True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4

Riddle writes that he considered Jesus to be a mere man when on earth, who had received a large conception of the Truth, and attempted to teach it. But now he writes that Jesus is the most wonderful of all spirits.

January 20th, 1915

Received by:James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, your old partner:

Yes, it is I, and I am very glad to be able to write to you again. I told your wife that I desired to write and tell you of my progress in spiritual matters and as you were kind enough to give me the opportunity I will try and tell you of how my eyes were opened to the things of the spirit, and my heart to the Love of God.

Well, as you know when you first commenced to talk to me, I did not actually believe in a God or in Jesus or his teachings except as they related to the moral condition of men. When you first commenced to talk to me about these spiritual thing; I thought that you were merely telling me the thing that you had learned in your church or Sunday school, and that they were only intended for men and women of no capacity to think for themselves and only suited to receive whatever the preachers might tell them.

So you see I was not in a very receptive condition of mind to enable me to believe that what you told me had any foundation in fact or truth. Jesus to me was just the same as any other man who had received a large conception of the truth, but he was only a mere man in the sense that what he attempted to teach, he had learned by study and meditation or through some worldly source that I did not know of, at any rate that his teachings were not the result of inspiration or derived from a source any different from what mankind receives other information as to things of nature or of spirit. Well as you continued to tell me that I was mistaken and that there is a source from which all good flows other than the mere mind or conscience of men, I began to think about the matter and when I looked around me and saw that your mother and wife, who claimed that they had received this Love of God, which you insisted was waiting for me to obtain, were so beautiful and happy, while I and my folks were not very beautiful and were not at all happy, I began to inquire the cause and when you told me that their, I mean your mother and wife’s, condition was due to this Love of God, I asked them to tell me about the nature of that Love and the way in which they obtained it.

Your mother, bless her soul, took great pains to instruct me in these things. And then when I learned that prayer was the only way to this Love and when I saw you praying for me with all your heart and in great earnestness I commenced to pray also, but I must confess that my prayers were not accompanied with much faith.

But I continued to pray and every night when you prayed for me and the many others who were with you praying, I tried to exercise all the faith possible and prayed for more faith. This continued for sometime and one day your grandmother who is a most wonderful spirit in beauty and goodness came to me and said that she was your grandmother and was very much interested in me on your account, as well as on my own, and commenced to unfold to me the great efficacy of prayer and assured me that if I would only try to believe and pray to God to help me believe, He would answer my prayers and I would soon find that with my earnest efforts faith would come to me and with faith would come this Love into my heart and with this Love would come happiness and joy.

So I listened to her and tried to believe that what she told me must be true and that she was interested in me and only desired my happiness. I continued to pray, as I said, and one day after I had received some considerable faith I met Jesus and he told me of the wonderful things that His Father had prepared for me if I would only believe and ask Him to give me.

Jesus was so very beautiful and living that I could not resist the influence which came over me and then my faith increased and I prayed with all my heart and soul. At last light came to me and with it such an inflowing of Love as I never dreamed could exist either on the earth or in the spirit world, but it came to me and I felt as if I was a new spirit and felt such happiness as I never experienced before, and then that dear mother of yours came and rejoiced with me and also your beautiful wife who had tried so hard to induce me to seek for this Love.

Oh Padgett, I tell you that in all the wide universe of God there is nothing to compare to this Love of the Father. Let me say that in all my life where only my intellect ruled me, there was nothing to compare with that which came to me with this inflowing of Love.

I am now in the third sphere with many beautiful and happy spirits. Your mother and wife are higher up and are so very beautiful and good that when I am in their company I feel that I will become a much more happy man if I will only try to follow them. Your father has progressed too, and so has Prof. Salyards.

Well my soul is now one that is filled with this Love. My mind is also elevated in its thoughts and not inclined to think of those things which are merely intellectual for I tell you that while knowledge of all of God’s laws and nature’s apparent mysteries is desirable, yet acknowledgement of this Love of God is far and above compare, not only more necessary but more desirable. I would not give the feelings that come to me from the possession of this Love for all the sensation of delight that might arise from the discourse of the most stupendous and important law of the workings of nature.

Let this Love come first and then the other acquirements will only help to show the spirit that God is a God of Wisdom and Power as well as of Love. But as you have read, that Love is the fulfilling of the law. Nothing else is, and the man who has all knowledge and wisdom without this Love is poor indeed.

Jesus is the most wonderful of all the spirits in both Love and knowledge of His Father’s attributes. He is the greatest teacher and knows that the Father’s plans to save and redeem mankind are his and such as he teaches, so you must listen to him, and believe. I am going to try to learn more of his teachings and when I do you shall know what I learn.

Jesus appears to me as the one altogether lovely. He has no competitor and no one who sees him, if he has any of this Love in his soul can fail to know that he is the true Jesus of the Bible and the only perfect son of His Father. I only realized this after this Love came to me. It seems that spirits who have not this Love do not realize what Jesus is or how wonderful and glorious he is. This may seem strange to you, but it is a fact. Only when the spirit has had an awakening of his soul’s love for God does Jesus appear as their great brother and teacher of the only way to this great Love of the Father.

You must not let the things of the material life lead you to think that you may have to wait until you come to the spirit to get this great Love, for I tell you that the man whose soul is open to the inflowing of this Love while on earth is a much more fortunate man than he who waits until his earthly life ends.

If I had only become conscious of this Love when on earth I would have been saved many hours of suffering and unhappiness after I became a spirit.

My own experience is so true to what so many undergo and will undergo that if I could proclaim to every man on earth the necessity of becoming possessed of this Love while on earth, I would do so, with all my might and strength.

I can tell you of my experiences in passing over but I do not think it best to do so tonight, as it would take too long and require more strength than you have tonight. Sometime soon I will do so in detail.I am so glad that I have been redeemed by this great Love and the teachings of Jesus and the help of your spirit relatives and also by the help of your prayer, so much so, that I cannot express the extent of my gladness. Nothing in all heaven or earth can compare with the feelings of joy that come to a soul when it realizes that it is at-one with the Father in live and favor.

Your old partner and friend for all eternity,

A. G. Riddle