My Spiritual Journey.

in 2013….


I continued to be a seeker and was absolutely astounded to find late in my spiritual journey two incredibly good sources that collaborated much of the material received by James Padgett. Both of these were received at about the very same time as James Padgett, yet I did not discover them until many years later. I did ask my angels to find me outher sources that would support the teachings specifically of Divine Loce, and this they did until I knew that while James Padgett was the most accurate and detailed medium covering this topic, certainly others to a lessor degree had done so. These two sources that stand out are The Trilogy by Robert James Lees and the five volume set that I republished which came through an Anglican pastor in England - Reverend George Vale Owen. Somewhat later though the mediumship of a friend Reverend Jimbeau Walsh, Robert Lees explained this was not a coincidence.  

Then, without any warning, in late 2013 I had what many would call an enlightenment experience. It left me changed for sure, but in the immortal words of the Buddha, still carrying water and chopping wood. I had recently found a large group of Divine Love followers in Canada, who had been “under-cover” for about 50 years and been mesmerised by their prayer practices, which I now emulate. We have come to call these “Circles of Light.”  And in a follow-up retreat, in August 2015, we were unequivocally told to share these practices with the world.

Rather ominously Jesus also told us that major Earth Changes are “on the horizon.” Many others have been saying this for years, but to my knowledge this is the very first time Divine Love followers have heard this message, and it is also the first time I have seen a spirit of the stature of Jesus make such a prediction. We live in very interesting times. Al Fike has now delivered a trilogy from Jesus himself which is really essential reading for these times of change.