Messages 2012
Guidance comes from God.
September 22nd, 2012
Received by Soulchild
It is me, Judas, dear sister, please write as I want to give you a dictation on the subject of “guidance”. We are helping you to follow the guidance you receive from Father. Your soul’s desire and development will determine where you are going to be and what you will do. We will support you and be by your side.
The guidance comes from God, we are the intermediary and His helpers by guiding/helping you. Thus pray for guidance from God, our Father, and He will direct us to guide you. I hope this is clearer to you now. Always ask God for guidance and if we are prompted though the Law of Activation, we will help you, surround you, “guide” you, lets say steer you so you can follow God’s direction for you.
I am your friend and angel friend and angel helper Judas. I am so glad you reconnected with me as I love you dearly.
Go out and enjoy the day !