Miscellaneous Messages from Dr. Samuels

Dr. Samuels has become a true child of the Father.

October 28, 1954

Received by Dr Samuels.

Washington D.C.


I am here, Jesus.

I am here tonight to let you know that I am pleased with your condition tonight and to confirm that through your persistence in praying for the Divine Love that you have, indeed, become a true child of the Father in the sense that you have gone through the New Birth and are redeemed.1 Only you must know that does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that you are without sin or error but that you have that sufficiency of the Divine Love to enable it to insure your redemption. And I say with all earnestness for you to continue to pray harder and more frequently for this Divine Love of the Father and you will not be disappointed, and will realize all the powers and benefits thereunto pertaining, if not now, then in time to come, here on earth and certainly in the world to come.

And, as usual, I am here to encourage you and to let you know that I am that Jesus of Nazareth who walked the roads of Palestine with my disciples in the days of Antipas and of Herod2 and the Roman centurions and soldiers who filled Jerusalem.

I wish to say that I am going to continue my discourses with you on the authenticity of the Bible until such a time as you may be in that special condition that I may be able to deliver a formal message on the higher truths. But this must depend entirely upon you and your faith that you can take these messages, as well as the condition into which you get through the inflowing of the Divine Love.

Now, I know that you have been investigating the truths of the New Testament with regard to the identity of the Apostles, and you have not been far from your conception of who were the sons of Alphaeus, a somewhat mysterious gentleman who seems to have been the father of three of my Disciples, for it is mentioned in various of the Gospels that not only James and Judas were sons of his but also Thaddeus Levi, the Publican. And it is true that this Levi, the Matthew of the Gospels, was a son of an Alphaeus, which was a common name amongst the Jews of the time, but that this Alphaeus was not the same as the Alphaeus of the two brothers who were also my brothers in the flesh; for the name Alphaeus was that of the Hebrew Joseph, a common name amongst the Hebrews of the time.

I cannot continue with this at the present time because I see you are not in condition to write more on the subject, so I will close now and say good night to you and the Doctor.

Your brother and friend,



1 This is an outrageous statement, and should be contrasted with what Dr. Samuels had to say after his death, that he passed to the First Sphere. The immediately following sentence qualifies this enormously, but still suggests that Dr. Samuels tended to think that receiving some Divine Love made his new birth complete in other words it was simply a religious process. However it is the case that once having received some Divine Love, that soul will never find the Heavens closed against it.

2 It would appear based on this error, that the medium had lost rapport by this stage. Antipas and Herod are one and the same person.