Messages 2013

Let’s fall in love.

February 3rd, 2013

Received by Child of God


Let’s fall in love. Put your mind aside and give yourself to me. You are the most wonderful of all my creations. Come and meet me. Let’s make love. In our lovemaking we create the new world. Let all your senses meld with Mine. Be my heart and hands. Be my vessel of creation. We are creators and when we meet in love miracles happen. Our reunion will heal the world.

Only your love can heal the world. Only your heart’s desire will change the world. Everything else is an illusion. Everything else is just paying deeds. Paying deeds will never change anything. Only your hearts true desire will make a difference. Your fear will take you nowhere. Your love will take you anywhere.

If you cannot love, know this is not who you are. You are love. You are made from love and your love is your home. Each and every one of you, my dear children, knows. You can feel it. You can feel the longing, though sometimes ever so subtle, but never lost. I ask of you to follow your love to the knowing of your heart and soul. Your commitment will open the portal to infinity. This is your destiny. This is your path. This is home.

Your Father

