True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4

Mary is happy when she is permitted to write to Leslie.

November 23rd, 1915

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, Mary Kennedy.

Your wife did not mention my name1 and so I thought that I would tell you myself, for I am of much importance to my dear as any of them that she mentioned. I wanted to tell him that I am right here and close to him, and won’t let even his mother take my place, though I love her very much and she loves me, but she knows that I am entitled to the first place, and that I won’t let anyone take my place.

I am with him nearly all the time, trying to help and comfort him, and make him have good thoughts, and wish for me. So he will understand when you read this to him that I intend that he shall know that I am with him and won’t let him forget me even if he wanted to, which I don’t believe.

I was with you on Friday night, but I did not write or say anything, as his mother and grandmother and sisters and brothers were so anxious to communicate with him; but now, while I am here and have the opportunity which is mine by right of love, I intend to be first to write him. He must not think I am a bit jealous, for I am not; but you know that when a sweetheart has a chance to write to her soulmate, she is going to do it or try very hard. They can write too, but they must wait until I get through, and then they can tell him whatever they wish. So tell him to love and think of me and wish that I may be with him very often.

I am progressing in my soul development and I am very happy; and the only thing that when he is around makes me happier is to have him with me, but that will not be very soon, for he has a work to do before he comes over, and he will have to wait until he does that work.

I am so glad, though, that he has this work, and as he is doing it and helping others, he will also help himself, so that when he does come over he and I will not be separated for a very long time.

I suppose I have written enough under the circumstances, and should let others write, but I certainly wish that I could have one evening when I could take my time, and tell him of a great many things that I want him to know. So tell him that I am not stopping because I want to, but because decency requires it.

He is my own true love, and I love him with all my heart, and sometime he will know what this means.

So with all my love for him and my sister’s love for you, I will stop.

His own true,


Note 1 This message has not been published and has not been preserved as it is not in the archive.