Padgett's Messages

The Rest Of The Spirits In Date Order

There appear to have been 807 messages from the rest of the spirits.

Author Title Date of Message
Aaron - the brother of Moses a powerful man when on earth Aug. 12, 1915
Aaron - the brother of Moses confirms Beecher’s discourse on immortality - describes conditions when he lived on earth - divine love Oct. 23, 1915
Abdullah ben Califf - Mohammedan interested in my work - not a churchman - priest of the Mosque - keeper of the sacred carpet of the Prophet - Mohamet still preaching - sphere - only one wife - suffering June 22, 1915
Albright, Leander knows the reality of the Divine Love - many in the higher spiritual spheres do not know it - why - his work - difficulty November 1, 1916
Aleyabis- Persian - follower of Zoroaster knows nothing of new birth - would like to learn what it means - our heaven Aug. 20, 1915
Aman - the first parent instead of Adam first parent - hard for men to believe - their paradise - the fall and the cause - his creation - no human beings before Aug. 29, 1915
Aman - the first parent instead of Adam his ambition - disobedience - his creation the highest - God’s gift - Jesus Sept. 7, 1915
Anaxylabis - the Egyptian designer & builder of Great Pyramid - condition of human race - records lost - describes his people - why he came - how he learned my language - where he lived July 22, 1915
Amon - the wife of Aman first mother of human race - before them no human beings existed - how created - fall - immortality - life before fall - cause - Bible description of creation Aug. 30, 1915
Amos, the Prophet heard message of Leytergus - prefers story of Genesis - never seen first parents - divine love Aug. 10, 1915
Amoulomol lived thousands of years ago near North Pole - race extinct land also Aug. 31, 1915
Anabalexis - of the Atlantis continent was ruler - came to tell of its history -my band said I was too tired to write July 22, 1915
Bacon, Francis miracles in the Bible - healing by spirits and the operation - laws controlling - “The material of the universe is not confined to or entirely comprised in what mortals may suppose to be the only material.” “What is of itself material is always material” - the materialist being in error as to the material world, how can he be right as to the spiritual Nov. 20, 1918
Bacon, Francis a message on the material of the universe Dec. 1, 1918
Bacon, Francis on the identity of spirits - what the proof is - those who demand proof, satisfaction to their physical organs, will never become convinced - defines nature Jan. 6, 1919
Bacon, Francis (added) May 26, 1919
Baha’o’lah - Persian founder of Bahai Faith what I am (no archive record) Dec. 9, 1916
Baldwin, Stephen J. lived many years ago - died in 1769 in faith of church - and awakened in darkness - and so continued for a long time - found it difficult to believe - importance of having right beliefs Jan. 20, 1916
Barton, Clara founder of Red Cross -her society - its needs - war with Mexico - in earth plane - will take my advice Apr. 14, 1916
Beecher, Henry Ward discourse on Immortality -his beliefs on earth and in spirit world - Jesus - his resurrection July 5, 1915
Berger, Fred has learned the secret to true happiness - third sphere - present when high spirits write - on earth an unbeliever - remained so for a long time in spirit world - suffering - awakening - mother - Uncle William Oct. 4, 1916
Bismarck his opinion as to the causes and ending of the War - Germans will win - saw Lafayette and Washington writing Aug. 1, 1915
Bismarck on cause of war - defense of Germans - condition of Germany Feb. 1, 1917
Bismarck opinion of war - Germans will sue for peace before Aug. 1 - condition of German people - monarchy soon cease to exist May 16, 1917
Bismarck on the War - its ending & cause Dec. 27, 1917
Bismarck on the War Jan. 22, 1918
Blackfoot, John - an Indian Christian - love of God - my Indian guides Oct. 10, 1915
Blaine, James G. my work - intellectual pursuits - interested in affairs of country Sept. 14, 1915
Blaine, James G. speaks of condition of country as to the war - advice to Wilson - knows the plans of … Feb. 1, 1917
Bonaparte, Helene (Hortense) - Napoleon’s step daughter condition of herself, mother and Napoleon - when on earth and in spirit world Oct. 27, 1915
Bonaparte, Josephine anxious to write - Catholic on earth - purgatory - doctrine harmful in light - Napoleon interested in earth affairs - soulmates Apr. 3, 1917
Bonaparte, Napoleon - French Emperor still ambitious - interested in war - visits camp - Josephine Nov. 1, 1915
Briggs, Emily W. a new experience - confused - earth plane - darkness - goes with Helen Apr. 23, 1917
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide names spirits present - must believe that she is Bright Star - came to help me - Mrs. Ripple’s - tells who wrote on Saturday night - Jesus - in 4th sphere - spirits spoke to me at séance - the light - A. Colburn - she is more than Indian Squaw - has spirit side to her Sept. 24, 1914
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide guide of Mrs. Ripple - the Colburns - guides left Fannie - her father will pass soon - new birth - Mr. Slack - in 5th sphere - grandmother - mother - father -spirits with only intellectual development - soul development - Jesus - moral man - ancients - Arthur Colburn - she wrote - I the only one who knows that she is a spirit redeemed - longs for love not merely of the material kind. Nov. 11, 1914
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide my love for Helen - not mere Indian Squaw - love of spiritual things - my work - refers to her work at Mrs. Ripple’s - voices at Colburn’s - father sent me a message from Mrs. Ripple - automatic writings - Mrs. Ripple an honest medium Dec. 29, 1914
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide Mrs. Ripple’s séance - why she appears as Indian squaw - Helen - pray - Syrick - Colburns spirit friends - my work with dark spirits - saw Jesus writing June 8, 1915
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide progressing - will soon be in seventh sphere - glad I went to Mrs. Ripple’s - gets Mary - refers to Edward - messages I receive - she hears them - Mr. Morgan - his mortal friend Catholic Mar. 30, 1916
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide invites me to séance Sept. 14, 1917
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide Mrs. Ripple has come to spirit world - was with her when she came - her soul condition - her séances - good woman - will have to answer the law - B.S’s work ended - another medium will use up - glad her work is ended - sometime hopes to make her voice heard June 13, 1919
Brown, John - of Harpers Ferry fame principles for which he died have been established - still fighting - discourse on liberty - rights of men - religion - golden rule - brotherhood of men - the present war Aug. 1, 1915
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett listened to messages - Prof. Salyards - is a happy spirit - not the happiness that she saw in the other spirits - their love - first time ever attempted to write - many spirits around me - wants to know what the love is - goes with Kate Stone June 16, 1917
Bunyan, John wrote Pilgrim’s Progress - belief in Jesus as God, etc. wrong - divine love Sept. 13, 1915
Bunyan, John interested in my work - heard grandmother’s message - refers to his earthly troubles - man not born for trouble - law of compensation - divine love - their workings - Father never gives a special dispensation - the law of love the greatest love and supplants all other laws Jan. 9, 1917
Burroughs, Laura - cousin unhappy - wants help - don’t understand her condition - grandmother - mother - Helen Mar. 29, 1915
Burroughs, Laura - cousin has progressed - thanks - Helen - Belle - Manda - higher spirits Apr. 13, 1916
Burroughs, Laura - cousin Laura Burroughs writes that she is so grateful to know the truth (added) Apr. 18, 1916
Burroughs, Laura - cousin progressing - grandmother - mother - Helen June 20, 1916
Burroughs, Laura - cousin progressing - husband in spirit world - dark plane - not soulmate - has met him - name Henry W. Spaulding - describes how they met - Helen Jan. 19, 1917
Burroughs, Laura - cousin progressing - Belle in 5th sphere - husband in darkness - not met soulmate June 18, 1917
Butler, George H. describes the hells, and his life therein and on earth Jan. 5, 1916
Butler, George H. redeemed - progressing - how the love came to him - in 3rd sphere - gratitude - the conditions of the Butler in hell and the Butler now Nov. 22, 1918
Butler, George H. describes his home Mar. 15, 1919
Byerly, Peter D. his condition - his wife - Cousin Sally wrote Oct. 29, 1915
Byerly, Peter D. writes of his progression Nov. 22, 1915
Byerly, Peter D. describes his experience and progress since last he wrote Mar. 2, 1918
Caesar, Julius in darkness - why - position on earth does not determine position in spirit world Sept. 16, 1915
Caesar, Julius has followed advice - in a much better condition - light is breaking - realizes that his fate as once concerned is not his fate at all - his viewpoint changed - what he thought when he first entered spirit life - bewails his fate - thankful that he came to me - what he then thought of me - the workings of his mind - his experience - death the great leveler - what be now is - how he was considered on earth - the love is real Dec. 13, 1916
Caesar, Julius grateful - went with grandmother - so kind - like Brutus - his estimate of her - will come & write - at one time Caesar could write Dec. 20, 1916
Caesar, Julius progressed out of his hells - third sphere - refers to Prof. Salyard’s advice - prayed - the divine love - describes his redemption - with me many times when spirits were writing -many spirits present, anxious to learn the truth - his regrets - would shun the bright spirits - gratitude May 1, 1917
Caesar, Julius progressed much since he last wrote - gratitude - wants to write Dec. 3, 1917
Calemabis - the Egyptian wants privilege of writing - lived long prior to history of Egyptian people - ruler of one of the tribes - on Upper Nile Jan. 21, 1916
Calhoun, John C. writes of international affairs - still interested in his country - his doctrines - the present condition of his country what the government should do - peace - Mr. Wilson - Germany - been trying to reach the ear of the President - war is here Feb. 25, 1917
Calif of the Blessed Allah follower of the Prophet - Mahomet - Koran - Baha’o’llah - an impostor & traitor - outcast from the heaven of the Prophet Dec. 9, 1916
Caligula - Roman Emperor - Gaius Caesar murderer of Christians - sufferings - hell - conversion - Jesus - soulmate Oct. 11, 1915
Caligula - Roman Emperor - Gaius Caesar the mind, body & soul - operation of soul development on mind after death Oct. 25, 1915
Calvert, Clara - Eugene Morgan’s soulmate message to Eugene Morgan Oct. 21, 1915
Calvert, Clara - Eugene Morgan’s soulmate message to Eugene Morgan Nov. 11, 1915
Calvert, George C. judge - New Market - dark plane - first in the hells - help - Prof. Salyards comes to him Jan. 31, 1917
Calvin, John interested in the work - divine love - wants to get in rapport so he may write of things important to mortals June 20, 1916
Campbell, Alexander - founder of Campbellites plan of man’s salvation - erroneous doctrines Oct. 28, 1915
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. - spirit doctor to J.P. I need attention - gives directions - diet - Sir Walter Scott wrote story - tuberculosis (cure for?) Aug. 2, 1915
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. describes my physical condition & advises me Aug. 21, 1915
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. on Mr. Colburn’s sickness - on Dr. Stone’s powers Nov. 9, 1915
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. not satisfied with change in prescription - Caroline’s condition - will try to help her Feb. 15, 1916
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. describes Robinson’s condition - collapse will come suddenly - with Dr. Stone when he is giving treatments & makes suggestions to him Dec. 13, 1916
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. glad to write again - I have nothing specially the matter visited Nita - progressing - high spirits - not yet perfected the remedy for tuberculosis May 16, 1917
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. prescribes for Dr. Stone - I am better Feb. 25, 1918
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. the prescription - explains how the ingredients act Feb. 26, 1918
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. refers to Dr. Stone & the medicine - advice Mar. 4, 1918
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. refers to my condition & the medicine Mar. 6, 1918
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. Dr. Stone and the medicine Mar. 8, 1918
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. Dr. Stone and the medicine Mar. 11, 1918
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. medicine - remedy for tuberculosis Mar. 13, 1918
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. my sickness - advice June 3, 1918
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. my sickness - Nitas illness - describes the cause - White Eagle tried to treat her June 13, 1918
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. refers to operation on Nita - describes her condition - will try to help her June 19, 1918
Carlisle, John G. writes about his suffering and asks for help (entry added) Nov. 20, 1915
Carlisle, John G. better than when he last wrote - advice benefited him - if he could only have faith - old ideas stick to him - beliefs wonderful things of substance - his animal appetites - struggle hard - if he could only come into earth life again - Riddle - divine love - hope - Helen - his evil thoughts - he sowed and is now reaping - in desires still a mortal Mar. 7, 1916
Carlisle, John G. progressing & praying Nov. 27, 1916
