Messages 2013

Only Love will dissolve the illusion.

January 16th, 2013

Received by Child of God


Can you feel my happiness? My love runs over for you my dear children who will soon gather in my Name and Love. Feel the weaving of the great love between us. Imagine the world flooded in our love. Feel how we are connected in The Love.

When you rest yourself in love for each other, peace will come. When I feel your happiness and excitement for being together, sharing my love as well as yours, we are One. By your very thoughts we are connected. My love travels along with you. Without you taking me into your hearts and souls, my Love would not mean anything. I need you. I need you more than ever. I honor you for opening up your heart and soul and letting Me in. I love you for following your souls longing. I know how difficult it is in your world to keep your heart open to the true message of your heart.

From the deepest of your soul your longing grows. Your longing is mine. Let your longing take you even closer to Me. I want all of my children to come home. So many of your fellow humans are living in the illusion of separation. You must love them. Only love will dissolve the illusion and take them into Oneness. I need you to be my light. Let my Love flow through you, giving you strength and courage to love no matter what. Love is the only substance that matters.

I watch over you. Nothing can harm you.

Your Father


The sub-text here is that those with Divine Love in their souls are being asked to step forward, and reach out to their brothers and sisters who also carry the Love. The time for walking alone has passed. So many of us have learnt to walk our spiritual path alone, but now the time has come to join up, and share the Love, and spread the Love.

