True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4

Forrest is gradually coming out of darkness with the help of Helen and Mr. Padgett’s grandmother.

Received by:James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, Edwin Forrest:

Well Ned, I want to write you a few lines, and as your wife is here and says that I may write, I will do so.

I am glad to say that I am in a much better condition than when I last wrote you, thanks to the help that I have received from her and your grandmother, who came to me a short time ago with such wonderful love and such convincing words of cheer and hope. She is the most wonderful spirit that I have seen, and when she speaks to me it is with such authority and convincing power that I just have to learn and follow her advice, or try to do so.

And she prays with me at times, and as she prays there comes into my soul such wonderful and strange sensations that I know that something is coming to me that I am not acquainted with, and I feel so much better and everything gets lighter, the darkness seems to leave me, and I feel like a new man, and I pray too, though I scarcely know what it means.

But this I know, that a change has come over me and hope comes to me and with it some belief that I will get out of my darkness and suffering.

I commence to realize that there must be a God of Mercy and Love, and that He is not inflicting upon me the sufferings which I have endured, and that maybe He will answer my prayer for help and relief from my darkness. Your wife tells me He will and that if I will have faith and pray with all my heart and soul, sometime I may become beautiful and happy as she is. It is hard to believe this but even if I can never become as she is, yet I sometimes think that I may become more beautiful and happier than I am, and I am making the effort.

You pray for me, too. I come to you at times when the other dark spirits come and I don’t understand it, but yet I see that these spirits are made better, and I must believe that there is something in what the bright spirits, to whom these dark ones go, tell them. I am so glad that I can write to you.

No, I have not seen Miller and don’t know where he is.

I will act on your advice and try to find him and do as you say, for even though I am not a bright spirit yet, if I can help him I will gladly do so. I will seek him and the next time I write, will let you know just what his condition is.

So thanking you I will say good night.

Your old partner,
