Messages 2003

John Denver’s changed perspective.

January 23rd, 2003

Santa Cruz, California

Received by F.A.B.


I am here, John Denver.

I thank you once again for permitting me to write. The higher spirits who protect you in this endeavor have given me permission, and I feel so privileged to do so.

I did explore many different religions on earth, but I realize from hindsight that I wasn’t able to successfully integrate any one of them. But I did firmly believe in God and the sanctity of His creation, as you can see from my songs.

It seems that many aspects of my earth life are fading away. Indeed, being in the spirit world is such a different experience. I wish I could say that I am happy, but I am not. I have been inquiring and investigating your beliefs. They really seem to be working for you, and also for your colleagues, for you must know that we spirits, no matter what our condition, are permitted to observe mortals. So take comfort in the fact that you are a positive example even for some spirits you know nothing about.

I want to say a word about your music. You must believe in your musical gift more. You must look forward to the time when you will resume composing. You will be guided to do this at the appropriate time. Know that only you can write the music that is the expression of your soul. I know how pleased and honored you feel that I am telling you this. It was felt that I could be of use to you in this way. I have wanted to do something nice for you.

You will eventually come upon Annie’s address, and then you will take a message from me to her. I feel so relieved that you have determined to do this for me. I thank you so much.

Being in the spirit world has made me think differently about a lot of things. I have a better perspective, though I wish I had tried harder on earth to sort of detach from the earthly concerns. Of course, I did feel I was expressing my soul by communing with Nature and advocating for various causes. But, even with all this activity, I think that in some ways I missed the point. Let me explain.

I believed firmly in the oneness of humanity, the sacredness of life, and the one true God. But I often didn’t let these beliefs filter into my personal life. They were what I believed in, but they did not prevent me from erring in some ways in my personal life. The fact that I had those wholesome beliefs did not prevent me from realizing, through conscience, that in some ways I failed.

I want the world to know that neither musical talent nor lofty ideals can prevent suffering in the spirit world if a person has done things that are not right and are unatoned for.

I think I have expressed tonight what I wanted to say. I appreciate your goodness and know that we are now good friends.

Sincerely, John Denver


The first message from John Denver is here.
