True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3

Ann Rollins writes that the Master is so close to Mr. Padgett to make him feel like a true brother.

March 24th, 1915

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, your grandmother.

Well, my son, what a beautiful and comforting letter you got from the Master. He was so loving and so interested in your happiness that he seemed almost like a new relative. I mean that in the human sense. Of course, he is nearer to you in love than any of us, because his capacity for loving is so much greater. But he seemed so very human in the sense of coming so close to you and making you feel that you and he are true brothers. I doubt if he has ever come so close to any mortal before, His love for you seems to be a thing of no limitation or bound. He loves you so much that he even lets his love do things which he does not engage in among mortals. I mean in interfering in the material things of their lives. As he said, spirits of lesser greatness and development help mortals in their earthly affairs, and we all wonder that Jesus should make himself so humble, as we say, to do what he has done for you.

But he knows what is best and you should feel yourself among the most blessed of men. I know that you cannot understand this and neither can we, but he is the wisest of us all, and the most powerful, and when he tells you a thing you may believe it.

Of course, his great mission is to teach the wonderful truths of his Father, and he sees the best way to disseminate them among mankind. You have been selected by him for this work and you will do it with all your heart and soul, I know. I know how you feel and you will be able to carry out your desires, for he has decreed it and it will be done. So my dear son, consider yourself as one set aside for this great work, and let all your ambitions and aspirations urge you to its performance.

Well, he knows, and when he said it he knew what your future would be. It is certainly marvelous, and we all thank the Father that you have such wonderful promises. Only pray and have faith, and you will realize these promises.

Yes, I know that you are a very great sinner, but you know this great Love of the Father was created or rather has always been, for the redemption of the vilest sinner who seeks and believes.

Yes, and I was astonished at his answers. They involve so much that you will not readily comprehend their full significance until you have progressed more in your spiritual development.

But know this, that such love as he expressed is sufficient to help you in every time of trouble and to make you a wonderfully bright and happy man and spirit.

His love is past finding out.

Neither do I now, but some day you will and there will come such an avalanche of happiness as will almost transport you to the Celestial Spheres. Oh my dear boy, you have before you a wonderful future of love and happiness if you will only follow the Master’s teachings and do his will, and reciprocate his love.

Well dear, I must stop now as others are here and want to write.

I have met Garfield and have had a talk with him. He is a spirit of wonderful intellect, but of not much spiritual development. I told him of this great love and how it operates and what results it brought to the believing spirits. I think that he was somewhat impressed and is now thinking about the matter and frequently talking to Mr. Riddle on the subject. You will be surprised to learn how Mr. Riddle has progressed in faith and love, and is praying all the time for more light and greater abundance of love. He will soon be in the fifth (spirit) sphere where your father and Prof. Salyards are, and they will find congenial companionship. He will soon write you a long letter telling of his progress. He seems to love you with a very wonderful love and is with you very often trying to help you and comfort you.

Well I must say good night

Your loving grandmother.