Topical Subjects

given us of His Spirit

The words “given us of His Spirit” are actually more accurate than “given us a share in His Spirit” , for The Holy Spirit is not itself the Divine Love, but serves as a vehicle to transport the Divine Love into the souls of Man (in like manner that it “descended upon” the disciples at Pentecost). We can read so in the only prayer that Man need to offer to the Father, “We pray that Thou will open up our souls to the inflowing of Thy love, and that then may come Thy Holy Spirit to bring into our souls this, Thy Love in great abundance (…)”

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This content originally appeared on Mark Kramer’s web site, but some years ago he did not renew it and the site has disappeared. This content has been copied from the Way Back machine, as I believe his insights are unique. I have not however tried to reproduce this in the same unique visual style he created, but the words are unchanged.