Padgett's Messages

All The Padgett Messages In Date Order For 1914 both published and unpublished

These entries are those that were found in the index of messages maintained by James Padgett. Where possible, they have been linked to the messages, and thus now also serve as a chronological index of the messages received. As we now have all the remaining original documents indexed and scanned, some changes may occur over time to these dates, because the dates shown here were inferred, rather than discovered by reference to the original documents. As there are many publications based on the inferred date, I will maintain an index of the changes that need to be made at the end of this page.

Originally we received these records in five parts, the messages of Jesus, Helen, Ann Rollins, the Disciples, and the rest. These have now been recombined in date order to assist with date matching. There appear to be 980 from Helen, 240 from Jesus, and 85 from Ann Rollins, 143 from St John and 65 from St Luke and 140 from the rest of the apostles as well as 807 miscellaneous spirits. This is a total of 2460 communications. (Approx)

Author Title Date of Message
Padgett, John H. - my father tells how to form a band - tells who will be in it - all write - Joe Shillington May 31, 1914
Helen Padgett at the Bahia meeting - did not tell of the love of God - Buddha, Confucius, etc. not the equal of Jesus - but are true prophets she is in the spirit world - describes Jesus and his work - she not in the heavens - her father getting better - his trouble - her mother -my father & mother - describes grandmother - grandfather and grandmother Padgett May 31, 1914
Jesus God is love - refers to my dream of years ago - wants the world to follow his teachings Sept. 12, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father Jesus wrote - he came because he loves me - the real Jesus Sept. 12, 1914
Ann Rollins give your heart to God - be a true seeker of the truth - Jesus of the Bible Sept. 12, 1914
Helen Padgett Jesus wrote: First message Sept. 12, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father happy - Jesus came Saturday night - not an imposter - who Jesus is Sept. 14, 1914
Ann Rollins Jesus - the saviour - need not be a member of any church - with me Saturday night - Rector - Colburn Sept. 14, 1914
Helen Padgett with me - Jesus with me Saturday night - describes Jesus -do not doubt - Rector - wicked spirit - when Jesus will come to us - progressing - her love for her children - her love for me Sept. 14, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother more love - does not believe in hell and eternal punishment - Jesus - he talked to me Saturday night - her soulmate - Helen my soulmate Sept. 15, 1914
Ann Rollins God is a spirit - teachings of Jesus’ - love him - defines the new birth - our will- Holy Spirit, what - Jesus still teaching - how he will come - one God ; Sept. 15, 1914
Helen Padgett God a spirit - Mrs. Eddy’s teachings Sept. 15, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father my work - Jesus - born from above - teach the truths - stock market - I will get married - describes her - my children - mother not his soulmate - names her Sept. 18, 1914
Helen Padgett sometime I will see her - home with her parents - her father mother - uncle and aunt - her father’s experience - Prof. Salyards great student - what he says - expresses her love - past differences - Nita - Edward & Harry and their wives - my future wife - Christian Scientists Sept. 18, 1914
Jesus be of good cheer - defines the new birth - advice - the will - what makes the change - what he meant by the way, the truth and the life - not God - son of God - not worship him - no trinity - he the teacher of truth - Holy Spirit the messenger of love - I may develop - God son of Joseph and Mary Sept. 24, 1914
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide names spirits present - must believe that she is Bright Star - came to help me - Mrs. Ripple’s - tells who wrote on Saturday night - Jesus - in 4th sphere - spirits spoke to me at séance - the light - A. Colburn - she is more than Indian Squaw - has spirit side to her Sept. 24, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother it was the true Jesus who wrote Sept. 24, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father Jesus wrote - the true Jesus - no impostor Sept. 24, 1914
Ann Rollins the true Jesus wrote Sept 24, 1914
Helen Padgett (added, not originally here) Sept 24, 1914
Helen Padgett at Colburn’s - Mrs. C. wanted to talk - Fannie - her soulmate A.C., his soulmate Sept. 27, 1914
Ann Rollins home in 7th sphere - all the blessings the Father promised - describes her home - friends - her work - not singing all time Sept. 28, 1914
Jesus be not discouraged - pray - will know that he is the Father’s only son - not conceived by the Holy Ghost - his father, Joseph - born free of sin - his love human as well as spiritual - many errors in Bible - Mrs. Eddy’s teachings Sept. 28, 1914
