Messages 2012

your prayers have been heard

May 29th, 2012


Received by: Joseph


I am here, your friend and spirit guide, Martin -

I see that you have had a rather enjoyable experience; I want to tell you that your prayers have been heard, and that you have received a good portion of the Divine Love.

At a certain point in your experience you recorded that you felt yourself to be in a very large room, much larger than your prayer room. Indeed you did! Your soul visited a different realm. In this room you were in the company of many loving spirits. You did not experience fear when you were in the larger room, but rather you felt loved and accepted.

This is the way it is to be when you see earth changes coming to you and all over the world. Do not allow yourself to entertain fear. Allow fear to pass on by. Do not give it the strength of your attention. Change will not be as difficult or dismal as many have pictured it to be.

I did not come to speak to you of specific changes. This is unnecessary. You will be fine; and so will all others. The important matter is what you experienced today - the growth of your knowledge of the depth and breadth of the substance of the Divine Love. This alone is the crucial thing, not the awareness of this or that specific earth change element.

My message to you and to all others is brief: Learn the lesson of the Divine Love and how it is the most important thing your life - for it is indeed the most important thing in all the universe.

We are one, Joseph.

Your friend, Martin


Note by Webmaster: This message, and another three that will follow, were all received consecutively. This particular day was the occasion of a global joint meditation, and the receiver had been meditating for six hours, prior to receiving four messages.

