Messages 2012

The purpose is for you to feel My Love

August 22nd, 2012

Received by: Child of God


Good morning, my dear child. You felt you experienced a miracle. Yesterday a grand shift took place in your emotional status. Almost from one moment to the next you experienced a complete alignment between your heart and mind. I feel your joy and I rejoice with you. All is perfect.

You have been praying for this change. You were tired. What you experienced is my gift to you. A gift given to you for your honesty. For your willingness to feel what you until now has denied. Like rejection, denial is one of the most important obstacles in our relationship. When you deny an aspect of yourself, you do not love yourself completely. When you are in denial you cannot see yourself as the perfect creation you are. I created you in perfection. Every aspect of you is perfect. All your feelings are perfect. Everything about you is created on purpose. The purpose is for you to feel My Love.

You must first be honest about yourself. You must shed light on that which you have until now denied. The feelings you have until now rejected as inappropriate. There are no such feelings. All feelings are appropriate. They are messages from your soul. Your feelings are your opportunity to become aware of what has been hidden. You must not deny those feelings. Feel them completely. Ask for the message hidden within those feelings. There is a gift for you when you are honest about yourself and ask for the Truth.

I love you. I love you with all your feelings. Yet you are not your feelings. Your feelings are your soul speaking to you. Your soul wants to reveal the Truth for you. And the Truth is we are One.

Go and be free. Spread your wings and fly. I am with you.

Your Father in the Heavens

