Messages 2017 and 2018

The Expression of Love via Service is Important

Also about the dynamic nature of God’s Guidance

September 22nd, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you, beloved souls. I am your teacher Augustine. I have come to deliver a message on service, on the importance of service as one grows spiritually as one continues to grow in the Love of God. The natural outcome of Love is connection with others, giving to others, allowing the flow of Love to flow reach out to many souls.

Although service in itself will not bring the Divine Love within the soul, that response comes only with a deep desire of the soul to receive in prayer from God. Yet service does open a door and seems to ease the flow of Love within you. For as you express Love in your life in whatever capacity you are able, in whatever way you are able to reach out to your brothers and sisters in this world, so you draw Light to yourself and you dispel and dissipate dark conditions around you by expressing love. That Love can be expressed in simple ways, by making a connection with those around you in Love, touching your friend with a gaze of Love, feeding those who are hungry, comforting those who are forlorn, bringing Truth to those who hunger for Truth, using your gifts freely without judgement or restriction but with Love, allowing God to use you in whatever way is meant to be.

When you hold back in fear, when you shy away from your brothers and sisters, when you walk in the world alone, this does not mean that God forsakes you. No, my beloveds, for those who isolate themselves and yet pray for this Love shall still receive it. But expression of this Love is so important. The outward manifestation of Love in your life in all of these capacities of serving and giving and expressing in creative ways and loving ways in your life bring a vitality and open up that door of longing within your soul for more love to sustain this flow. So service is important, my beloveds. It is one of the cornerstones and for those who are truly upon the Path Divine this request from God to bring Love to your brothers and sisters is of the utmost importance. For many when they contemplate this possibility, they do not see clearly what it is they must do in service.

When one contemplates this from the mind there is often a barrier and confusion, or there is a desire from the will of the mind to express a certain capacity of service that gratifies the mind. I must say this is not what we speak of as service within the Will of God. For the Will of God must be the primary motivation for what you do. There must be a sense within the soul that this is the right thing. The flow of this Love and the expression of this Love within your life does indeed gratify, not so much the mind, but the soul. There is a sense of fulfilment, of rightness, a knowing that this is what is meant to be. This is God’s Will. When one feels this harmony in regards to your expression of Love in service then whatever barrier that may be in your way will fall away and much opens in the work that you do because it is sanctioned by God. It is God’s Will.

God does not force any soul to serve in any capacity for this is not the way of Love, is it? One must go to God and seek out His counsel and know His Guidance and Direction. So when service unfolds, intentions flower, gifts abound as one becomes aligned with God in service and Love in the world. For God has a plan for the salvation of mankind and each of you has your part to play within that plan. Each of you have work to do, expressions of your gifts in the world, the unfolding of this plan as you step forward to give in humility and grace and Love.

As you discover and open to this wondrous plan which is unique for you, and you discover your gifts and discover what is in harmony and meant to be for your life in service and expression and Love. Then a deep joy wells up within you, a deep joy that dispels any conditions that are not harmonious. Those old pains and worries and cares seem to dissipate like so much mist touched by the morning sun and that bright, beautiful Light infills every part of you.

Those aspects of your mind which seek to control and dictate what you are to do falls away in the flow of joyous Love and fulfilment. For God’s Plans for you, beloved souls, is far greater than anything you can conceive of yourself, far greater. For God knows you. He knows what you are capable of. He sees the gems that He has stored within your soul, these gifts that may come forth in service and Love for others. So you are compelled to seek out your true selves, your true gifts, your true expression, the expression of your souls. All these capacities and the faculties of the soul are enlivened by the blessing of Divine Love. As they emerge and become more predominant within your consciousness it is inevitable that these awarenesses and the awarenesses of your mind must merge together in harmony.

In this ideal condition, this state of being, there is no mystery as to what you are meant to do in your life. No, it becomes obvious and beautifully, excitingly compelling. There is no second guessing or confusion, or inner conflict because all is in alignment within you. The power of God’s Love has brought about an awakening and harmonized all those aspects of your being so that you may become a clear and perfect channel of His Love, a servant of God, a servant of Light and a servant of Truth. But whatever you do, Love will be a part of your efforts. Love will inform all and help you to walk forward with a strength and humility, a faith and a trust in the Will of God.