Carlisle, John G. is progressing - listened to our conversation - prayer - difficulty in getting the true longings - foolish for men to suppose that they can get these longings just as they will to do so - saying that they believe on Jesus Christ not sufficient Sept. 29, 1917
Carlyle, Thomas Christian - Jesus - Emerson - entrance into spirit life Aug. 17, 1915
Carlyle, Thomas discusses the disappearance of Jesus’ body - law of material formation and disintegration - erroneous beliefs Oct. 24, 1915
Carrington, Campbell came last night for help - went with the bright spirit - expresses surprise at communication - his condition in darkness - what he finds - describes entrance into spirit world - some hope Mar. 21, 1918
Carroll, John B. - late of Baltimore divine love - Jesus - advice Oct. 8, 1915
Channing, Dr. comments on Jesus’ comments on the Unitarian preacher’s sermon Mar. 24, 1920
Childs, George W in condition that calls for help - Morgan - not made much progress - earth plane - spirits meet & mingle just as do mortals - will go to grandmother Jan. 11, 1917
Cleveland, Grover - ex-President prominence on earth did not help him in spirit life - in earth plane - had he served God would not be unhappy and in darkness - early beliefs - old friends - is condition fixed - redemption Aug. 13, 1915
Cleveland, Grover - ex-President grateful - desires to help - describes his experiences in progressing to 3rd sphere - my instructions to spirit are real truths - the war - his interests - how spirits are interested Apr. 12, 1917
Colburn, Mrs.- the mother of the elder Colburn present at Coburn’s - many spirits present - Mr. Colburn - soulmates - no love equal to, except - interest of soulmate in newly arrived spirit - beliefs - next to the gift of the divine love the soulmate love is the greatest - Nellie the soulmate of Arthur present - describes her Feb. 18, 1917
Colburn, Mrs.- the mother of the elder Colburn a beautiful letter to her husband Dec. 22, 1917
Colburn, Mrs.- the mother of the elder Colburn about her husband & children Dec. 28, 1917
Colburn, Mrs.- the mother of the elder Colburn about her husband Jan. 23, 1918
John H. Collins - Charles W. Everett - The Man With the Ponderous Mind describes his wonderful mind (that two names are suggested here, indicates that some editing has ocurred, after Padgett recorded the entry. We had the impression that there might be three fellows with what were described as ponderous minds, because Samuel R Smith is so described.) Apr. 5, 1915
John H. Collins - Charles W. Everett - The Man With the Ponderous Mind message to Dr. Stone - spiritualism (There may be some error here, as there are two entries for this date, both apparently having ponderous minds the other being Samuel R Smith.) Oct. 29, 1915
Colville, W. J. hardly realizes where he is - will come again Mar. 18, 1917
Colyer, Robert - preacher was not orthodox - Jesus not God - effect of Jesus’ messages - new birth - divine love Aug. 5, 1915
Compte, Auguste does not prate on new birth, etc. - believes simply what can be learned from observation and reason - in a sphere of light - a freethinker on earth - believed in good deeds - humanitarianism the vital religion - the only God the god of human kindness - other God’s creatures of superstition - did not dispute the future existence of the soul - found his teachings filled in the truth - many of his associates with him - entered the plane of darkness - his freedom from sin determined his progress - the contaminating things not a part of his real self - no mediator - helped by other spirits - upon himself depended success - advice as to progress - all men brothers - I talk to him - experiment Feb. 1, 1918
Compte, Auguste wrote before - heard some interesting laws and facts since he wrote - in search of the truth of these new revelations - knows that there are spirits that he never had any conception of - what he realizes - the new faculty - what he has been told - God - soul perception - will come again Feb. 19, 1918
Comstock, Wm. C. progressing & happy - was not orthodox when on earth - what he believed - did not know of the divine love - knows now Apr. 11, 1918
Condon, Wm. H. was one of the devils - free from sufferings - thankful Dec. 20, 1917
Conley, Wm. B. one of the spirits referred to by Simpson - if I could only see the number of spirits present whom I have helped - gratitude - working to help other spirits Dec. 19, 1916
Conley, William S. came to me as a dark spirit - I helped him - now in the light June 3, 1915
Constantine Roman Emperor - not really a Christian - state policy - why he adopted Christianity - never changed his beliefs - convention of Nicea - Bible - experience in spirit world - divine love - in the celestial kingdom - creeds - truth Sept. 5, 1916
Constantine personal - advice Oct. 31, 1916
Cornelies, William B. listened to conversation - ideas new - been in spirit world a long time & been interested in spiritual truths but never heard of divine love - come in contact with many spirits - did not listen to them - they had the orthodox beliefs - I studied spiritual laws - many associates - do not accept anything that cannot be proved by scientific tests - conversation made an impression - commenced to think - would like ask some questions - Prof. Salyards comes - says it will give him pleasure to explain - refers me to the bright spirits - will go with him Jan. 24, 1917
Cornelius the first Gentile Christian - listened to messages - my work - in the celestial heavens Sept. 12, 1916
Cornelius the Master’s prayer - divine love - Many spirits present at church Dec. 3, 1916
Cornelius interested in my work - in celestial spheres - world anxious to know the truth - refers to teachings in Bible - people resting in these teachings Feb. 7, 1917
Corneys, John B. truths to tell - writes of the spirit spheres - a spirit’s entrance into spirit life - its experience - must go to its allotted place - never retrogrades - describes the hells - good deeds - its progress - describes the earth planes - and 2nd and 3rd spheres Dec. 22, 1915
Critcher, John spirit life - erroneous beliefs Nov. 7, 1915
Crook, COL head doorkeeper at White House for so many years - many statesmen etc. present - especially is Cleveland anxious to communicate Feb. 8, 1917
Crowell, Eugene - author of Primitive Christianity did not look upon Jesus as God - the highest and most beautiful of all spirits - the only one of all the reformers who taught the true way to the kingdom of heaven - all spirits do not understand this - spiritualism Mar. 17, 1915
Curzon, Lady Mary Lester society woman - now of no importance - died young - not happy no one to love her - what a mistake - in darkness - wants help - goes with Helen Apr. 26, 1917
Daniel - the Prophet my selection - Jesus’ mission - divine love - Jesus preached in spirit world - before his coming merely a spirit - natural love - progress of spirits there - no promise in Old Testament that man should have the divine nature - God spoke through his angels - Abraham, Moses and Elias - law of compensation - immortality - transfiguration - forming a way to destroy evil July 21, 1915
Darwin, Charles never knew me on earth - wants to write - in the earth plane - trying to lift himself to a higher position - was a scientist - mistaken in his knowledge - was a materialist - what surprised him - the result - no foundation for his theories - discourses matter & spirit - matter a mere incident and spirit the reality of life and evolution - did not understand the basis of evolution - should like to deliver a discourse on evolution (no archive record) Aug. 4, 1916
Davis, Frank my old chum - quite happy - not orthodox on earth - found that belief is an important thing - prided himself on his moral excellence -describes his entrance into spirit life and experience -divine love - third sphere - heart to heart talk Mar. 7, 1916
Davis, Frank (added) no date 
Descartes - the French Philosopher not a wicked spirit - observer of things - the spirits flatter me - doubts existence of divine love - give more attention to knowledge - no such desirable thing in spirit life - do not listen to talk about soul development - believe that the intellect is the only thing - associates only with spirits like himself - love speaking spirits say that love is everything - interested in me - all in earth sphere - in some little darkness - reason therefore - appearance - in spirit life many years - satisfied Nov. 20, 1916
De Sale, Jean needs help - lived in New Orleans a wicked life Apr. 14, 1916
Dulin, Charles G. wants help - asks prayers Feb. 25, 1915
Dulin, Charles G. progressed out of darkness - gratitude May 1, 1917
Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker wants to declare some facts - at church where Dr. Gordon discussed & criticized her & her teachings - doctrines neither science nor Christian - she now knows that many of her teachings not in accord with truth - refers to her earth beliefs - divine love - will come again Dec. 17, 1916
Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker refers to conversation between Dr. Stone & myself - same of her teachings misleading - her responsibility - Divine Love - what she has learned since being in spirit world - her desires June 13, 1918
Elameros a Greek - lived in days of Jesus - not a follower - disciple of Plato & Socrates - no other truths than theirs - a traveler - heard Jesus - comments on his teachings - Jesus not a student of philosophy or an educated man - believed in God and the lesser Gods - Jesus’ mind - his comparison of the teachings - heard of his crucifixion and death - next saw him in spirit world - teaching same doctrines as when on earth - a Christian Jan. 22, 1917
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) knows about my work - wants to write a message for the book of truths - in celestial sphere near the highest spirits Mar. 24, 1916
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) interested in work - dark spirits - would like to write upon the history of the times in which he lived - never understood the divine love - received spiritual knowledge of things that would make men better Oct. 1, 1916
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) desires to write a message - Helen - soulmates - transfiguration a fact - humanity has never understood its meaning Oct. 8, 1916
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) on earth a prophet - how he warned the Hebrews - what God was - what he now knows God is - describes condition of Jews - their beliefs and expectations - he did not know of the divine love - the future - when the warnings of the prophets came to them - psychic - Jesus - divine love - the transfiguration -to show that the divine love had been rebestowed - the voicethat proclaimed Jesus the well-beloved son - a fact Oct. 11, 1916
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) comments on sermon on spiritualism - every space in church filled with spirits - its effect on congregation - how far Dr. G. is a spiritualist - all down the ages spiritualism has existed - many spirit friends present Oct. 22, 1916
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) corroborates Judas - interested in my material affairs - my work - assurances - all that is necessary for me to know will be revealed in writings Dec. 1, 1916
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) message on: The hope that all mortals have in a future destiny of freedom from care and unhappiness Dec. 13, 1916
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) refers to Jesus’ message of last night - God will respond to prayer when that prayer asks the removal of causes, but never when it applies only to effects Dec. 25, 1916
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) personal - my condition - encouragement - advice - all the spirits are trying to help me Jan. 9, 1917
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) my work - no other way in which the truths can be conveyed to mankind - must not doubt - necessary to man’s salvation - was Elijah of the Old Testament - was a prophet and not John the Baptist - he was not a reincarnation of me Feb. 7, 1917
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) Paul, Luke & James have important messages to write - & other spirits - Ingersoll wants to write - he wants to write on what became of his physical body - his ascension in a chariot of fire Mar. 7, 1917
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) message on the truths of some things of the Old Testament - at the time that he lived - his experiences when he passed into spirit life Mar. 18, 1917
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) comments on Dr. Gordon’s sermon: “Do the dead communicate with the living?” - Dr. Gordon’s knowledge of spiritualism - what all spirits know - the book “Raymond” - Dr. Gordon’s condition of soul - spirits filled the church anxious to learn Apr. 1, 1917
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) Dr. Gordon - his condition - his beliefs - opportunity will come for him to hear the truths - with him trying to direct his mind - will preach the truths - many spirits and prayers with me Apr. 5, 1917
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) material affairs - encouragement in - desires to write a message Apr. 14, 1917
Elias, the Prophet (Elijah of the Old Testament) my work - my condition - delay in messages - without my ooperation cannot make the rapport - advice what is necessary - the way - desires to write a message Jan. 27, 1918
Elizabeth - the cousin of Mary (the mother of Jesus) why I should be happy - nothing between the Father and me - His love and my longings face to face - no mediator needed - only way of becoming at one with Him - this work the real second casing of the Master & the second coming of the love and privilege of receiving it - consider and meditate Jan. 6, 1918
Queen Elizabeth I (added) May 12, 1915
Elkins, Stephen B. Added.  
