Miscellaneous Messages from Dr. Samuels

The Sermon on the Twenty Third Psalm.

March 16th and June 2nd, 1955

Received by Dr Samuels.

Washington D.C.


I am here, Jesus.

As I have said before, my teachings in the Nazareth synagogue and in other places in Galilee, such as Capernaum and Magdala, were designed to affirm the moral laws of the Mosaic code, but were also designed to present the Glad Tidings of the Rebirth and the difference in man’s soul which that Rebirth signified. And in these various synagogues and other places, I made use of Old Testament material to infuse into it the new teachings.

I do not wish at this time to reveal to you all of the sermons I used in connection with my teachings, which have been forgotten and never given to mankind except as those were recorded in the Gospels and later emasculated by the copyists, whose incomprehension was responsible for the revisions and eliminations.

Now, one of the best known sermons was the twenty-third Psalm, written by David, and I used this Psalm in my teachings to show the distinction between the old teachings and those which I gave to the people as part of my mission. In this Psalm, God is described as a Shepherd who leads His flock beside the still waters and the green pastures; and this was really a description of Heaven, for there are actually such things to make the soul happy in his Celestial home.

And again, the Psalm gives to the people an understanding that death does not mean the cessation of the conscious personality of the soul, for the Psalm mentions, “Yea, though I pass through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.” And this picture, which the people could understand, really meant that God’s messengers would care for the troubled soul entering the spirit world and that faith in the Father would enable His ministering angels to help the soul to progress in the spirit world to the point where that soul would eventually be happy and live in a sphere of light. And the Psalm describes this by means of the feast, “My cup runneth over,” and the Father’s feast for the soul in the presence of its enemy. And here I showed that the soul with the Divine Love eliminated thoughts of vengeance, or overcoming enemies, away from it, and entertained only sentiments of love for its fellow soul.

And when the Psalm says, “And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever,” I simply meant life in the Paradise of the Hebrews with no certainty of immortality, whereas the soul possessed of the Divine Love obtained by faith in the Father that this Love was now available, and that it could be obtained by earnest prayer to Him, had a consciousness and possession of immortality. Thus I was able to point out the differences in the Psalm when I referred to the natural love of man and when it was applicable to man seeking and possessing the higher Love. And I was able to do this with many Psalms and other passages in the Old Testament, to show the greater glory that comes to the possessor of the Divine Love, available to all who would seek it in earnestness of soul.

I have written enough for tonight, and with my love to you and Dr. Stone, urge you to seek for more of the Divine Love for your soul, as I urged my fellowman to do when I was on earth and a mortal.

Your elder brother and friend,

Jesus of the Bible


Master of the Celestial Heavens