the world and of yourselves. Many aspects of your mind will be brought into harmony with a deep sensitivity and awareness and compassion and love.

So what you say and think and do is subject to your desires. I would urge you to be aware of your own desires, what you truly want, what motivates you in your life and how you walk in this world, for each has a great responsibility. For as you ignore the spiritual laws in which you were created and you choose a darkened path, when that time comes when you enter into the world of spirit, you will reap the consequences of your actions.

Now, there are no individuals here who are in deep darkness. No, to one degree or another you are in Light. So I do not say this to cause concern or fear but this is the truth in the world. There are many in deep darkness and many who need Love and compassion and Truth. For those of you who are strong enough to forge ahead in the world this is a blessed task to exemplify Love, to bring Truth and to make those efforts that are required to open the eyes of others in whatever way God deems is necessary and blesses so.

So you pray to be a channel of Love, an instrument of God’s Will. This is your desire, the desire of your soul and so God will use you in this way and bring many opportunities forward in your life to act as an emissary in Love. The world is vast and filled with many opportunities and possibilities. When one is aligned with God it is so much easier to see what is possible and to know what is guided and to be in alignment with the Will of God. The power of Love informs all. The power of Divine Love brings deep awareness, changes each individual soul and brings forth the desires of the soul.

Yes, life is challenging and yet in many ways life is simple. Life is simple when one is informed by Love, when God’s Love burns within you. The choices are simple. Life becomes a beautiful, harmonious melody, and that is individual because each individual is unique and so this song of Light is yours alone, given to you as a gift, and you are given to the world as a gift. You are a beautiful being in the world, a creation of God, a beautiful melody singing forth in Light.

Beloved souls, seek God above all else. Open your souls to His Love and these Truths will become clearer with each day, each breath spoken in Love, each desire given from the heart, simple, beloved souls, powerful, beautiful. May you continue in your efforts to truly know yourselves, to know God, and to know the nature of life. This is why you are here in this world. God gives this gift to every soul, to be alive in a world full of possibilities. May you find many opportunities to learn and to grow, to thrive and to love.

I bid you good-bye. God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine. I am with you often. I love you. God bless you. God bless you, precious souls. God bless you. God bless you.

Note 1 The Law of Desire has been commonly popularised as “The Law of Attraction”. Our celestials however distinguish between the Law of Desire and a different Law of Attraction.