Elkins, Stephen B. has written before - in better condition - listened to grandmother - material things not important - wants to tell his family - in brighter plane - exalted spirits with me - Jesus - earth beliefs Feb. 11, 1916
Ella’s Grandmother writes of Ella - my love for her - what I must do, etc. Oct. 22, 1919
Ellis, Samuel E. earth friend - not happy - all the spirits that he knows are in darkness - Helen comes to him - wonderful that he can write Oct. 10, 1916
Ellis, Samuel E. found his way to the Fathers love - grandmother helped him - in the third sphere - glad he knew me on earth May 10, 1917
Emerich, Addie in great darkness - committed suicide - change brought no happiness - why she comes to me - feels that I will help her - Helen Nov. 1, 1916
Emerson one who inhabits the 6th sphere - where sin is not - condition of spirits therein - reading his book - the soul while individualized is a part of the great soul - at one - spirits who inhabit the sphere Mar. 6, 1919
Emmons, Mrs. Jennie should like to come and write a long letter - not happy - Helen - our love - sees the life George is leading - does not love him - soul mates Apr. 11, 1916
Emperor William - grandfather of the Kaiser in sympathy with sentiments of McKinley - his people - tried to influence his own family - soon after the war they will cease to be rulers - consolation is that life on earth is short - but even in the realm of spirit the suffering will continue Feb. 8, 1917
Esau brother of Jacob - in celestial heavens - divine love - many Old Testament characters never realized the transformation - their beliefs in spirit life - refuse to listen to the truth - why - difficult to convert them - their happiness - their synagogues & worship and customs - the new birth - probation Dec. 4, 1916
Eugénie wife of Napoleon III wife of the last emperor - not happy - stations on earth do not count - her childhood nurse comes to help her - will listen to her - husband unhappy Jan.11, 1917
Eugénie wife of Napoleon III been with spirits - helped her - divine love - pray for her Jan. 27, 1917
Eugénie wife of Napoleon III found the love - my help - prays - her husband (archive record exists) Mar. 29, 1917
Euliam a Jew - lived in time of Jesus - member of Sanhedrin - one of Jesus’ judges - blasphemy - defended his action - mortals now cannot understand - Jesus breeder of sedition - christs in latter days - only Jesus’ death been remembered - the tragedy - Jewish faith - Jesus the true Messiah - advice to Jews - truth in my messages - is a Christian - Jews not extensively inhabitants of celestial heavens Jan. 22, 1917
Everett, Charles W. - the man with the ponderous mind describes his wonderful mind Apr. 15, 1915
Everett, Charles W. has had experience - was ignorant man - has learned spiritual truths - grandmother - new birth Apr. 23, 1915
Everett, Charles W. his progression - belief in Jesus - helping the dark spirits Oct. 29, 1915
Fontaine, Rev. describes his beliefs and life on earth - his disappointment in the spirit world - his mistaken beliefs and his coming into a knowledge of the truth - advice to his wife and children - describes his passing over July 1, 1917
Ford, Samuel I. describes himself - enemy of the Morgans - White Eagle - what he has learned - his condition - my offer to help - his mother & brother - his awakening May 4, 1916
Ford, Samuel I. has progressed - mother & brother - no longer hates - with Mr. Morgan - helps evil spirits away - White Eagle - Helen displays her glory May 28, 1916
Ford, Samuel I. will be at Mrs. Perry’s to protect Mr. Morgan - Catholic spirits May 26, 1917
Ford, Samuel I. wants to say a word to Morgan - protection - the priests helping them - describes his condition - how our conversations benefit the spirits - why - what the spirits teach Aug. 28, 1917
Forrest, Edwin needs advice - in darkness - don’t know why - help - sees beautiful spirits - Helen - she says she will help me - Taggart - how did I get the power to write June 27, 1916
Forrest, Edwin in a better state - Helen & Mr. Riddle have helped him - is praying, though it is hard to understand how prayer can help him - number of old friends in same condition - Helen’s beauty - wants me to pray for him - how strange it all is - not dead - more alive than ever July 19, 1916
Forrest, Edwin is progressing - Helen - her help - Mr. Riddle - his mother Sept. 11, 1916
Forrest, Edwin better condition - describes grandmother - helps him - prays - dark spirits Oct. 12, 1916
Forrest, Edwin interested in the prayer - not in condition of darkness that he was - present many times when spirits write, but can’t see them - can sense their presence - learned many truths & is praying - Lipscomb - Miller - his folks on earth - and in spirit life - Carrie Dec. 6, 1916
Forrest, Edwin in better condition - spirits helping him - prays - effect - the Father’s love - anxious to go to his mother - purgatory - her beliefs & priests - Helen Feb. 8, 1917
Forrest, Edwin progressing - been praying - in light of love - his happiness - personal - will soon go to his mother - all so wonderful - Lipscomb - Miller Feb. 27, 1917
Forrest, Edwin out of darkness and happy - the divine love - going to his mother Mar. 4, 1917
Forrest, Edwin is progressing - his hopes - been to his mother and told her of the love - what she said - priests, masses & prayers Mar. 10, 1917
Forrest, Edwin has progressed - will soon be in third sphere - wonderful - friends among the Catholics - his mother - her condition - trying to help her - his brothers - they rely on the priests May 18, 1917
Forrest, Edwin out of his darkness entirely - third sphere - the love - his mother June 2, 1917
Forrest, Edwin still progressing - his mother - his brothers - personal June 29, 1917
Forrest, Edwin in the Fifth sphere - divine love Jan. 10, 1919
Foster, Carrie E. Mr. Riddle’s daughter - knows some things now that she did not know on earth - father with her - also mother - can’t just understand Oct. 4, 1919
Frederick, the father of the Kaiser on the War and his family Jan. 22, 1918
Galileo thought his telescope would revolutionize man’s knowledge of astronomy - has explored the heavens - desires to explain the hidden truths - lives in sixth sphere - has seen Jesus - does not know what divine love is Jan. 21, 1916
Galliona stranger - lived before human history began - Asiatic - sixth sphere - will come again Apr. 16, 1916
Garfield, James A. I a favored man - been with Riddle - in 3rd sphere - believer in doctrines of his church - faith in prayer not strong - nor in Holy Spirit - reason must be convinced - faculties of soul - will search for the truth - Helen - Jesus - thought him part of trinity - believed in letter of Bible - mere continuance of earth life - refers to message sent Riddle just after his death Mar. 22, 1915
Garfield, James A. many times heard the messages - Riddle & grandmother’s teachings influenced him - dissatisfied with his course - trying to follow advice - praying for the love - beliefs on earth - intellect infidel - want of satisfaction in mental pursuits - in better condition - Ingersoll - his appearance - Riddle Nov. 17, 1916
Garfield, James A. writes of the affairs of country - why what he writes will not amount to anything - life of individual & life of nation - the President & the war - makes a prediction Feb. 27, 1917
Garland, John a stranger - interested in my work - in celestial sphere - knows plans to bring to mankind the truths Mar. 30, 1916
Garner, John God is love - death of body, entrance to life - now the best time to get the gift - probation - natural love - divine love - judgment day - Jesus working Aug. 8, 1915
Garner, John personal - advice Sept. 30, 1915
Garrison, Nm. D. - Preacher follower of Jesus - wants to help in my work Mar. 16, 1916
Giles, Chauncey was a New Churchman & believed in the cornerstone of its belief, that is, that Jesus is God & the only God - was a preacher - his authority for saying this fundamental doctrine is untrue is that he has talked with Jesus - has never seen God - why he knows there is a God - wishes he could come to his people - cannot because the doctrine of the church is that with the passing of Swedenborg passed all communications between God and mortals, etc. - & it is contrary to God’s will that men should attempt to pierce the veil., etc. - has some of the Divine Love Feb. 28, 1917
Gladstone, William E. Premier of Great Britain - wants to write a message of his views on the War - earth plane - churchman and defender of the faith - strange he is not more advanced - has same hope in sacrifice of Jesus and his atonement - will be glad to listen to me Nov. 6, 1916
Godomera - lived many thousand years ago - India young in appearance - 6th sphere - his present beliefs and worship - a ruler - race extinct - no writings show his race ever lived - extinct Aug. 30, 1915
Goliath in sixth sphere Oct. 16 (13?), 1915
Goliath no great teacher will appear - only one source of truth - no reincarnation Nov. 25, 1916
Gomeses - the Greek who lived in the time of Jesus follower of Pythagoras - now Christian - Jesus Oct. 10, 1915
Goodwin, George knew me on earth - suffering in hell - Catholic, believed in the priests - Mr. Morgan talked to him - goes with bright spirit June 25, 1917
Gormley, Edwin E. deceived if I believe that two spirits (who expressed gratitude for help) are whom they represent themselves to be - I cannot help any spirit - those in hell have to stay there and those in the other place want to stay where they are - when they are damned they are dammed, and when they are not they don’t need any help - he would be suffering if he would let himself be not a vicious spirit - sees bright spirits Apr. 19, 1917
Granger, Alice - my cousin happy - in 3rd sphere - her entrance into spirit life - Helen - grandmother - her father - soulmates June 3, 1915
Granger, Alice - my cousin progressing - soulmate - Aunt Mary - Uncle William Oct. 23, 1915
Granger, Alice - my cousin saw me when I spoke to Mame - heard what I said - Mame’s mother present - in 3rd sphere - happy - prays - Helen & mother - Aunt Mary May 16, 1916
Granger, Alice - my cousin thankful - Helen - mother & grandmother - love - progress - Mary Nov. 1, 1916
Grant, Ulysses S. his condition - beliefs - on the present war Oct. 19, 1915
Great Bear - my other Indian Guide helping me do my work - Christian - White Eagle good guide Aug. 25, 1915
Gregory, Thos. A. - Pope Gregory V, of Rome when he entered spirit world anything but a saint - now in celestial spheres Aug. 31, 1915
Grossfriedrickson, John D. was a freethinker - did not believe in God except as a force - now knows there is a God - why - why he writes - freethinker on earth - knowing that God exists does not solve the problem - in darkness - other spirits in darkness - does not understand the reason - farce for men to suppose they have received knowledge of the laws of nature - wants to find some solution - goes with Prof. Salyards May 18, 1917
Groveneur, Charles G. - the man with the lost soul describes his condition and cause Apr. 1, 1915
Harrison, James T. - uncle in third sphere - his wife in darkness - Hannah not happy - Helen - my work Apr. 21, 1915
Harvey, George W. not happy - Taggart - wants help - priests can’t help themselves Jan. 12, 1915
Harvey, George W. Mackey & Taggart so much changed - doubting Thomas - fooled by priests July 22, 1915
Hastings, of England my work Sept. 23, 1915
Hay, E. R. his condition etc. - wonders why he is not happier Mar. 19, 1916
Hay, E. R. in third sphere - refers to first visit to me - Helen told him of Gods love - only God and I know what this love means to me - gratitude Apr. 5, 1917
Hayes, Lucy Webb was wife of President - did not believe in communicating when on earth - in 5th sphere - follower of Jesus - divine love - Jesus saviour through vicarious atonement - disappointed in not finding Jesus on right hand of God - truth came and Jesus - if the Methodist would only know the truth - effects in spirit world of their beliefs May 18, 1917
