Messages 2012

A Chinese Leader’s Thoughts

April 7th, 2012

Berkeley, California

Received by FAB


I am here, Mao Zedong.

I know you wonder that I write to you, but it is I, the founder of the Communist Chinese government. I have had a hard time over here, as nothing of this was known to me. And every Marxist will have a similar fate.

You are wondering why I came to you. Well, I saw your concern about the growth in power of my country’s empire, and I wish to tell you that that system will fall because it is immoral and unjust. In fact, every unjust regime will fall, and in your lifetime.

No matter how passionate and zealous a person may be, if that passion is not based on truth and justice, it will fail. This is not hard to understand.


Mao Zedong , also transliterated as Mao Tse-tung and commonly referred to as Chairman Mao (December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976), was a Chinese Communist revolutionary, guerrilla warfare strategist, Marxist political philosopher, and leader of the Chinese Revolution. He was the architect and founding father of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) from its establishment in 1949, and held control over the nation until his death in 1976. His theoretical contribution to Marxism–Leninism, along with his military strategies and brand of policies, are collectively known as Maoism.

Mao rose to power by commanding the Long March, forming a United Front with Kuomintang (KMT) during the Second Sino-Japanese War to repel a Japanese invasion, and by later leading the Chinese Communist Party to victory against Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek’s KMT in the Chinese Civil War. Mao reestablished central control over China’s fractured territories, with the exception of Taiwan, and successfully suppressed opponents of the new order. He enacted sweeping land reform by using violence and terror to overthrow landlords before seizing their large estates and dividing the land into people’s communes. The Communist Party’s final victory came after decades of turmoil in China, which included a brutal invasion by Japan and a protracted civil war. Mao’s Communist Party ultimately achieved a measure of stability in China, though Mao’s reign was marred by the turmoil of events like his Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, and his efforts to close China to trade and market commerce, and eradicate traditional Chinese culture, have been largely rejected by his successors. Source: Wikipedia

