Messages 2003

The dynamics of life 1: Evil.

March 21st 2003

Received by H.

Cuenca, Ecuador.


My dear brother:

This morning, as so often during every day, I have been with you. With great interest I have observed you when you read and translated the message from David. In some ways, it surprised you. You did not perceive in the message a strong outcry against war, although it leaves very little doubt that it does not approve of it, stating: “don’t think that just because war is wrong that the Father abandons his children.”

I do not want to analyze with you the whole contents of David’s message, but would rather like to take a very close look at another sentence that surprised you: “… that (that is, starting a war) is a relatively common thing to do.” Why did David say this?

I do not wish to poke my finger into the wounds recently opened by the present war. So, I will not mention the names of the people involved. But we may choose one of the many instances in history when wars broke out, and when wars were started to “eliminate” individuals who constituted a mortal danger to the security of other nations, or even to their own people, which is also very frequent.

One wonders, of course, how it is possible that these dictators, who sometimes were, and are, true monsters of perversion, come to power? And the answer is that they were smart enough to take advantage of the very particular situation in which their people lived: conditions of misery, hunger, hurt pride, political radicalization, etc.

Then, going even farther into the past, we may wonder: Why did these people end up in such situations that served as a culture broth for the formation of extremists? And we see that at the bottom of the development lies another situation or event, which almost inevitably led to this state of the nation, constituting the cause, but not the trigger, of war. We always have to distinguish very carefully between the cause that leads to a dangerous increment of internal pressure, and the trigger that may often even be an event of very little importance, but that all at once, in the course of a certain period of time, under the given situation of high tension, it is sufficient to open the escape valve. And unfortunately, in many cases this valve’s name is war.

In order to illustrate this line of reasoning, we may analyze Hitler’s life, who only because of the tremendous radicalization in Germany was able to get hold of power. It was also influential that Germany’s population felt treated wrongly after WWI. What is more, they suffered from great economic problems: People were hungry, but they had no jobs. All this together, what I have just described, was the consequence of WWI.

In addition, when it could be seen already that a merciless dictatorship developed in Germany, and that Germany set about to expand its territory, occupying Austria and Czechoslovakia, one scarcely heard any voice of protest. What followed was the consequence of the passivity and indifference, even indolence, of the whole world.

We could go back even more to the past and analyze the causes for WWI. It was not the assassination of the Austrian successor to the throne that caused this war. This was only the trigger. The causes, or roots, to use a different term, go back a much longer time and lie much deeper. But I will not abuse your time and I will refrain from analyzing this topic.

What I want to state is that, when you finally search for the roots of the causes that led to WWI, you will have to go much farther into the past, and so ever on, until you finally come to the stone age, and even more, to the act of disobedience of our first parents, which was very soon followed by homicide, as the Bible tells us in its illustrative symbolism.

In each human decision lies some potential for evil. If man gives in to this potential, a chain of events is triggered which leads to a result that we commonly call “lack of harmony.” So many times discussions are started over the issue of whether war may be justified or not. But truly I tell you: The analysis is not so simple, taking into account that this class of decisions is taken after years, decades, and centuries of development that led to a state devoid of harmony. And the people who decide were also born and brought up in an atmosphere lacking harmony, which, of course, also influences their way of thinking.

Each inaccurate decision leads to situations ever more removed from harmony. These situations, for their part, influence the following decisions, and they make it quite probable that these will also be wrong, shifting even farther away from harmony. I call this development “the dynamics of evil.”

I will continue my message later.



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