Henkle, Genl. Saul S. 3rd sphere - refers to his beliefs - erroneous - effect of - Riddle - my selection July 6, 1915
Henkle, Genl. Saul S. writes about his progression Nov. 14, 1915
Henkle, Genl. Saul S. younger than us - enjoyed messages - Mrs. Stone - Dr. a soulmate - how happy my spirit friends are - circles - his wife Mar. 23, 1916
Henkle, Genl. Saul S. heard us read messages - refers to our spirits being taken from our bodies - wonderful things - his experiences - divine love a truth - refers to lawyers in spirit world - his work Dec. 28, 1916
Herod - King of Judea the hells - adds to Swedenborg’s description - writes from experience Dec. 18, 1915
Heyde, Geo. W. (Helen Padgett’s father) falsity of Jesus’ blood - personal experience - sufferings - divine love - third sphere June 24, 1917
Hollingsworth, Wallace E. heard what last spirit wrote - he is very dark - one time I came to you and you told me of the future - now in light - damnation only for a time Apr. 19, 1917
Horner, Mrs. first wife - a beautiful letter Dec. 16, 1917
Hudson, Jay writes on his book: Scientific Demonstration of a Future Life -what he now knows Dec. 26, 1918
Inaladocie - a ruler of men when the earth was young lived before the Bible time of creation - inhabitants - beliefs - now Christian Sept. 25, 1915
Indian - Last of the Mohicans lived in early days of country’s existence - a warrior - and leader - many scalps - some Indians in saint world who still glory in deeds done on earth - still feel hatred - understands some Indians have lost all such feelings and are happier - cause him to think - what do I think? - will follow advice Mar. 6, 1916
Ingersoll, Robert G. Bible not worthy of belief - his teachings - Jesus - atonement - new birth - God - future life - of same opinion - expressing other opinions - hell - progression - satisfaction Aug. 5, 1915
Ingersoll, Robert G. my spirit band - Riddle - contrasts appearances - Christian doctrines - new birth - he prays to God - Jesus Sept. 22, 1915
Ingersoll, Robert G. no longer agnostic - Jesus’ display of glory - my selection - Jesus wrote - my doubts Sept. 27, 1915
Ingersoll, Robert G. beliefs - refers to Jesus’ display of glory - why he did not believe on earth - Bible plan of salvation - talks with Perry. Oct. 1, 1915
Ingersoll, Robert G. convinced of truths of Christianity - progressed - mind and soul opened up to truth of teachings - discourses - in earth plane - grandmother - Helen - soulmates Feb. 18, 1916
Ingersoll, Robert G. desires to finish message - my condition bad - happy and progressing - speaks of grandmother Mar. 4, 1916
Ingersoll, Robert G. describes his progress - third sphere - knows what was meant by Jesus when he said - “in my Father’s house are many mansions” - divine love - regrets his erroneous teachings - Jesus the way to immortality - his work now - sometimes disappointing - the law of retribution - work self imposed - the result of one of truth a follower of Jesus the Christ - our prior conversation the means of starting his progress - much pride in his opinion Apr. 24, 1916
Ingersoll, Robert G. desires to write - progressing - sees Perry - grandmother with him P. May 4, 1916
Ingersoll, Robert G. Is second sphere - where intellect is principal thing - many spirits developing soul - their stay brief - try for soul development - probably write from third sphere in short time - describes his soul development - his experience from the time he entered spirit life - (interrupted) Nov. 22, 1916
Ingersoll, Robert G. the Master wrote and gave me the prayer - his glory - the divine love - must declare its truth Dec. 2, 1916
Ingersoll, Robert G. wants to write on a subject, but I am not in condition - progressing - 3rd sphere - more love - when last wrote was in 2nd sphere and had never been higher Jan. 19, 1917
Ingersoll, Robert G. writing on Life and Death - beautiful Mar. 10, 1917
Ingersoll, Robert G. with me while reading Swedenborg - my impressions - Swedenborg’s teachings, his errors - has talked with Swedenborg - compares their conditions - Love the greatest thing in all the saint world Mar. 29, 1917
James, William interested in our conversation on the soul - gives his ideas - phenomena - force - refers to men’s efforts to prove what the soul is - Socrates & Plato - spiritual sense - spiritualism -investigating the subject of the soul - spirits cannot tell him - refers to what we said about the soul - wants us to assist him to investigate - a spirit comes to him and offers to show him the way Jan. 29, 1918
Jarvis, Rachel She loved me as a boy - I chosen to make known - the truths - wonderful - happy - 1st celestial sphere - love Feb. 27, 1916
Jayemas - an inhabitant of Atlantis continent submerged - his life on earth - civilization of inhabitants - new discoveries to be made - 6th sphere Oct. 7, 1915
Jefferson, Thomas I am favored - my work - 1st celestial sphere Dec. 9, 1915
Jehosephat a Christian - his beliefs where he lived - my work Sept. 12, 1915
Joan of Arc (the martyr) I am chosen by the Master - one of the spirit band to work - could not write her name Dec. 20, 1915
Job been reading a book containing communication from a spirit with a divine mission - may accept as true what is said about the development of the natural love - God is good - many things not true - though in accord with the knowledge of the writers - writers spirits highly developed intellectually and morally - could only teach these things - could not teach the higher things Feb. 19, 1919
Johnson, George old friend - surprising - knows there are hells - wants help - sees a beautiful saint May 16, 1917
Johnson, John B. in better condition than when he came to me - thanks Nov. 27, 1917
Johnson, John B. comments on a book - soul - perfect man Apr. 18, 1919
Joseph of Arimathea (was Joseph father of Jesus) he existed as a mortal - the man who laid the body of Jesus in the tomb - details - Jesus’ death - his rising - Jewish leaders - angel came soldiers slept - Mary - Jesus revealed himself - Peter - empty tomb - explains disappearance of body - he writes to me (we learned many years later this was actually Joseph, Jesus’ real father) Mar. 16, 1916
Josephus Jewish historian - Christian - Jesus’ life on earth - my account not interpolated - wonders of Jesus’ works - why he did not write much about Jesus - his mission - the two most important truths - new birth - no chosen people - Vespasian - Herod - his sufferings Aug. 8, 1915
Josephus Jesus, historical person - his book Sept. 20, 1915
Josephus interested in work - receiving messages from the high spirits -believe Mar. 14, 1916
Josephus his History of the Jews - some corrections - source of his story of creation - description of creation of man not true - the facts of man’s creation - man and woman equal - result of the fall - woman’s future equality June 3, 1916
Josephus my condition - the law must be obeyed - advice Mar. 2, 1920
Kant, Immanuel his experience & beliefs - search for truth - goes with bright spirit Dec. 24, 1917
Keating, John S.- Prof. at Oberlin we never die and can communicate - a professor - never believed in hereafter as he now sees it - would like to write a thesis Jan. 14, 1916
Kennedy, Mary (Added) Apr. 5, 1915
Kennedy, Mary (Added) through Helen Apr. 26, 1915
Kennedy, Mary wrote to Dr. Stone through Helen Sept. 7, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone through Helen Sept. 28, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Oct. 8, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Oct. 18, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Oct. 23, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Nov. 1, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Nov. 11, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Nov. 23, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Dec. 26, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Jan.?, 1916
Kennedy, Mary (added) message to Dr. Stone March 23, 1916
Kennedy, Mary (added) message to Dr. Stone May 6, 1916
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone - was present when I came to spirit world in my spirit form - what she told me - will have Dr. come July 3, 1916
Kennedy, Mary happy - letter to the Dr. Nov. 2, 1916
Kennedy, Mary letter to the Dr. Dec. 13, 1916
Kennedy, Mary letter to the Dr. Dec. 16, 1916
Kennedy, Mary letter to the Dr. Dec. 20, 1916
Kennedy, Mary letter to the Dr. - his experience in spirit world Dec. 28, 1916
Kennedy, Mary personal - John wrote as to our selection - she has heard the Master say that the Dr. was selected - when he comes to her Feb 6, 1917
Kennedy, Mary a message to Dr. beautiful and instructive Mar. 4, 1917
Kennedy, Mary (Added) Date is specified in Vol I. Mar. 29, 1917
Kennedy, Mary (added) a message to Dr. May 13, 1917
Kennedy, Mary (Added) Date is specified in Vol IV. Oct. 11, 1917
Kennedy, Mary (Added) Date is specified in Vol IV. Oct. 16, 1917
Kennedy, Mary (added) Date is specified in Vol IV. Dec. 18, 1917
Kennedy, Mary (added) Date is specified in Vol IV. Jan. 12, 1918
Kennedy, Mary Mary writes on the soul - very interesting Jan. 29, 1918
Kennedy, Mary (added) Apr. 4, 1918
Kennedy, Mary writes on the divine love, the soulmate love and the love of the human relationship May 1, 1918
Kennedy, Mary Helen writes and lets Mary write & tell of her soul love . Feb 16, 1920
Kennedy, Mary (added) Jun 10, 1920
Kitchener, Lord the War - its ending & cause Dec. 27, 1917
Laelestia- queen of same race as Sebastobel as to the Atlantians - their spirits in the spirit world - races live together - my writings - beauty of spirits - secret (no archive record) Sept. 24, 1915
Lafayette expresses his opinion as to the causes and ending of the War - Allies will win - Napoleon’s opinion - meets Washington Aug. 1, 1915
Lafayette his opinion about the War - the advance of the Allies Aug. 21, 1915
Lafayette thought of my talk - went to Washington for explanation of the divine love - got it - found the love - is progressing - third sphere - predicts the end of the War Apr. 23, 1916
Lambert, Talmadge A. lawyer - in darkness - there is a hell - wants to come to earth to tell people what hell is - met several friends Dec. 10, 1915
Lambert, William G. stranger - dark spirits - work - truths - divine love - spirits are real Feb. 24, 1917
Lamlestia inhabitant of India - describes where he lived & the country - explains why he writes - at Theosophical meeting - many spirits present - refers to Theosophical doctrines - believes in reincarnation and karma - the audience’s want of knowledge - the Masters - Theosophists in spirit world - truths never demonstrated - man is not God potentially - never seen or known of reincarnation - refers to Karma - in closed land as to his beliefs Dec. 17, 1916
Larkin, Mr. forgot his name - does not believe in new birth Nov. 1, 1915
Latham, Charles do not doubt Oct. 28, 1915
Latham, Charles the unpardonable sin Oct. 31, 1915
Latimer, Hugh - the martyr beliefs - Jesus - God - worship - progress - effect of martyrdom Aug. 13, 1915
Latimer, John L. interested in my work - seventh sphere - English preacher May 1, 1916
Layton, John - time of Reformation to break power of Romish Church - teachings of Reformers - Luther - justification by faith Aug. 17, 1915
Layton, John - time of Reformation Jesus’ display of glory - many spirits of other spheres present - my selection Oct. 1, 1915
Layton, John - time of Reformation believed the Bible to be the inspired word of God - in celestial heavens - life never ending progression Feb. 7, 1917
Lazarus Jesus called from grave - not dead - were all taught the rebestowal of the divine love - disciples taught also - church attendance - Jesus writes Aug. 5, 1915
Lazarus Jesus and others write - my work - why chosen - his sisters - who he was on earth Sept. 21, 1916
Le Claire French soldier - killed in battle - in confusion Apr. 14, 1916
