Messages 2012

being yourself

April 20th, 2012

Received by: Child of God


My child

I love you. You were very stressed yesterday because of a single word you didn’t get quite right. It made you doubtful about our conversations. You also felt a lot of fear. Already yesterday I assured you that you need not have any fear. You are too dear to me that anything could happen to you. I will protect you.

You suddenly realized that there are controversies with respect to what I tell you and also that having these communications with me are somehow extraordinary even though it is possible for all humans. It is good to be anonymous and you just don’t want any fuss about it (your own words). You just want to live your life and that is perfectly fine. You need not to do anything else. I love you.

This morning you woke up with the words “being yourself”.

You are made perfect. You are already whole. Don’t try to be someone else because it is you I love. I want you to understand that. So many of you are trying to be someone else and you then compare yourself to others. Don’t do that. You are a treasure. A gift. You are one of a kind and you have everything you need to be perfectly you. Stop pretending and stop feeling unworthy. Underneath your pretending and feeling of unworthiness is the real you which is beautiful. Instead of being someone else - be you. Use your life to discover your treasures and gifts and let yourself shine. You are a gift to this world. You are perfect.

This was just a short message. More to come.

Loving you always,


