Miscellaneous Messages from Dr. Samuels

Jesus’ father was called Alphaeus by some of the Gospel writers.

Not dated

Received by Dr Samuels.

Washington D.C.


I am here, Joseph.

Yes, I am Joseph, the father of Jesus. I would like to say a few words in corroboration that my son Jesus of the Bible wrote to you concerning my name as hidden in the New Testament, and that you must not have any doubt that what my son writes you is the truth. Fear not, but have faith in the accuracy of the messages that he writes to you. The reason for this hiding of my name from the readers of the New Testament was to prevent the identity of the father who had no faith in Jesus at the crucifixion, but you must have absolute faith in what he tells you is the truth.

Yes, I am Joseph, father of Jesus, and I was called Alphaeus by some writers of the Gospel. And you must know that I was the real father of Jesus in the flesh, regardless of what the New Testament has to say about this.

I am high up in the Celestial Heavens where there are no numbers, but I am not as high up as my son, because his love which he possesses from the Father is greater than that of any other spirit in the Celestial Heavens. And so I will stop now and say, have faith in the Father, which neither I nor my sons had at the time.

Your brother in Christ,