Leekesi - the Assyrian King - at fall of Nineveh tells of his religion - many gods - Jesus Nov. 4, 1915
Leetelam - the Tartar Brahman priest - beliefs - religion - sacrifices - his experiences - in Nirvana Aug. 13, 1915
Leibnitz, John G. a stranger - been through the hells, etc. - in 2nd sphere - was a professor of psychology - did not believe in the Bible - believed that physical death was not the end of man - special interested in the speculations as to the future of man - the greatest product of evolution - what is beyond death? - immortality - discusses it - his experiences after death - ancient spirits not able to solve the question - cannot conceive that the preachers know - mere speculation - spirits look through just as dark glasses as do mortals - (told him of the way to find immortality) - is willing to investigate - goes with Prof. Salyards - will return June 4, 1917
Le Sales French soldier killed at Verdun - wandering - saw a light - whether he is a spirit & I a mortal - kept charging after death Apr. 8, 1916
Leterer, Samuel - religious writer - died in reign of Henry VIII Roman Catholic - protested against separation of church - my work Aug. 16, 1915
Leytergus - the Arabian before Old Testament, had written a book on the creation - Genesis copied after his book - founded our tradition - existence of world - don’t know when it was created - angels - fall of man - Aman and Amon - souls - image of God - potentialities - disobedience, what Aug. 10, 1915
Libbie, Laura Jean was a writer - in darkness - not happy - wants help Dec. 28, 1915
Lillabridge, Stephen J. seventh sphere - advice and encouragement Aug. 24, 1916
Lincoln, Abraham not about religious things - in 7th sphere - describes his home and his condition of happiness - the love of spirit for spirit - divine love waiting for all - mind of man - Jesus, the wonderful Jan. 5, 1916
Lincoln, Abraham love and hate, and war and peace Feb. 8, 1917
Lincoln, Abraham how important for man to learn the plan of salvation - man perfect - he is now capable of that perfection - how obtained - no total depravity - nothing new is needed - he must believe and assert that he is not vile - the moral faculties must be used - renunciation always accompanied by suffering Mar. 13, 1919
Lincoln, Edward P. a spirit rescued from darkness - grateful Dec. 8, 1917
Lipscomb, Andrew A. Indian wont let him write Apr. 18, 1916
Logan, George lived on earth many years ago - at 90 years, a suicide - darkness ever since Feb. 5, 1917
London, John B. earth plane - light & darkness & spirits of all kinds - hells & purgatory - the only difference the condition of darkness & suffering - been through the hells - progress slow Jan. 15, 1917
Longiticus I in the dark as to the truths of the spirit world - Love not in his curriculum - all he cares about is knowledge & truth - defines knowledge and truth - the greatest truths - philosopher here as he was in earth - I interrupted his line of thoughts by my questions Nov. 25, 1918
Los Trenos murdered in Inquisition of Spain - Romish Church - his tortures by the priests - many killed - did not find himself in heaven - rejoiced when priests came & found themselves in hell - changed - how he progressed - the Father’s love - no sin so deadly that the love will not destroy Jan. 12, 1917
Lot - of the Old Testament Jesus alive and ruler - divine love - no knowledge of - came with Jesus - his wife - soulmates - natural love - God - mission of Jesus - conversion Aug. 10, 1915
Lot - of the Old Testament helps me in spiritual progress Sept. 13, 1915
Loyola - the Jesuit founder Christian - persecutor - followers now the same - sufferings - God’s mercy - warning - man’s free will - beliefs - penalties - for false creeds - truths Aug. 8, 1915
Luckett, George E. heard spirit talking about soulmates - how could they know that they are soulmates - Helen says not slightest difficult in knowing - she will find mine Jan. 19, 1917
Luther, Martin my work - erroneous beliefs - still teaching - more mediums - Jesus loves me - my responsibility - 2nd Celestial sphere - justification by faith - new birth - love - faith and works - Jesus blood - Jesus not God - salvation - war July 6, 1915
Luther, Martin his version of the Bible - contradictions - blood redemption - new birth - Jesus’ messages Sept. 5, 1915
Luther, Martin comments on Russell’s “The Atonement” - the true test for trying the spirits - Jesus Oct. 19, 1915
Luther, Martin interested in the messages - wants to write soon Mar. 24, 1916
Luther, Martin desires to write to his followers - necessity for correcting their beliefs May 16, 1916
Luther, Martin message - Roman Church in his time - Bible - people - all dependent on priests - spiritual enlightenment not attempted - duty - obedience - indulgences - Reformation - rejected some truths that should have been accepted by the reformers May 23, 1916
Luther, Martin continues message - churches power - harm done - many of his teachings wrong - justification by faith - Jesus not part of Godhead - Jesus’ mission - what his followers should believe - difficulties in the way - his responsibility - truth - (see last tablet) - communion of mortals and spirits - hell and purgatory - probation - salvation May 29, 1916
Luther, Martin pleased with manner in which his last message was received - will come soon and write June 6, 1916
Luther, Martin will write again - Jesus’ message - my work June 17, 1916
Luther, Martin will write soon - in celestial sphere not numbered - far above that in which Helen is - still progressing - no ending - will sometime describe these higher spheres June 19, 1916
Luther, Martin message : Observation of ceremonies which my church still uses in its worship- infant baptism - Lord’s Supper June 29, 1916
Luther, Martin personal - encouragement July 25, 1916
Luther, Martin desires to continue the letters to his people - met the Popes who ruled when he started the Reformation - they are now in the celestial heavens - they suffered - their work - state of the ignorant Catholic layman - that of priest - will come and describe in detail Aug. 28, 1916
Luther, Martin personal - cannot foretell the future, except from cause and effect - anxious to continue messages to his people Oct. 22, 1916
Luther, Martin would like to finish his message - get in good condition Nov. 9, 1916
Luther, Martin wants to write to his people - who Jesus was - as to the Eucharist - the sacrament abhorrent to the Master - he dislikes to be worshipped as God - his death etc. does not save Jan. 31, 1917
Luther, Martin comments on Swedenborgian pamphlet entitled “Incarnate God” - Jesus never claimed he was God, either on earth or in spirit world - teachings of New Church as to this all wrong - Swedenborg often converses about his teachings - his opinion now different - why he thought Jesus was God - the doctrine of the Trinity not true - how it arose - how established as a belief - Swedenborg’s beliefs before his visions - he was selected to declare the truths - he came into the spirit world - how he believed that Jesus is God - his doubts in exercising his seership - his interpretations colored by his existing beliefs - his mission a failure - why - disappointing to the spirits - Swedenborg will soon come & write of his failure - his consolation Feb. 28, 1917
Luther, Martin wants to write his message - interested in the war as a lover of all children of God - no distinction between races - many spirits coming to spirit world before their normal, time - the consequences - “man exercises his will and man must endure the consequences” Mar. 18, 1917
Luther, Martin adds to what has been said by Luke & John - great number of messages waiting to be delivered - where on earth had his troubles - his work & mine - he was in error in many things - I will not be in error because, etc. Apr. 12, 1917
Lutrell, Laura B. one of the spirits I helped some months ago - now in light - many other spirits present that have been helped - my work - gratitude Feb. 17, 1917
Mackey, Franklin H. Been benefited by my advice - commencing to see light. July 22, 1915
Mary, Sister of Lazarus Jesus wrote - love of God and love of the Master Nov. 29, 1915
Mary, the Mother of Jesus her mother’s love - the father’s love - in celestial heavens - Jesus - her condition determined by her own soul development - Joseph was the Father of Jesus - Holy Spirit - Jewish maiden Apr. 15, 1916
Mastry, John D (added) Mar. 11, 1916
McGovern, Rose - (Syrick’s soulmate) happy - soulmate of Judge - he is progressing - he will never forget me - a true believer in the Master’s truths - happiness in store for me - Helen - the Master’s love - I am favored -high spirits come - dark spirits Mar. 4, 1916
McGovern, Rose - (Syrick’s soulmate) So happy - Judge has progressed to third sphere - he is here - and knows what the divine love means - his progress will be more rapid - so happy cannot write much Apr. 24, 1916
McKinley, William - ex-President the war - results - souls will be saved - love rules - spirits are working - nations fall and some cease to exist - through the gloom of desolation and ruin I see the rainbow of hope and the end of strife Feb. 8, 1917
Meloy, William A. orthodox - surprise - entrance into spirit world - Jesus’ blood - divine love - Francis Miller - Riddle - Jesus writes me - trinity Sept. 20, 1915
Middleton, Alice letter to Middleton as to his writing automatically - he has the gift - need not consider his religious beliefs - his wife Apr. 16, 1918
Middleton, Louisa - my Great grandmother seldom comes to earth - home far up in celestial heavens - died in England - will come soon and write interesting letter Nov. 19, 1916
Middleton, Mrs. Sally letter to her husband - also one from his sister Alice May 21, 1918
Miller, Francis have helped him some - not a believer in the divine love - no eternal damnation - in 2nd sphere - moral development - happy - spirits working on mortals Apr. 5, 1917
Miller, Robt. L. realizes what I told him is true - how strange - in much darkness and suffering - will try to follow advice Nov. 27, 1916
Miller, Robt. L. saw bright spirit write - still in darkness and suffering - listened to spirits - can’t understand spirits - help me - will pray Jan. 11, 1917
Miller, Robt. L. can’t understand the spirits - wants my advice Mar. 7, 1916
Mills, Samuel C. in earth plane - not very happy - learned a number of truths - Jesus - my communications Dec. 9, 1915
Mills, Samuel C. describes home and condition of drunkard - what spirits met him when he came into spirit life - his experience - describes him Mar. 30, 1916
Mills, Samuel C. I am doing good work - present when dark spirits write - some do and some do not follow advice difference in appearance and state of mind - progressing June 20, 1916
Mills, Samuel C. heard Forrest - speaks of Forrest and himself on earth - how he tried to help Forrest in spirit world - Forrest’s change - divine love - will observe Forrestsprogress Feb. 8, 1917
Mills, Samuel C. Forrest bright - compares their conditions - will seek for the love - Forrest tried to explain the change in him Mar. 3, 1917
Mitchell, Mrs. (mother of Dr. Mitchell) interested in Paul’s message about her son - the message is true - describes how she has been with her son - and her contradictory beliefs in the spirit world - her beliefs on earth and in the spirit world - in celestial heavens - how she tries to influence him July 3, 1917
Mitchell, Mrs. (mother of Dr. Mitchell) with me when I called on her son - his mind - doubts - her hopes - not impressed with message from Jesus - who he believes is God July 19, 1917
Mitchell, Mrs. (mother of Dr. Mitchell) anxious to add to what she said to her son - so interested in his learning the truth - if he requests me to receive messages from her, please do so - what John said last night is true July 21, 1917
