Unpublished Messages of James Padgett.

Francis Miller writes.

April 5th, 1917.

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.


I am here and while I cannot write my gratitude as the spirit who just wrote you did, yet I can say that you have helped me some in my progress or rather experience in this land of spirits. I am not a believer in this Divine Love of which these spirits wrote, but I am trying to purify my soul of the recollections of the evils that I did on earth and have made some progress though not very much. But I have hope and am in a condition which shows me that there is no such thing as eternal damnation or standing still in the condition in which the spirit first finds himself in the spirit world.

I find many opportunities to engage in intellectual pursuits and in the exchange of thoughts with spirits who are like myself striving to progress with knowledge of the laws of the spirit world and in the development of their moral qualities. These qualities as here developed bring very great happiness as I have experienced. I am in what is called the Second Sphere and here I have met and am in association with many of my old friends of earth and we have times of great enjoyments.

As you may know when I tell you who I am, that I was of the Quaker belief and of course believed in the influence and operation of spirits and this I find to be true. Many spirits are working with mortals, some good and some bad, and this influence by them is not an imaginary thing for as I now see many poor mortals are caused to do things by the influence of these bad spirits that they shrink from doing and which they would not do if it were not for such influences.

I also try to influence mortals and as you may suppose to do the right, for now I know the right from the wrong and my work is sometimes effective and sometimes apparently of no effect. But this is a part of my work and I thank God that I can be of some use to mortals even though I am unseen.

Well I merely wanted to let you know that I am in a land of such living and am quite happy and at peace with all and I love the Father with my whole soul and am trying to do His Will. I will not write more now but will come again sometime and tell you of some of my acquaintances and your acquaintances of earth and their conditions.

Good night, your old partner, Francis Miller.


This message is not in the published volumes. It was transcribed and presented at the 2014 100th year Anniversary by Paul King. This spirit was a law partner with James Padgett.