Messages 2002

The year in reflection, and the value of simplicity.

August 17th, 2002

Received by H.

Cuenca, Ecuador.


My dear H___:

One year has gone by since I wrote you for the first time. One year — a good part in the physical life of man, but it does not even constitute one single drop in the ocean of real human existence.

It has been a productive year, and with a smile on my face, I saw how you, on repeated occasions, complained that you had progressed in nothing. The soul’s progress cannot be measured by means of higher revenues or more publicity, no, the criteria are very different. And if you motivate yourself to look behind, you will see that long has been the road traveled, and great the growth of your soul, a growth as you have never before experienced in your life.

But now, I would like to utter a few words on the writings of Lorber, which you have found recently. Read them, whenever you feel inspired to do so. If you will benefit? Reading always benefits man, even when it is only for being sure that this is not the truth. But here, in this case, you have a beautiful example, a criterion for how to evaluate the progress of a soul. Reading a few words sufficed for you to feel disappointed, because you already had the certainty that this was not a revelation made by high spirits. Consider that many people read them without having the same perception, without feeling the cold of the absence of true Love, which you soon felt. There are so many communications between the spirit world and the universe of the mortals, and they perhaps resemble a dense jungle. However, you were able to discern instantly that the way put forth in Lorber’s work only leads to the purification of natural love. However, you will see that it also contains some notion of Divine Love, a very hazy, blurred notion without contours. This idea spreads like shreds of fog through the entire work, without materializing anywhere. This is the “notion” of the spiritual spheres.

One more thing I would like to tell you. You have complained that “Padgett” was too “simple.” Is it true that these messages are too simple? If it is so, then they fulfill the function that we intended for them. Imagine a painter, when he lays hand on a new work. When he paints a landscape, he does not elaborate all details, but focuses on a part of the canvas, which later will attract the attention of the admirers of the picture. The rest of the canvas, he covers harmoniously, but he does not suffocate the important part under a torrent of details. And so we proceeded. We focused on the central message: The existence of Divine Love, God’s Substance, which the Father makes available for all humanity. We concentrated on the principle of soul transformation, the way toward eternal life, toward at-onement with the Father. We described God as a personal Father, filled with Love for all His creation, and especially, for His children on earth. We did not lose time describing the creation of the universe, the formation of the solar system and of earth, we did not describe the beginnings of life and we scarcely mentioned the creation of men. I have said:

“My truths are plain and my teachings can be understood by the simple. Any religion which requires the exercise of the mental faculties to an extent greater than what is required in the ordinary affairs of life, cannot be a true religion; because God has designed that all His children shall understand His truths without the necessity of having a highly developed mind.”

I made it plain that it was my intention to present my Glad Tidings just as I had taught them on earth, two thousand years ago.

Now, in comparison with the aforementioned painter, we had to overcome an obstacle. We could trace the great design of the painting, the concept, but we required another person to actually paint the picture. And that person was Padgett. Showing him how to proceed, he led the paintbrush according to his capacity. The resulting image is not in all its particulars as we had planned it, but when you say that it is simple, focusing on a few central points, vital for men’s salvation, then we have achieved our objective. I will take it as a compliment.

If people look for some natural history communicated by spirits from the beyond, the Padgett messages are definitively not suitable literature for them. If people look for the true way to at-onement with God, and want to know God, how He is, a Loving Father with His Arms wide open to receive all mankind, then they should read them — and what is more important, put them into practice.

Remember the words of the great physicist Stephen Hawking, who wrote that he had found a series of dimensions additional to the commonly known ones, being able to describe them mathematically. Nevertheless, he admitted that in daily life he had problems to even get along within the three dimensions you know how to use. We do not want religion to be an abstract, verifiable mathematical model, firm in its logic, but surpassing men’s mental capacity. We do not want a mental model at all, because the mind is not the key for an understanding of God. We want them to experience God in their souls, which constitute the true door of access to His Kingdom. And also, which of the two attracts you more? The mathematical description of the eighth dimension or a painting by von Gogh, where majestic cypresses flame like living fires towards an anxious sky?

I understand your confusion over the fact that in many so-called revelations the respective mediums present me as being God. I want to remind you that we have attempted, and continue attempting, to communicate our truths to humanity through manifold channels. Moreover, we always need to rely on the mortals’ cooperation to receive these messages, and whose mental disposition largely influences the success of our undertaking. In this sense, James Padgett has served us as a channel of high clarity and fidelity. We cannot prevent spirits from lower spheres from interfering, if the mediums themselves do not ask us to do so, because we have to respect their free will. And even Padgett lived through phases where he neglected the contact with us and dedicated himself to the reception of “scientific” messages, which obviously attracted him strongly. The mediums determine the quality of communication, and tune in to its source.

Jesus is God, so they say. Well, that depends on their definition of God. If god is a spirit whose soul consists of the divine essence, then I am a god, and Judas is a god, and Peter and Andrew and Luke and millions more spirits. However, there is only one Father. None of us is omnipotent, omniscient… we are “gods” in the sense that we are one with the Father in the characteristic of His unconditional Love and His Great Soul’s Divine Essence. The true principle, the Source of the Living Waters of Eternal Life, is the Father, our Father. Therefore, it is good to reserve the word “God” for Him, but do not feel bothered when other people use it in another sense. Time will clear the darkness of ignorance…

Now, coming back to the writings you recently started to read: Learn from them at least one thing: Jakob Lorber dedicated a specific hour every day to write down what that inner voice, which he called “The Lord Jesus Christ,” dictated to him. Learn perseverance, and repeating what Judas has already asked you so often to do, I tell you: Give us time and space. Give us the opportunity to communicate. And remember, you will benefit more than anybody else will.

Do you say that it is impossible to stay every day in the necessary disposition? It is not! I say this emphatically. Pray. Prayer is the key. And although you have achieved great progress when compared to your attitude of years ago, when you never used to pray, now, when you do pray, you know that you can do more, and that your spirituality does not need to be like a straw of grass that sways back and forth as the wind blows. It can be firm and strong as the trunk of a tree, if you give it the nutrients it requires.

Father’s creation is a symphony of infinite Love, and we are the notes. We can become the leitmotif, adding harmony and our personal timbre as God’s instruments. Let us do it.

With these words, I will say good-bye, wishing us all a happy cooperation also in this year. I thank you for your dedication, and I also thank Judas for having granted me this opportunity to talk to you.

I am your brother in the Love,

Jesus of Nazareth

Whose life will unfold before your eyes


© Copyright is asserted in this message by Geoff Cutler 2013