Mitchell, Mrs. (mother of Dr. Mitchell) at church and heard her son preach on the divine love - many spirits present - hopes son will accept the truths July 29, 1917
Mitchell, Mrs. (mother of Dr. Mitchell) anxious that her son’s mind be opened up to the truths Sept. 2, 1917
Morgan - Eugene’s grandfather Celestial heavens - interested in Eugene’s experience - helping - rapport mystery - work of mortals among spirits - with family -differences - John delivered message - advice to Eugene - the workings of attraction - results Nov. 4, 1916
Morgan - Eugene’s sister happy - he has received the love in his soul - John’s message - her mother - progressing - Mrs. Mosher - her rapid progress Nov. 4, 1916
Morgan, Dr. J. B. Describes Robinson’s condition - will pass soon - Eugene not to worry - Dr. Campbell went with him Dec. 13, 1916
Morgan, John S. about market - will pay close attention and write Mar. 14, 1916
Morgan, John S. must have confidence in him and his son - market - objects of spirits - fifth sphere - happy - after death his condition Mar. 27, 1916
Morgan, John S. about market May 1, 1916
Morgan, J. Pierpont wonders why he is in darkness - good Episcopalian - charitable, etc. Oct. 27, 1915
Morgan, J. Pierpont market - Eugene Morgan - progressing Mar. 24, 1916
Morgan, J. Pierpont Morgan & I missing opportunity to make money - his mistake on earth Mar. 25, 1916
Morgan, J. Pierpont as to market - progressed some May 7, 1916
Morgan, Mr. - Eugene’s father message to Eugene - an evil spirit - Red Fox - Boarman May 3, 1916
Morgan, Mr. - Eugene’s father wants to encourage Eugene - will soon be well - his sickness will help him get nearer the Father - his mother anxious May 18, 1916
Morgan, Mrs. - mother of Eugene message to Eugene Oct. 30, 1915
Morgan, Mrs. - mother of Eugene message to Eugene Nov. 11, 1915
Morris, Martin F. out of purgatory - light and purgatory do not go together - wants to write a letter of his progress - priests incensed against Morgan - encourages Morgan to continue his work May 26, 1917
Morrison, John T. an evil spirit - says I am duped - he wants to tell of the spirit world Mar. 25, 1919
Mosby, John S his condition - describes himself when on earth - his beliefs - wants help Mar. 21, 1918
Moses, Stainton refers to “Spirit Teachings” - it lacks the teaching of the new birth - describes the spirits who wrote the book - they were limited by the amount of their progress - they were honest - they show the way to the condition of the perfect man - they were not acquainted with the truth of the transformation of the soul - now progressing - in certain particulars the “Teachings” are true - genuineness of the “Teachings” - their mission - Moses’ condition & knowledge - celestial spheres -important that the truth be made known Sept. 14, 1918
Moses, the Prophet on Jesus - the Jews - his teachings Nov. 9, 1915
Mueller, Max did not know me when on earth - interested in method of communication - not in dark sphere - improved much since coming to spirit world - makes progress in intellectual pursuits - when on earth interested in psychology of existence - possessed of the same faculties he had on earth - not a Christian - knows that there is a God, etc. Apr. 1, 1918
Thomas Munroe (added) Thomas B. Monroe comments on the preacher’s discourse. Apr. 9, 1919
Murray, Mary - aunt in earth plane - commencing to believe - grandmother June 3, 1915
Nero - the Roman Emperor describes his experience in hell and his redemption and present happiness - in celestial spheres Jan. 16, 1917
Newman, John P. - Bishop a preacher - did not understand the truths - beliefs in the atonement - working harm - creeds - progress Dec. 9, 1915
Newman, John P. - Bishop interested in message of Luke - heard minister (at Metropolitan Church) discourse on Paradise - interested in the people - he often declared the same doctrines - erroneous - suffering to unlearn - no way reaching the people - part of his penalty to work to have people unlearn - Seventh sphere happy Nov. 5, 1916
Nichodemus did not understand the new birth - Jesus told him - this truth at foundation of redemption - without this faith and works vain - immortality - Holy Spirit July 30, 1915
Nita (Padgett’s daughter) so anxious to write me - happy - wants to tell me what her experience has been - had some idea of what her experience would be - God’s love - in 3rd sphere - would not return to earth life - Hazel Oct. 14, 1918
Nita (Padgett’s daughter) will wait another night to write her message - is progressing knows some of the heaven - wish she could tell me Dec. 29, 1918
Nita (Padgett’s daughter) gives a description of her passing - the condition in which she found herself May 25, 1920
Nottingham, Charles school boyfriend - in earth plane - does not understand the love - mother - comes when dark spirits write - his people in darkness Nov. 1, 1916
O’Neal, Lewis I. was called Judge - in better condition - as he gets rid of his old beliefs the more progress - Helen - sees old friends, many in darkness - Lipscomb in bad way - tries to help him, but - visits his old haunts - appetites of earth - his work - every time he helps a lower spirit he helps himself - Maurice Smith, John Clark - and Webb and Perry - P. in bad condition - grandmother tries to help him - my writings - his beliefs hold him back Mar. 7, 1916
Owen, Robert Dale with me as I read his book - the phenomenative - not one of the gifted ones - knows communication to be a fact - preachers most bigoted - in the third sphere - not heard of the divine love - believes in redemption of all mankind - intellect - natural love - never talked with spirits who claim to have the divine love - death - sees some spirits - in confusion (author of two well-known books: “Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World” (1859) and “The Debatable Land Between this World and the Next” (1872)) Feb. 11, 1919
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother more love - does not believe in hell and eternal punishment - Jesus - he talked to me Saturday night - her soulmate - Helen my soulmate Sept. 15, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother it was the true Jesus who wrote Sept. 24, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother Jesus - wrote - believe - selection Oct. 5, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - must believe what she tells me about Jesus - he has selected me - advice - Mrs. Eddy - Colburn - his book - my wife to be Nov. 8, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - 5th sphere - describes home - lives with Father’s soulmate - father progressing social life - what they eat Nov. 9, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother the Lord provides - the churches - Mrs. Eddy sees her mistakes on spiritualism - in same plane - says she is sorry for the mistakes of teaching that spirits do not communicate Dec. 5, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - father - soulmate - she is not - glad Helen is mine - mother’s soulmate - I am favored - Jesus - be careful of my gift. Dec. 20, 1914
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother refers to my visiting Ike - help him - Helen Jan. 1, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother Helen’s love - she called my name - happy - her power Jan. 4, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - grandfather writes - 3rd sphere - need not worry much about the future - will try to get higher - not so ambitious - contented to remain as he is - told that grandmother is his soulmate - says she may get another - some divine love - describes his conversion on earth - his children - Jesus - did grandfather good - grandmother - mother’s soulmate - Helen Jan. 12, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - my indigestion - pray - talks about Ike - Fred - Aunt Sis - father’s parents - Alice - message from - Helen - soulmate - Belle - Uncle Jim - Uncle Billy - refers to Jesus’ message Jan. 27, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother stop smoking - happy - 1st celestial sphere - who lives there - grandmother - soul perceptions - increase my faith - soulmate - he sends message - his name - helping to get voices Feb. 22, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - want of contentment not dissatisfaction - more difficult for mortals to progress than for spirits - pray and seek the great love - messages of Jesus Mar. 5, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother wants to help me - Helen with her - worries - Nita - dark spirits - will not listen to us - why - my work Mar. 29, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother 2nd celestial sphere - her happiness - her home - Helen - grandmother May 13, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother advice - her happiness - Nita June 3, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother personal June 26, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother personal - soulmate in 5th sphere Aug. 22, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother progress of her father and soulmate Nov. 8, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother long time since she wrote - I in the Fathers love - Jesus anxious that I do his work - close communion - believe and pray -grandmother with me often - her happiness - her soulmate has progressed - Edward - Caroline Feb. 27, 1916
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother personal advice - her soulmate in seventh sphere - grandmother and her soulmate - father - uncle William Oct. 4, 1916
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother have heard the Master’s message - glad of the assurance - his glory when he comes to me - her love - their efforts to comfort me - many friends present - happy and progressing - grandmother - advice Feb. 13, 1917
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother my condition - encouragement - her love - faith - her great happiness - her soulmate in 7th sphere May 22, 1917
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother writes about my sickness and gives advice June 1, 1918
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother words of comfort because of Nita’s death - her appearance and condition June 22, 1918
Padgett, John H. - my father tells how to form a band - tells who will be in it - all write - Joe Shillington May 31, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father Jesus wrote - he came because he loves me - the real Jesus Sept. 12, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father happy - Jesus came Saturday night - not an imposter - who Jesus is Sept. 14, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father my work - Jesus - born from above - teach the truths - stock market - I will get married - describes her - my children - mother not his soulmate - names her Sept. 18, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father Jesus wrote - the true Jesus - no impostor Sept. 24, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father do not let dark spirits write - break rapport - only band - law of spirit world Sept. 30, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father home in Takoma Park - business - market - Nita - Mr. Glaze - advice - Jesus wrote - selection - Harry - Edward - children Oct. 5, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father soon get into 3rd sphere - Jesus - grandmother - Lincoln - Washington - Grant - preachers - Pope Pius X in 3rd sphere - Taggart - mother my -brothers - my selection - Germans will be beaten Oct. 13, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father business advice - happy Nov. 9, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father spirit was an evil one - he is trying to pray - mother trying to help him - never known love - photographs - Helen in 3rd sphere - his condition - condition of Helens parents - must believe that they write Nov. 28, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father at Mrs. Ripple’s séance - sent a message by my friend Dec. 3, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father I am progressing - his want of faith - hopes for success Dec. 14, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father happy - experience in passing to 3rd sphere - soulmate - love in his heart - my faith - Jesus - living with soulmate - his work - Freds condition - he is my father - Helen’s home - White Eagle - Ike Dec. 15, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father happy - Helen with me - her love - soulmates - how found - his and Helen’s duty - spirits work - Riddle - Mackey - Taggart - conversation with Mackey - argument with Taggart Dec. 31, 1914