Helen Padgett Nita - how Helen thinks of her - my father and mother not soulmates - I have changed - can develop in earth life - she will progress - not yet in spirit world of song and flowers and lovely homes Sept. 28, 1914
Jesus love of God and needs of mankind - love reaching out for every man - let the lost be the objects of your efforts - opportunity to teach all mankind - the work which the Father has decreed you to do - you are the instrument I wish to use - my love and power will guide you - your own soul be first purified - the world needs a new awakening Sept. 29, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father do not let dark spirits write - break rapport - only band - law of spirit world Sept. 30, 1914
Rollins, Wm. H. in earth plane - Jesus - help him Sept. 30, 1914
Helen Padgett at Colburn’s - Fannie losing her powers - her mother - home in T.P. (Takoma Park ) - Nita - annuity - the woman I am to marry Sept. 30, 1914
Jesus not to be too anxious to have the mysteries of God explained - will later - I am the messenger that he shall use - will explain qualities of soul and spirit preexistence - go to the Lord in prayer - book I read - believe that he is Jesus - his chosen one - things of this world - promises - good wife Oct 5, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father home in T.P. - business - market - Nita - Mr. Glaze - advice - Jesus wrote - selection - Harry - Edward - children Oct. 5, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother Jesus - wrote - believe - selection Oct. 5, 1914
Ann Rollins believe that Jesus writes - the true Jesus - evidence -what he will teach - you will not go wrong in what you write - he helps you - all spirits do not know him - Helen - my soulmate - Colburns - ancients - Jesus not up in the heavens - baptism - worship - salvation Oct. 7, 1914
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. promise to write much in future - poems - a little child -seeking the truths - mother - Jesus - his works Oct. 8, 1914
Helen Padgett progressing Oct. 8, 1914
Helen Padgett personal - description of Fannie - the Colburn’s - grandmother - trying to get God’s love - her parents - Bert - manifestations to be - Dr. Holler - his soulmate - his wife’s soulmate - how she learns of soulmates - client who was killed Oct. 10, 1914
Helen Padgett Simpson tried to impersonate - describes him - pray - she is learning to love God more - must give up certain things - Jesus comes to me at prayers - effect of my work - churches - Christian Scientists -grandmother - Mrs. Riddle - our loves past and present - our children - our writings Oct. 11, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father soon get into 3rd sphere - Jesus - grandmother - Lincoln - Washington - Grant - preachers - Pope Pius X in 3rd sphere - Taggart - mother my -brothers - my selection - Germans will be beaten Oct. 13, 1914
Ann Rollins evil spirits - she is progressing Oct. 13, 1914
Ann Rollins Nita - Edward - the book of Jesus’ messages - its truths explained by him - Harry Oct. 14, 1914
Helen Padgett love - Jesus says - must believe more - grandmother says - Jesus true friend - Christian Scientists -Spiritualists not teaching true religion - Holler wrong - the truth - will attend séance - Mrs. Kates - repeats what she hears - what I will become Nov. 3, 1914
Ann Rollins spiritual truths - must be born again - God’s love - seek - first love God - Christian Scientists - do not teach new birth - nearer truth - my power - Jesus - my selection - Nita - her guardian angel - Edward & Harry - Ike -Helen’s progress - her love for me - Mr. & Mrs. Kates - their condition - do not attend meetings very often - séances Nov. 4, 1914
Helen Padgett evil spirit (Simpson) tried to write - Jesus says - spiritualists meeting not beneficial - Mrs. Kates - Mr. Kates - controlled by Irish spirit - she would enjoy higher spiritual messages - she saw the scenes - pains - ideas on healing wrong - happy - songs Nov. 7, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - must believe what she tells me about Jesus - he has selected me - advice - Mrs. Eddy - Colburn - his book - my wife to be Nov. 8, 1914
Helen Padgett at church with me - I did not get full benefit - worship in spirit and in truth - grandmother dictating - Helen does not understand God’s love –must not worship Jesus as God - love Jesus - his blood - your friend - pray to the Father Nov. 8, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - 5th sphere - describes home - lives with father’s soulmate - father progressing social life - what they eat Nov. 9, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father business advice - happy Nov. 9, 1914
Helen Padgett market - cannot see the future - judges from facts - Nita grandmother - with me - mother - Iike - father Nov. 9, 1914
