True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 2
Latham corroborates St. Luke’s message on the “unpardonable sin.”
October 31st, 1915
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Latham.
I was a preacher in the days of the Reformation, and died in England a martyr to my beliefs and preachings.
I merely came to tell you that you must believe in what Luke wrote you as to the unpardonable sin, for I know that it is not true, for many men who on earth denied God and the Holy Spirit, have since coming into the spirit world found the Divine Love of the Father and salvation.
I know it may not have been necessary for me to say this, yet I thought it best to do so, as I was a man and became a spirit long after Luke lived, and that which he said was the truth in my day, and is the truth now.
I will not write more but will say good night.
Your brother in Christ,
Chas. Latham