Padgett, John H. - my father I will do good - refers to Rose’s message Jan. 10, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal (not copied) Jan. 14, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal - Riddle just received the love - Helen’s faith Jan. 23, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father my cure - Jesus - White Eagle - faith Feb. 15, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father indigestion cured - market Feb. 17, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father will be my guardian angel as long as I live - White Eagle my guide - Jesus - Mr. Crowell - Alice in 3rd sphere - Mackey and Taggart progressing Mar. 17, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal Mar. 26, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal - the market Mar. 31, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal - the market Apr. 2, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father promises - advice - work with dark spirits - his soulmate May 6, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father happy - mother - advice May 13, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father advice - in 7th sphere - more power - Nita June 3, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal June 26, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal July 1, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal July 16, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father faith in the Father and trust in Jesus necessary - my work - soulmate - guardian angel - stock friends Aug. 30, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father as to Dr. Stones mother and Mary Oct. 29, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father as to spiritualism - Lipscomb Nov. 11, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal Nov. 22, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal Nov. 23, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father (at office) - advice as to material things - Jesus - they write Jan. 4, 1916
Padgett, John H. - my father personal - advice Jan. 11, 1916
Padgett, John H. - my father gives information as to market - how his informants learn - my financial condition - advice Feb. 18, 1916
Padgett, John H. - my father listened to grandmother’s message - Jesus teachings to the spirits the same - when scientists and infidels come into the spirit world they soon realize that there is a God - only one little veil of flesh between their mortal and sprit beliefs - speaks of Mr. Morgan and the market - advice as to my habits - anxious to deliver messages - happy Feb. 25, 1916
Padgett, John H. - my father personal - the market - the spirits, Morgan - friends all progressing - mother s soulmate - is with me Mar. 7, 1916
Padgett, John H. - my father must not be alarmed about the market - what spirit Morgan says - is happy - hopes to soon be in 1st celestial sphere - not to worry over business Mar. 24, 1916
Padgett, John H. - my father market affairs - Mr. Morgan - advice - Nita - progressing - Caroline May 11, 1916
Padgett, John H. - my father been with me a great deal - personal - in first celestial sphere - divine love - his home - advice - Helen - her progress - vast number of celestial spirits around me - mental development - his soulmate - mother’s soulmate in seventh sphere Oct. 28, 1916
Padgett, John H. - my father had experience which doesnt often come - they thought best to let me have it - the reason - need not fear that the state of the deserted king will ever be ours - description of Richard Nov. 6, 1916
Padgett, John H. - my father waiting a long time to write - with me very often trying to help me - not surrendered his guardianship - my work among the dark spirits - seventh sphere - mother and soulmate - grandfather and grandmother Padgett Mar. 13, 1917
Padgett, John H. - my father waiting for some time to write - good of other spirits considered - with me frequently - encouragement and advice - have faith - Master interested - his mission to look after my material affairs - the Broker - 1st celestial sphere - soulmates - their love - has no recollection of preincarnate existence - soulmates preexist the earth life - mothers soulmate Apr. 23, 1917
Padgett, John H. - my father with reference to the Broker - personal Aug. 18, 1917
Padgett, John H. - my father comforting words over Nita’s death - death is not cruel or unfriendly June 23, 1918
Padgett, John H. - my father not written for long time, but been with me often - my experience in not being able to receive the messages - my work - advice - I can or not cause the condition to exist - how to get in condition - rapport - with me trying to help in material affairs Oct. 16, 1918
Padgett, John H. - my father business letter and advice May 7, 1919
Padgett, Thomas - my father’s uncle my father’s uncle - died in 1831 - 4th sphere - spirits write to me - let him come again Nov. 14, 1914
Paine, Thomas in 1st celestial sphere - beliefs before death and now - redemption - church doctrines - suffered June 20, 1915
Parker, John D. - Englishman interested in my work - am receiving messages from high spirits - God - in seventh sphere where only the followers of Jesus are Mar. 14, 1916
Pelham, John G. was in Confederate army - now in hell - a gambler - spirits told him that I could help - could not understand what they meant - wants to meet the bright spirits - in earnest - sees & goes with a spirit Dec. 4, 1917
Perry, R. Ross committed suicide - sufferings intense - why he did the act - mistake - his beliefs - condition when he shot himself - Riddle July 28, 1915
Perry, R. Ross his condition - why he could not believe Riddle - regret for suicide - why he committed suicide - was calm - Jesus Oct. 1, 1915
Perry, R. Ross still in darkness, but not to same extent - commencing to realize that there is a way open - grandmother - trying to follow her advice - prays - feels better - Helen - Davidge, in darkness - Riddle - spirit world such a vast place - never seen his brothers - limited as to where he may wander June 19, 1916
Perry, R. Ross still in darkness - grandmother - not able to believe - must spend eternity in hell - how he suffers - I might suggest - our dialogue - argument - grandmother comes to him and he tells her our argument - she promises to bring him a high spirit who committed suicide - his expression of wonder - will pray - gratitude. Feb. 14, 1917
Perry, R. Ross feeling better - does not believe that he is doomed for all eternity - gratitude Mar. 4, 1917
Perry, R. Ross refers to Mr. Morgan’s visit to Mrs. Perry - describes his wifes condition - his condition when he committed suicide - in light and love - his belief left him - message to his wife - wants me to tell her of these things May 25, 1917
Perry, R. Ross with me when messages were read - his appreciation - refers to Mr. Morgan and his wife - wants me to visit his wife - he will be there and write May 26, 1917
Perry, R. Ross at séance - talked to Middleton and me - what spirits were present - Silby - Hutchins - their conditions - spirits who say they are happy when they are not - Middleton’s father present - his wife also Apr. 3, 1918
Perry, R. Ross has found the love and is - progressing - soon be in third sphere - his experiences - the law of compensation - how it operates - the law of love greater - how it operates Apr. 27, 1918
Perry, Mrs. - Ross Perry’s mother listened to conversation between Ross & myself - thankful - effect on Ross - Judas - grandmother - when he promised to pray - her joy Feb. 14, 1917
Perry, Mrs. - Ross Perry’s mother heard what Taggart said - Perry had his mind opened to the truth - he is praying - her thankfulness Feb. 16, 1917
Perry, Mrs. - Ross Perry’s mother expresses gratitude at Ross seeing the light - her love - pray for Ross Mar. 4, 1917
Perry, Willie in hell & suffering - wants help Mar. 19, 1920
Phillips, Samuel L. in darkness - states his beliefs on earth - don’t understand Mar. 19, 1915
Pierce, George W. long time ago told of his condition of darkness - advice - the light - helped by spirits Feb. 19, 1917
Pinckney, Bishop writes of his happiness and erroneous beliefs Nov. 21, 1915
Plato Socrates - immortality Nov. 11, 1915
Mrs Plummer (Added) Jan 3, 1917
Plummer, Nathan still in hell & suffering - describes his condition - regrets that he did not listen to Dr. Stone - hears our conversations - “hard to learn heavenly things in hell” - will try to follow advice Jan. 8, 1917
Plummer, Nathan been listening to Forrest - describes Forrest’s change and appearance - refers to the Dr.’s telling him of the divine love - is going to seek for it Feb. 8, 1917
Plummer, Nathan at séance - some hellish spirits present - is praying - Forrest growing brighter Mar. 15, 1917
Poe, Edgar Allen speaks of story - promises to write on - Nita July 23 & 24, 1915
Pyles, Mrs. mother of Johnnie Pyles - saw me speak to him - wish that I would tell him the truth Dec. 17, 1916
Raleigh, Sir Walter heard what Calhoun wrote - agrees with him - interested in war to some extent - not very great - all men his brothers - human soul in spirit world without nationality and its destiny does not depend on fact that it was lodged in Englishman etc. - is working - 4th sphere - describes his condition - hells not imaginary - goes with Mr. Riddle Feb. 25, 1917
Randall, John G. work & mission - the truths - new birth - was a Puritan Feb. 22, 1917
Randall, Samuel J. has progressed out of his darkness - experience with spirit who tried to help him - his habits of thought - heard the messages to me - effect - his experience in seeking for the love - gratitude Mar. 10, 1917
Rejewiee- the Indian (claims to be the one who wrote the hieroglyphics to the woman friend of Mr. Kelly, and herein translates the same.) lived many years before the known history of the world - rarely comes to the earth plane - sixth sphere - no matter how long spirits may have lived in spirit life they can return to earth - speaks of message to woman medium - gives a description of his country, and people and then of himself - Yarma July 7, 1916
Rice, Bettie why she was not a good woman - suffering - cant understand soul development - earth plane - no home - Prof. Salyards Sept. 24, 1915
Richard, the Third was King of England - interested in his country - Gladstone - exterminate the Germans - wishes he could come to earth - in earth plane - still a king - doesnt know why his subjects have deserted him - waiting for his Queen Nov. 6, 1916
Richards, John T. describes séance at Mrs. Kate’s meeting - no souls of animals in the spirit world - condition of dark spirits Apr. 13, 1919
Richards, Stephen J. has listened to our conversation - we are mistaken - believes in the orthodox teachings - is happy - never seen any reasons why he should not believe in the promises of the Bible - never seen Jesus - seen some celestial spirits - sees one of these spirits - going with him Dec. 21, 1917