Ann Rollins Jesus does not want to be worshipped as God - he is a son of God - Holy Spirit not God and not a medium of Jesus - new birth - Jesus not present at various meetings, but his truths are - work of Holy Spirit - of itself able to carry love to all - what Jesus meant by two or three being gathered together - Jesus has limitations of person - can direct Holy Spirit - his powers - who Christ is - Jesus the Christ of God - Jesus the man - churches - Jesus blood - what saves - he never taught the doctrine of vicarious atonement - God of love - men suffer only because they have violated His laws - man not the object of God’s anger Nov. 11, 1914
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide guide of Mrs. Ripple - the Colburn’s - guides left Fannie - her father will pass soon - new birth - Mr. Slack - in 5th sphere - grandmother - mother - father - spirits with only intellectual development - soul development - Jesus - moral man - ancients - Arthur Colburn - she wrote - I the only one who knows that she is a spirit redeemed - longs for love not merely of the material kind. Nov. 11, 1914
Helen Padgett Bright Star wrote - she is very spiritual Nov. 11, 1914
Helen Padgett at Colburn’s - love of God - happy - her love for me - Bright Star - her work at Mrs. Ripple’s - a description of her Nov. 12, 1914
Padgett, Thomas - my father’s uncle my father’s uncle - died in 1831 - 4th sphere - spirits write to me - let him come again Nov. 14, 1914
Helen Padgett our love - something holds her back from loving God - go to Mrs. Miller - White Eagle - treatment Nov. 14, 1914
Helen Padgett Spiritualists’ Church - White Eagle - treatment - a Chickasaw - describes my condition - humanity yearning for truth - voices - form band - love - helping her - Jesus - what he says Nov. 15, 1914
Helen Padgett nearer God - soon to be in third sphere - love - White Eagle Nov. 16, 1914
Helen Padgett Nita - where we will live - personal - marriage - God more real to her - homes - her parents - her change -grandmother - Mr. Riddle - Prof. Salyards - White Eagle - my liver - slate writing - voices - Colburn’s Indians - her love Nov. 18, 1914
Helen Padgett music at Colburn’s - the past - my treatment - White Eagle - talking and slate writing - Bright Star - music - she talks - true consolation - messages - who should be in circle - lights - will be at photographers - God’s love - mother and grandmother Nov. 19, 1914
Helen Padgett happy - I have helped her progress- trying for faith - Jesus - my love - to be her husband in spirit land - White Eagle - Bright Star Nov. 21, 1914
Helen Padgett happy - her love and faith - soon to be in new home - progress - real love - has new birth - at photographer’s - at Colburn’s - Dr. Holler - Syrick’s mother - his soulmate - her message Nov. 22, 1914
Helen Padgett comments on lecture - the only salvation for humanity Nov. 24, 1914
Helen Padgett séance at Colburn’s - will soon progress Nov. 25, 1914
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. Helen in her new home - describes her Nov. 27, 1914
Helen Padgett in third sphere - so happy - loving God - cannot describe her home love makes it beautiful Nov. 27, 1914
Helen Padgett refers to photographs - disappointment - happy - describes the spirits in the photographs - her new home - refers to the evil spirit who wrote - her love - grandmother - father - not dependent on place for her happiness Nov. 23, 1914
Simpson, Charles W. - an evil spirit he came impersonating my father - he speaks of the spirit photographs and explains who the spirits are - I charge him with being an evil spirit - he then curses and shows his true character - I then talk to him of God’s love and won’t let him go - he doesn’t want to be saved - don’t pray for him - says I am torturing him - and wants to leave - promises to pray and ask help - never heard of Jesus Nov. 28, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father spirit was an evil one - he is trying to pray - mother trying to help him - never known love - photographs - Helen in 3rd sphere - his condition - condition of Helen’s parents - must believe that they write Nov. 28, 1914
Helen Padgett (Helen wrote this message but it was dictated by Ann Rollins) describes her home - the old songs she sings - fruits and nuts - music - when she is with me - my love necessary for her - love will keep us one - parents and children - love for God - will strive to progress - I can progress on earth - have same soul now that I will have in spirit life - reaping not necessarily in spirit life - grandmother entered the 5th sphere - Holy Spirit, messenger of love - God’s love for his children - Jesus the way and the truth and the life - not a question of church - individual matter - new birth the fundamental principle - writing at dictation of grandmother - Jesus will teach in his writings - describes her home Nov. 30, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father at Mrs. Ripple’s séance - sent a message by my friend Dec. 3, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother the Lord provide - the churches - Mrs. Eddy sees her mistakes on spiritualism - in same plane - says she is sorry for the mistakes of teaching that spirits do not communicate Dec. 5, 1914
