Messages 2005

The Unhappiness of Louis XIV

July 12, 2005

Santa Cruz, California

Received by F.A.B.


I am here, Louis XIV.

Yes, it is I, the King of France. And oh, how I regret all the suffering I caused through my wars! When I came over here, I was no longer the Sun King, but a most naked spirit, with all my vanity and pretensions of power. Gone was the illusion that I was the VIP of France1, and in its place was the misery of realizing that I had sown worldly power for its own sake, and thus reaped unhappiness. It was not literally the fact that I was king that caused my suffering. It was my misuse of this sacred trust. When I realized all the harm I caused, I couldn’t bear it, and yet I had to. The law was exact and inexorable.

After awhile, I reflected on certain Christian teachings, and they really helped me. I am now a happy spirit, though I could have been so much happier and avoided long years of bitter pain and remorse.

Oh, what the Lord has planned for humanity is so utterly wonderful! Accept everything, both in your life and in the world, and have a great faith and confidence that all is exactly as it should be and has to be.

There is a HUGE army of spirits doing battle with Evil and darkness, and we will prevail.

Thank you for your kindness in receiving this message.

Sincerely, Louis XIV, but now a naked, humble spirit


1 Notes: See this comment

Louis XIV (5 September 1638 – 1 September 1715), known as Louis the Great (Louis le Grand) or the Sun King, was a monarch of the House of Bourbon who ruled as King of France from 1643 until his death. His reign of 72 years and 110 days is the longest of any monarch of a major country in European history. In this age of absolutism in Europe, Louis XIV’s France was a leader in the growing centralization of power. Louis began his personal rule of France in 1661 after the death of his chief minister, the Italian Cardinal Mazarin. An adherent of the concept of the divine right of kings, which advocates the divine origin of monarchical rule, Louis continued his predecessors’ work of creating a centralized state governed from the capital. He sought to eliminate the remnants of feudalism persisting in parts of France and, by compelling many members of the nobility to inhabit his lavish Palace of Versailles (formerly a hunting lodge belonging to Louis’s father), succeeded in pacifying the aristocracy, many members of which had participated in the Fronde rebellion during Louis’s minority. By these means he became one of the most powerful French monarchs and consolidated a system of absolute monarchical rule in France that endured until the French Revolution. (Source Wikipedia)