Is this not what you pray for, my friends, beloved souls, to know your purpose in life, to see with the eyes of your souls, to know the Will of God and to have deep Love and compassion for your fellow man? Are these not the fruits of your labours, your prayers, and efforts to go forth in loving service with a sense of joy and fulfilment? For one who is used to bless another, they are also blessed, they are also blessed. There is no sacrifice when one is a channel of God’s Will and blessings. There is fulfilment. There are blessings that come to that individual as well, blessings that come through the soul in service and blessings that are retained within that soul. This is the beauty of God’s economy, beautiful blessings for all, gifts and healings, that Touch of Love. Even on the material plane your needs are matched when you are in harmony with God’s Will. There is nothing that holds you back when you are in alignment, when you desire to serve God in Love.

Now each of you desire to serve God and do so in your own way. You must realize that as you grow in the Love, as your soul expands in Love, so will your capacity to serve in Love, grow and expand and change at times as your gifts open and flourish, as you come ever closer to God. So your abilities and those gifts that God has given you awaken and can be utilized by God. This is an ever growing gift and opportunity to serve God. As you grow in this Light, so the service that you perform for God may change and evolve, become more refined, more powerful, and many aspects may emerge that you are not aware of at this time.

As it is in God’s Universe, there is always change and expansion and growth. So you must come to expect that your perception and ideas of serving God may change radically in the times to come during your life. So that openness and willingness to serve God, to come to know God’s Will in service, is very important. For you cannot fully plan the execution of God’s Will in the times to come. That execution and service will change and evolve in accordance to your prayers and efforts to receive more of the Divine Love. In this evolutionary process of the expression of your soul one cannot predict the timing because it is reliant upon your will, your efforts. God cannot say “and on this date and this time you will be doing this particular work and service” for it is reliant upon your efforts, the growth of your soul.

One may surmise upon a direction, a course of your expression, your gifts, but this may not be so for you may change your course as you grow within your souls. You may see different possibilities and God may guide you upon those routes of expression. So in service as in many things spiritual, there is a flexibility in what you refer to as an organic evolution of things spiritual. So I would urge you not to assume regarding your service to God for your plans may change very quickly, very radically, and in accordance to the unfolding of each individual and of the conditions of this world.

Some believe that God orchestrates all within this world. This is error, for mankind has great latitude and ability to affect the conditions in this world. As such the exercise of free will by mankind will change the direction and outcomes of what is possible and what is not. So a soul serving God must be flexible and be able to be redirected and guided in this fluid way so that they may be used effectively as God sees fit.

God does have the capacity to change the conditions of this world if He so chooses to do so. For God created this world and this universe. He chooses however, to allow the laws of His Creation to have their effects. It is only under particular circumstances that He may intervene. We have talked of this, how the conditions in this world are indeed changing, not because humanity has created those changes, but because God has brought forth certain blessings to this world to bring changes and harmony to this world.

When you pray to be used as His Instruments it is important for you to understand your role in the unfolding of Grace for this world. But I would caution that all is not ordained or shall I say preordained for the will of man is powerful and can thwart the Will of God to some degree. As you stand at the ready to serve you must realize that each day brings a new awareness and new possibilities and changes. The outcomes are not so clear because the road that we are all traveling at this time is a road of change and healing, seeking harmony and Love. In this respect it is all of our tasks to bring this forward in the world. There are many other souls who are also engaged in this work. Some you will meet, some you will never know, but together there is a great force for Light engaged in an attempt to change the course of humanity and the course of this planet to a more harmonious condition, bringing greater Light and Love to those generations that are to come, to all the beasts and creations of this world, that they may also have life here that is harmonious. It is a tremendous undertaking that requires deep listening from your soul, beloveds, so that you may indeed move forward in harmony with God’s Will and Plan. The power of this is determined by the power of your own love within your soul, your own capacity to love and serve in harmony, to see clearly, to be strong in faith, to allow your gifts to flourish and flow forth in loving service to others.

So it is with each soul who is engaged in the service of God, to have faith that each day will bring an opportunity to serve, that there is no set plan, but there are set goals and how they are obtained and realized is a very fluid situation indeed. This is where humility comes in, my friends, that you are able to move with humility, to trust in your guidance with each day, to be true to God and yourself, to have faith in the opening of God’s Plan and Will in this world.

May you come to truly know your souls, beloveds. Do not allow the machinations of your mind to interfere with the true knowledge of your soul, allow yourselves to go to that place of true knowing and understanding, of being close to God and trusting with each day His Will for you and in this way you may serve as God so desires you to do so in this world.

God bless you, beloved souls. May there be many, many souls who desire to serve our Heavenly Father, to see how crucial it is to bring Light and Love to this world and to express this with each breath that you take, to be in harmony with the Truths of Love and the Will of God. God bless you. I am Augustine, your teacher. I am glad to speak to you this day of the possibilities to serve our Heavenly Father. God bless you. God bless you.