Messages 2017 and 2018

Those Who Serve in Love Will Make Inroads into the World

September 17th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C.

Received by A.F.


I am Helen, Helen Padgett. I am taking this time to speak to you, for often it is my husband who speaks but I desire to speak as well to my friends in the flesh for I am close to you and often with you. I continue to serve many in this world as they pursue the Truth of God’s Love. Such a gift it is in service to be with those whose souls are eager to receive this gift. It gives me great joy to pray with those who are receiving this gift of Divine Love from God and to observe your progress and your efforts to bring the Truth of God’s Love into this world.

I was not a part of my beloved mate’s efforts to receive these teachings from the Master and the angels of the Celestial Heavens, but I played my part in spirit and I was close to him often. As you know, I spoke many times to my beloved mate and gave him encouragement. As I grew in the Divine Love our rapport and understanding of this Truth grew as well.

I do wish to comment about working together in these areas of teaching the Truths. There are many who have different ideas. Their perspectives reflect their experiences in life and what they have read and what they have acknowledged in their understanding of God’s blessing of Love. No individual is a leader in this respect, but each individual has a responsibility and an opportunity to teach and to contribute to the whole, to the body of knowledge and experience regarding this great gift of the Father’s Divine Love. So I encourage you to respect and to encourage each and every soul who has some understanding of God’s Love to express their gifts and their love in the world, to listen to God’s promptings and to be inspired by the angels who come close.

Primarily you react to the interpretations of the material mind to these experiences and these teachings, and as such, each individual has their own perception of what is true. And yet, within the soul of each of you, all of you, there is a true understanding that comes wordlessly with the experience of being close to God, being in His Light, with your souls opening to His Touch of the Holy Spirit. This is what you must all focus on when you communicate with one another and when you pray together. It is the experience of receiving this blessing together that affirms the Truth. When there are discussions and controversies, it does not require that any of you to state the equivocal truth to another. For this is not how God works within the soul. God brings His blessings, His Truths, His Love and the soul responds with joy and acknowledgement and the soul expands with this great blessing of Love. Does this change the personality? No, my beloveds, this enhances the experience of each individual.

God loves each and every soul, each and every soul. It is your challenge to follow this example, to allow your love to flow to each individual. Whether their perspective and their personality is attractive to you means nothing, but the light of that soul you must be drawn to. If you allow your soul to make that loving connection with another soul, there are always avenues of agreement, of common understanding and experience that you must focus on and not react with negativity and judgement when you hear something that you do not agree with.

Yes, each and every one of you carries a certain amount of error within you. But the power of God’s Love will in time clear away the clouds of error and bring the pristine sunshine of Truth into your awareness. This must happen, it will happen as long as you continue to receive the gift of His Love, for this gift brings Truth and brings understanding. It also brings compassion and love for your brothers and sisters in this world. When you focus upon your mind’s reckonings and judgements of others, you merely do God a disservice by indulging in these thoughts and allowing yourself to withhold in love. For God wants you to love all, whether they be an individual that you find comfortable when there is a commonality between you or someone who is in your mind and is difficult and vexatious. With the power of God’s Love you can love anyone and everyone. This is your challenge and your test, beloved souls. Some greet this test more readily than others. It is the nature of the human condition and the human personality. Yet you are training to be angels? Does an angel judge another? Does an angel withhold love? No, my beloveds, we love all and we do not withhold our love. At times an individual may not recognize or feel this blessing of love from an angel. This is because they are not in condition to receive these blessings or aware of this condition of love. So as you continue in your progress, and your soul and you continue to climb to that lofty peak and to see with eyes of the soul and to feel with Love in the soul and embrace with your gifts all that you encounter, remember that God continue to heal your soul and encourage your thoughts towards the highest.

As you accept and grow in this Love, you will find that God will bring you together with many, many different souls, many individuals, personalities, those with different perceptions and thoughts. As you greet those you meet, greet them in love and acceptance, not judgment or fear. Though they may have ideas foreign to your own, they have a soul capable of receiving the blessing of God’s Love. This is the message that you must bring to all you meet, that this blessing of Love is free to all who desire this gift. This is your message. You need not correct or insist or feel offended by the thoughts of another. These are merely thoughts and the power of thought is so much less than the power of a soul engorged in the Love of God. Now this is great power, from which many blessings may flow.

When you encounter those who would obstruct you, who project anger or negativity, do not feel their blows, for these things cannot really hurt you unless you provide within your mind a place for them to reside. To thine own self be true. To thy own soul acknowledge your true being and existence in this world, and to God. You will find your commitment, your sustenance, your guidance and your gifts and blessings. God never judges. God merely loves. Is this not the greatest lesson of all, that you can go to that place of Love and communion with God and in this relationship so unique for each individual comes the Truth, comes acknowledgement, the nurturing and the Love that you so seek. When you are with others and you work with others, and you will do so in an ever expanding circle, remember this, remember to expect the differences but do not judge them, but merely honour those experiences and perceptions from another. Honour them in love and live your truth as best you can in this world. For it is by your example, by the words you speak, by the love you give, by the service you perform are you known in this world. These are the things that matter.

I am your friend, Helen. I love you all. I have been close to you all, for I have a keen interest in the efforts that you all make to bring the Truth of God’s Love to this world. My husband was shy and reserved when it came to this venture of bringing forth the Truths to mankind. He did not know how to proceed. He found that he was reticent, fearful of judgement. In your times you are not, because the world is more open to your thinking. Yes, indeed, some do judge and are fearful of you but moreover there is a great openness to new thoughts, ideas, and a great hunger for true spirituality. You have so much to give in this regard and unlike my husband, you will bravely go into the world and bring your truth, unworried about what others might think. That openness and trust in God as you move in faith and the desire to serve in accordance to God’s Will, you will make many inroads in this world. You will walk through many doors opened and you will connect with many, many souls. The words you speak, the truth that you give, must always be informed by your love and light. Remember this, beloveds, speak from the heart. Accept all who come your way. Love, always love, always love. God bless you. I love you, my precious friends in this world. I love you so. I am Helen. God bless you.