True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 1


“Except a Man be Born Again he Cannot see the Kingdom of God,”

John Chap. 3, Verse 3.

What is the greatest thing in all the world?

Prayer and faith on the part of mortals; and love-the divine love-on the part of god. The latter is waiting, and the former causes it to enter into the souls of men. No other truths are so great and momentous to men. Let what I say sink deep into your memory, and try the experiment. I know you do try, but try and then try and never cease trying. Love will come to you and with it faith, and then knowledge and then ownership. Your brother in Christ, SOLOMON*


***** This is from a message from Solomon of the Old Testament, through Mr. James E. Padgett, on pages 281 and 282. Mr. Padgett asked Solomon - What is the greatest thing in all the world? The answer is given above. Solomon is now a very high spirit in the Celestial Heavens.