Messages 2021 and 2022

Lorna Scott communicates after her passing

November 24th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C., Canada

Received by Al Fike

Here I am. I am here and I shall be here as you are together. I am Lorna and I love you. I have now progressed to the Fifth and I am very happy there.1 Oh what I have experienced and known since I passed from the land of the living as you call it. For indeed the true land of the living is not here on this Earth but beyond it. I have lived, truly lived. I have journeyed, discovered and connected with many, many beautiful souls and learned so much.

I have released so much of the burdens that I carried through my life on Earth. I know a great freedom and joy now, such freedom and joy. You have no idea how joyful and beautiful is this world, the true life that is this world. But you will find out. I want to make this promise to all of you, that I will help you to find the world that is of light and that you, as you continue to grow in God’s Love, will know great rewards when you come to my side of life. Yes, it is good to be humble, it is good to be kind, it is good to be true to yourself, it is good to put aside your apprehensions, your judgements, that which makes you anxious and angry at times. It is good to practice the art of living well and living in the freedom of love so that when you come to my side of life you will be prepared and will fit in so well with those places of light, love and joy.

Do not fear life here on Earth. Have faith that God is going to guide you and show you the way and bring many blessings to you. This is not to say that there will not be challenges, because there are always challenges here. They pale in comparison to the beauty and the wonderment of God’s blessings for each of you.

My beloved friends, Al and Jeanne, know that I did not fully realise the commitment that you have made in your life. The beauty of your life is an expression of God and the Truth of God’s Love. I knew some and I recognised and appreciated you. I must tell you, now that I am in this place and see from the eyes of my soul, I realise that you have truly dedicated yourselves and have found the truth in your life and express it. In this, you are a great example to many people and will continue to be that example. Know that the angels are working diligently to continue to ensure your efforts and your ministry in the world. Have faith in this. Have faith in your continued efforts to grow strong in every way so that you may fulfil God’s plan for you.

There is a lot more coming. So much is coming yet and you need to be prepared and ready for it. Your move is but one part of this readiness because, when you are in your new home, you will feel a sense of venturing forth into the world more readily and more easily from this place. For you have many travels yet to take, many missions yet to fulfil. We will all be there to support you, my beloved friends, my brother and sister in the Love, for whom I have a great debt of gratitude, for you brought this truth to me as you have for many. Know that my commitment is true and is with you, my beloved friends, is with you.

My beloved, dear friend, I am with you often and I know you feel me, sense my presence. You are not alone, you are never alone. For you have many angels and guides and friends of the light with you to uphold you. I know at times you feel anguished and caught in the web of your own feelings and inadequacies. These are of the mind only. For your soul is so beautiful. Dear and beloved Steffanie, you are so beautiful. We are still friends, are we not? Often in your sleep state we are together and we speak of many things of the spiritual and of the true nature of the world, and how God is meaning for the world to be. Do not allow yourself to be in a place of darkness or fear.

I am so, so pleased to see that you venture forth into the material world because these steps will lead to many other steps. Your desires will take you to many other ventures. This will bring a great sense of accomplishment and will allow God to work through you more fully in the world. God needs every instrument who is willing and God knows you are willing. Be that person, be that beautiful soul that you truly are. Don’t let those things that you see as flaws or inabilities hold you back. Because as you step forward in faith, beloved Steff, you will find your way and you will know me as a close friend like you used to in the world. You will know me as a support, as one who truly loves you. We are all family here, and I am so happy that you are all together in this place of light.

May God bless you and keep you in His Love. We continue to grow, don’t we? So much awaits all of us in God’s great universe of Love. I have found a key that opens the treasure chest of knowledge, truth, love, light and joy. I will show you the way towards this. Give me the chance and I will be with you as you journey forward, as you awaken and find your way. I love you. I am Lorna and I love you.

Note 1

Lorna passed away on October 19th, 2016. Her first communication was November 13th, 2016. So she took a few years to reach the Fifth, which is the first “uniquely” Divine Love sphere and solid evidence of her progression in the teachings that came through James Padgett from Jesus himself. This is a pretty reasonable rate of progression, but there is of course no particular race, even as some folks certainly have made a huge effort to reach the Celestial.