Ann Rollins do not think so much of material affairs - give more thought to God - Nita - believe that we communicate with you - séances - Bright Star - White Eagle - my band formed Dec. 5, 1914
Helen Padgett describes séance at Colburn’s and what spirits were present - séance at Mrs. Ripple’s - Uncle Bill and Fred - Takoma Park - the various churches - spirits leaving Colburn’s - Bright Star - White Eagle Dec. 5, 1914
Helen Padgett a most beautiful love letter Dec. 6, 1914
Helen Padgett describes the way in which she writes to me - no subconscious mind - describes operation of brain and thought - Mr. Riddle will explain more satisfactorily - studying laws of physical and psychical sciences - I will have the opportunity to have an expression in clairvoyance, clairaudience and inspirational communication - how she loves me - the love of God the great thing - I will be happy when I come over - home is not beautiful if love is not there Dec. 8, 1914
Helen Padgett Her experience in passing from earth to spirit life Dec. 9, 1914
Helen Padgett wicked spirit - how he feels - Jesus - his disciple - prayers answered - why dark spirits listen to me and not to the high spirits - laws governing spirit control - White Eagle - cured headache - her love - contrast between worry and love - studying - power to write and paint - describes her home - her happiness Dec. 11, 1914
Ann Rollins tells about things of the spirit - get more love - God is waiting - do not doubt - the only thing, the Father’s love - Holy Spirit - God of love - keep praying - man has a will to either accept or reject - no man forced to love God - it cannot be defined - results can be felt - what it is - Helen’s progress Dec. 12, 1914
Helen Padgett happy - personal Dec. 12, 1914
Ann Rollins in condition to go to 5th sphere - not same Helen as on earth - her love for me Dec. 13, 1914
Helen Padgett our love - what Colburn’s thought of her messages - can read their minds - bound in creeds - Mr. C’s beliefs - Fannie - Arthur - Syrick impressed -visiting them -class of spirits - Bright Star - new birth - happy - tried to speak Dec. 13, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father I am progressing - his want of faith - hopes for success Dec. 14, 1914
Ann Rollins father’s condition - I am blessed - describes father’s progress - my work - mother - my faith Dec. 14, 1914
Helen Padgett what Jesus says - don’t doubt Dec. 14, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father happy - experience in passing to 3rd sphere - soulmate - love in his heart - my faith - Jesus - living with soulmate - his work - Fred’s condition - he is my father - Helen’s home - White Eagle - Ike Dec. 15, 1914
Ann Rollins father writes - describes his condition - new birth - my faith must pray - Jesus - my imagination - powers to be given me - miracles - devils - refers to devils going into the swine - I caused him to write Dec. 15, 1914
Helen Padgett my father happy - with her - all happy - his soulmate - Jesus & Holy Spirit Dec. 15, 1914
Riddle, Albert G. talks about laws of spirit control over human beings - spirits and humans not very different - describes - still thinks as he did on earth - own efforts - mother’s ideas - change in father and Helen - grandmother - Jesus - does not believe - not very happy - laws of spirit world - I can receive his thoughts - discusses rapport - I am writing what he really expresses - subconscious mind - only two sources of thought - consciousness - dreams - memory - what is thought - what prevents spirits from progressing - Prof. Salyards - Mrs. Riddle and Bert - their condition - prayer - my father - what he thought on earth. Dec. 16, 1914
Ann Rollins God’s help - Jesus will write - advice Dec. 16, 1914
Helen Padgett made impression on Mr. Riddle - prays - spirits listen to me - she does not understand why they do - advice Dec. 16, 1914
Jesus too much worried to receive his messages - trust more the Father will help - promises - turn thoughts to God Nita - he is the true Jesus and the men were his disciples - still working - his sitting on the right hand of the throne - his sphere - God’s love around men but not necessarily in or of them new birth - moral excellence - happiness - his love for me Dec 17, 1914
Ann Rollins Jesus wrote - his love for me - he was the real Jesus - believe - Mr. Riddle’s condition Dec. 17, 1914
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. has experiences in spirit life - his regeneration - thought mere intellectual acquirements all that was necessary - found otherwise - studied spirit laws - true happiness in possession of God’s love - advice - in 3rd sphere with Helen - my mother taught him - divine love - happiness - his work - grandmother - his thanks - Mr. Riddle’s beliefs and condition - describes my father’s passing to a higher sphere - describes Helen and her love - not met his soulmate Dec. 18, 1914
