Messages 2021 and 2022

Describes His Life in the Spirit World

October 4th, 2021

Rochester MN, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here, your brother Joseph Babinsky. I come to you in the Love of God and in peace and most of all, in gratitude for all your prayers, your love, your accolades. You honour me.

When I realized my time was short, I assessed my life, my journey, the books that I had published, the messages I had received from Martin Luther and others, as well as all my troubles and trials. I realized the great truth, that I simply needed to be in prayer so that I could feel the Love of God outshine the world and so it is. I can hardly wonder at my fears, at my doubts, at my worries which may surprise you. What will truly surprise you will be when you cross over, how each one of you will be greeted with such love, such tenderness, such peace. You will find as I did, it will not be difficult to let go of all those things that concerned you as you begin to walk in light, as the words of the angelic guides reach you and carry the vibration of love, of God’s Love.

I entered here in a place in which you would call the Third Sphere and it exceeded all my expectations. I now progress and look forward to the Fifth and Seventh and the Celestial Realms that I long for. I see there is a way. I see us all connected on this bridge of light from the Earth planes to the highest Heavens.

So, I not only wish to thank you all but to be in prayer with you. I wish to tell my family, my friends, all of my dear ones, rejoice in my life and that I continue to live in light and love. Please send my love to everyone and assure them that I am happy and in wonder in my new life in spirit on the path to Divine Love. It is glorious. I leave you all in the bliss of God’s Love permeating this circle, so many angels here. Oh, if you could see, oh my. I thank my friend Jimbeau for stepping up and taking this message from me. With all my love, I shall join you in the silent prayer.

May God bless you and keep you until we meet again. I am Joseph Babinsky, your friend in the Love of God, in Christ.


Joseph Babinsky was a very dear friend to many of us, and in particular I had a very soft spot for him, as I was the one who had led him to take the Padgett Messages seriously and he journeyed to Australia to catch up with several of us here that he had formed close friendships with. We had many discussions at a time when he favoured a Course in Miracles. He was a prolific producer of spiritual books, several of which were entirely his own work. Within the Divine Love community he was the one that placed all the Padgett Messages he found on my website with dates on them, into a single chronological book. A major research work for our community as reading the messages in the order they arrived revealed a lot we had not observed previously. His books are still available on Lulu.

There is more recent message has been received in April 2023.

But finally Joseph has announced he has passed into the Celestial Kingdom - a pure and divine soul. Geoff Cutler.