Spiritual Subjects
Techniques to create Bliss
The SRF (Self Realisation Foundation) is the promoter of Kriya Yoga. This came from the Indian sage Yogananda. It would appear their bliss is from the Divine rather than from the Universe. They are very secretive about their technique, but this page suggests strongly it is “the peace that knows no understanding”. I was very drawn to this Kriya Yoga initially though the well known book “Autobiography of a Yogi”. But in spite of all that I have read, I don’t know for sure if this is Divine based, but I suspect it is. Sadly the definition that they publish of Divine Bliss is not useful, in my opinion. But it strongly suggests they believe it is “of God”. A page of writing from Paramahansa Yogananda gives more insight into his concept of prayer.
I have recently located a quotation of Sri Yogananda that indicates he was indeed teaching Divine Bliss:
“Many people may doubt that finding God is the purpose of life; but everyone can accept the idea that the purpose of life is to find happiness. I say that God is Happiness. He is Bliss. He is Love. He is Joy that will never go away from your soul. So why shouldn’t you try to acquire that Happiness? No one else can give it to you. You must continuously cultivate it yourself.”
However in the last few years Yogananda has been a frequent teacher, coming through two different mediums. He has absolutely confirmed that he did understand that the bliss his Kriya Yoga created was from God and it was his intention as a teacher to get his students to reach out to God. See this message for confirmation.
Divine Love Christians have a well published technique, that you can find on Youtube or on a number of web-sites, including this one. The technique was channeled about 100 years ago. This is the approach I used initially. It has a very significant advantage that it is very fast to achieve. As best I can tell, via Kriya Yoga you will need to spend at least a year, perhaps longer.
A good friend sent me a page written by Gyaneshwari Devi, and this is fascinating, containing absolute evidence that some Hindu do indeed reach Divine Bliss, “the peace that knows no understanding”.
I have also tried a meditation technique described by Glenda Green, again something that was channeled, and described in her book: “Love without End”. This can be found on page 160 of that book. It is about consciously entering your soul which Jesus calls “Sacred Heart”. Once I had achieved bliss using the Padgett approach, I had no difficulty with Glenda Green’s approach. And I suspect that is true of any other approach – once your soul has been trained, you will get an instantaneous result.
I guess, you could look to the New Testament, and study this passage:
Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
That does not have a great deal of detail, but certainly suggests that “opening the scriptures” may be one way. I certainly have had the “glow in the heart” reading some spiritual material. And I have had it with the Bible, but I think some of the messages James Padgett received rank as the best in this regard.
In the Urantia Book, you can read on page 50:
(50.4)3:4.6 Mortal man cannot possibly know the infinitude of the heavenly Father. Finite mind cannot think through such an absolute truth or fact. But this same finite human being can actually feel — literally experience — the full and undiminished impact of such an infinite Father’s LOVE. Such a love can be truly experienced, albeit while quality of experience is unlimited, quantity of such an experience is strictly limited by the human capacity for spiritual receptivity and by the associated capacity to love the Father in return.
Now this quote does not tell us HOW to feel the bliss, but certainly explains why some people can feel bliss to a great extent, and others either cannot, or do not feel much.