Helen Padgett refers to Prof. Salyards - letter - Jesus - I must trust him - will write his messages - his love - soulmates - will find Prof. Salyards - Mr. Riddle’s condition - my father’s likes Dec. 18, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - father - soulmate - she is not - glad Helen is mine - mother’s soulmate - I am favored - Jesus - be careful of my gift. Dec. 20, 1914
Helen Padgett my condition - Syrick & Wood - Jesus talked - photographs - Jesus has never appeared to any man either by way of clairvoyance or photography - my dream - a warning - man the mirror of his thoughts - memory - dreams - what she saw at Colburn’s - Syrick’s mother & soulmate there - Syrick will not live long - will die suddenly - Rose’s message - Syrick will soon be with her - Rose in 3rd sphere - Holler’s ideas of religion - love Dec. 20, 1914
Helen Padgett she is with me - my cold - where I must live - Nita - my marriage - tells what is in Colburn’s memory Dec. 24, 1914
Helen Padgett (night) - God’s care - cares make captive - turn thoughts to God - Jesus - my selection - grandmother - all present - the night of her progression - she is happy Dec. 25, 1914
Jesus what he desires me to do - give thoughts to God - let all my thoughts turn to the mission which he has selected me to do - he has chosen me to do his work - soon commence messages - do not think I am not worthy - remove all obstacles -only his Father’s son - not to be worshipped as God - my brother and teacher - prayer faith - many things in Bible not true - to forgive sin he could not forgive sin - only as God’s instrument could he forgive sin -church has no authority Dec 25, 1914
Ann Rollins refers to Jesus’ message Dec. 25, 1914
Helen Padgett added Dec. 25, 1914
Helen Padgett Merry Christmas - lonesome - all with me - Jesus - she is doing the writing - Jesus risen from the dead - in his home waiting for the people to stop worshipping him - worship God alone - what he intends to write through me - her father Dec. 25, 1914
Helen Padgett my state of exaltation - happy - God’s love Dec. 26, 1914
Helen Padgett (night) - spiritualist’s church - Mrs. Kates - her condition - her husband - the work of her messages - the spiritual condition of her hearers - her belief of Jesus - the Irish control - our love Mr. Riddle’s soulmate - Prof. Salyards has met his soulmate - my prayers - what Jesus says - my selection - if we had known on earth that we are soulmates - her father - his doubts as to Jesus Dec. 27, 1914
Riddle, Albert G. present spiritual condition - something more in the teachings of Jesus and prayer than he thought - intellect would never take me to the sphere of happiness - prayer and faith - has felt the result of prayer - must obtain a change in my condition -comparatively happy - I am changed - cause - cannot understand - my work - Jesus - doubts - Mrs. Riddle and Bert - darkness - not his soulmate - Helen and mother - her beauty - Prof. Salyards. Dec. 27, 1914
Helen Padgett happy - my faith - advice - Jesus wrote - don’t know why I was selected - he is with me often - my future - grandmother - my progression - our love - Riddle - he will write Dec. 27, 1914
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. 3rd sphere - God’s love - may recite poem - selected for the work - found soulmate - Helen - her love - love in spirit life - his son Joe - my mother - Ambrose H. - his father Dec. 28, 1914
Rollins, Wm. H. Jesus - better spiritually - prayers - Fred - Sis - Jim - spirits write Dec. 28, 1914
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide my love for Helen - not mere Indian Squaw - love of spiritual things - my work - refers to her work at Mrs. Ripple’s - voices at Colburn’s - father sent me a message from Mr(s). Ripples - automatic writings - Mrs. Ripple an honest medium Dec. 29, 1914
Helen Padgett personal - names mean nothing - refers to reading Colburn’s memory - her love - her work - conditions necessary to communicate - Riddle’s soulmate - met spirits of persons whom she knew on earth - power to find soulmates - many spirits do not know that they have them - meet and pass by - incident - what my soulmate will do when I pass - tells her great love - prayers Dec. 29, 1914
Helen Padgett our love - tried to talk - Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s séance - Collier - Dr. Stone’s erroneous beliefs -advice - God’s love - his soulmate - she sends messages Dec. 30, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father happy - Helen with me - her love - soulmates - how found - his and Helen’s duty - spirits work - Riddle - Mackey - Taggart - conversation with Mackey - argument with Taggart Dec. 31, 1914

Continued 1915 index.

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