Richards, William S. (added) June 24, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. talks about laws of spirit control over human beings - spirits and humans not very different - describes - still thinks as he did on earth - own efforts - mother’s ideas - change in father and Helen - grandmother - Jesus - does not believe - not very happy - laws of spirit world - I can receive his thoughts - discusses rapport - I am writing what he really expresses - subconscious mind - only two sources of thought - consciousness - dreams - memory - what is thought - what prevents spirits from progressing - Prof. Salyards - Mrs. Riddle and Bert - their condition - prayer - my father - what he thought on earth. Dec. 16, 1914
Riddle, Albert G. present spiritual condition - something more in the teachings of Jesus and prayer than he thought - intellect would never take me to the sphere of happiness - prayer and faith - has felt the result of prayer - must obtain a change in my condition -comparatively happy - I am changed - cause - cannot understand - my work - Jesus - doubts - Mrs. Riddle and Bert - darkness - not his soulmate - Helen and mother - her beauty - Prof. Salyards. Dec. 27, 1914
Riddle, Albert G. How his eyes were opened to the things of the spirit world and his heart to God - in third sphere - Jesus - Mrs. Riddle - Bert - I am blessed - talked through me at Coburn’s - Helicher - Mackey - Taggart - Harvey - his soulmate - Helen - Knowlton - Foster - messages to Mate & Collie. Jan. 20, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. cured of indigestion - faith - Jesus - White Eagle - happy - 3rd sphere - soulmate - grandmother - tells of some of the laws of the spirit world - voices - automatic writing - Helen - his progress in love and happiness - Jesus - how man is saved Feb. 20, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. refers to Garfield’s writing - does not understand his belief - R’s happiness - Mrs. Riddle & Bert praying some Mar. 22, 1915
Riddle, Albert G happy and progressing - refers to dark spirits - spirit and mind only part of soul - Jesus with me often - Garfield - his interview with grandmother - Syrick - Helen Mar. 30, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. progressing - his soulmate - his wife Apr. 5, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. Tells of conversation with the man of ponderous mind Apr. 6, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. in 5th sphere - Mrs. Riddle & Bert - progressing - Helen - Bert’s wish - thanks - my work May 13, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. personal - court matter June 26, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. in 5th sphere - happy - controversy with evil spirit - suffering July 2, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. my selection - proof astonishing - don’t doubt July 18, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. speaks of story writing July 23 & 24, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. happy - Jesus - his help - Helen’s love - new birth - Ingersoll - Meloy - grandmother Sept. 24, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. Jesus wrote - his glorification - spirits fell on their face - my power Sept. 27, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. I told Mate - not happy - earth plane - pray for and help him (no archive record) Sept. 30, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. advice to investigate - Perry better - talk with Ingersoll - divine love Oct. 6, 1915
Riddle, Albert G (added) Dec. 2, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. discourse on: “The soul’s progress as I have experienced it” Jan. 19, 1916
Riddle, Albert G. What Ingersoll said is true - illustrates the glory of the Master - divine love Dec. 2, 1916
A. G. Riddle (added) Riddle confirms that the Spanish martyr is whom he represents himself to be. January 12th, 1917
Riddle, Albert G. present when Mrs. Foster visited me in regards to her daughter - the causes of Mrs. Fosters condition - will try to help her - saving of soul more important than the saving of the mind - will call band to help her July 31, 1917
Riddle, Albert G. refers to the trial of his granddaughter as to her insanity - many spirits present - rapport of evil spirits - her other troubles describes her condition - my conversation with his other two daughters Aug. 3, 1917
Riddle, Albert G. Wrote on: “Heaven is a place as well as a condition” Feb. 27, 1920
Riddle, Caroline A. her condition & future happiness - how she came into the spirit world - believed kind heart and helping others all that was necessary - mistaken - long tine before she could understand - would not believe - waited in vain - Helen came to her - knows what the love means - grateful - Bert is progressing - he found it sooner - he fell in love with Helen Dec. 20, 1916
Ridout, John arrived in spirit world - disappointed and knows not what to do - see a great number of spirits in my room - Helen - Forrest Dec. 31, 1918
Robey, Sarah G. was a dark spirit - now in light - many dark spirits through my help have found the way - gratitude Dec. 20, 1917
Robinson, Jennie in distress - wants help, etc. Oct. 21, 1919
Robinson, W. H. I am gullible - spirit impersonating Dr. Gordon’s mother - the writer an honest spirit - not believer in church - my wife Apr. 5, 1917
Rogers, John D. wants to communicate - frequently attends the meetings - would have been recognized by persons present - unhappy - friends think he is happy - wants help - was a church member - must pay the penalty Mar. 23, 1919
Roller, Cousin Sally first appearance - condition Oct. 28, 1915
Roller, Cousin Sally personal - confirms that she appeared at séance Nov. 8, 1915
Roller, Cousin Sally much happier - loves Helen - knows what love means Jan. 28, 1916
Roller, Cousin Sally much better & progressed - love Nov. 10, 1916
Roller, John E. needs help - in darkness - Oscar said I had helped him Apr. 26, 1917
Roller, Oscar in darkness - dont want to be a spirit - beliefs - whiskey - Prof. Salyards May 18, 1915
Roller, Oscar in better condition - Cousin Sally wrote Oct. 28, 1915
Rollins, Florence - cousin much happier - 3rd sphere - am praying - home - seen Jesus when he comes to you - thankful Dec. 19, 1916
Rollins, Wm. H. in earth plane - Jesus - help him Sept. 30, 1914
Rollins, Wm. H. Jesus - better spiritually - prayers - Fred - Sis - Jim - spirits write Dec. 28, 1914
Rollins, Wm. H. in 3rd sphere - Prayers - happy - Fred June 3, 1915
Root, Richard Indian did not want to let him write not happy - Helen is helping him - his wife - regrets - his daughters Apr. 5, 1916
Root, Richard with me when the spirits write - still in darkness - Helen helps him - somehow can’t understand - God is so far away - will try to follow my advice - wife better - Helen helping her - don’t understand how he writes Apr. 27, 1916
Root, Richard in better condition - Helen & mother - listened to her advice - prayed and tried to have faith - darkness leaving him - almost happy - has had much suffering - no spirit could suffer for him - his wife progressing - wants to write to his daughters June 20, 1916
Root, Richard progressing - Helen helped him - Mrs. Root progressing - thankful - the wonderful love Dec. 20, 1916
Root, Richard happy and progressing - his children Dec. 20, 1917
Russell, Pastor (Charles Taze) - founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the twinkling of an eye saw the falsity of his beliefs - alive more than ever - expected to go into oblivion - injury done to followers - his responsibility - will come and write - must reach his people - all the beliefs of a lifetime destroyed in one short moment Nov. 6, 1916
Russell, Pastor (Charles Taze) - founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses wants to write - at meeting in afternoon - recognized me - suffers much - am alive and has not the rest of oblivion Dec. 17, 1916
Russell, Pastor (Charles Taze) - founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses with me as I read one of his books - his errors - wrong done to his followers - the truths he has learned - the soul - his burdens July 31, 1918
Saelish - an Assyrian wise man religion - Gods - future life - reincarnation Nov. 3, 1915
Saint Ambrose it was St. Augustine - he succeeded me as bishop - new birth Aug. 7, 1915
Saint Anthony not one of Jesus’ disciples - a follower - died in his cause - my selection - love July 17, 1915
Saint Augustine manuscript that he used not basis of Bible - teachings of Jesus - must not depend on his writings - his comments should not be accepted - Jesus now writing truths - new birth Aug. 7, 1915
Saint Camelia - a Catholic nun no longer nun or Catholic, but a Christian - lived 1676 Aug. 31, 1915
Saint Camelia - a Catholic nun my work - faith Oct. 19, 1915
Saint Camelia - a Catholic nun as to who Jesus is Nov. 14, 1915
Saint Celestia - of Italy martyred by Church - not believer in its doctrines - canonized - my work - how Jesus is saviour - soul - God of love - pray Aug. 8, 1915
Saint Celestia - of Italy says that Jesus and grandmother and Helen wrote Oct. 18, 1915
Saint Chrysostom my work - was teacher - beliefs - did not have divine love - beliefs now - saints - churches can’t make saints - my doubts July 22, 1915
Saint Chrysostom as to my work - spirit help Nov. 8, 1915
Saint Clement - Pope of Rome suffered - protests against dogmas of church - harm done to people Aug. 16, 1915
Saint Clement - Pope of Rome errors of church - will lose its power and disappear - not to be reformed from within - church of Christ will be established - my work Aug. 29, 1915
Saint Clement - Pope of Rome I have been selected to do the work - Jesus writes to me - in celestial spheres - underwent sufferings Feb. 15, 1916
Saint Cornelius - the first gentile Christian defines what soul is - addition to Matthew’s talk Nov. 2, 1915
Saint Gallatin - of Italy priest of Romish church - beliefs on earth - deceived - suffered - why - no saint Aug. 16, 1915
Saint George - the Dragon warrior, not saint - fought Turks - divine love - Jesus working through me July 22, 1915
Saint Gregory - the great Pope suffering - God’s love - way to - errors of belief - Church Nov. 7, 1915
Saint Jerome messages are written by the sprits - true - don’t doubt July 17, 1915
Saint Jerome lives in celestial spheres - canonized - his writings - Bible - spirit band Aug. 17, 1915
Saint Jerome his beliefs on earth - my work Oct. 10, 1915
Saint Salatia - of the Romish Church when first in spirit world, darkness - false beliefs - many priests in darkness - their beliefs Aug. 31, 1915
Saint Salvatore - Roman Catholic his history - beliefs - errors - church will fall Oct. 19, 1915
Saint Sebastian - Bishop of Genoa was crucified - follower of Jesus on earth - my work July 22, 1915
St Sebastian (added) St. Sebastian wants Mr. Padgett to know that he is in condition to write. Aug 24, 1915
Salaalida - Moslem lived in time of Crusaders - love for all - lives in Mohammedan heaven - Jesus Aug. 12, 1915
Salabis Egyptian priest of the temple of Osiris and Isis - had charge of the sacrifices - similarity between his beliefs and those of Christians - God - Jesus - divine love - lived when immortality was not known to men Dec. 30, 1915
Salaventura, John - Priest of Rome lived when religion at low ebb - Church bulwark against infidelity - danger - bulls of popes - church not learned truths - priests cannot forgive sins - popes - Pope Pius X Aug. 16, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess long letter - describes her life on earth - beliefs - spirit life, etc. June 2, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess happier - love of God - 3rd sphere - will go to 6th and tell her people - will tell of her life June 27, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing - Helen - glad she came for help - intellectual acquirements - divine love July 5, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing - new birth - going to her race to teach Sept. 21, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess witnessed Jesus’’ display of glory - convinced of divine love Oct. 1, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing - 3rd sphere - divine love - Jesus - kind thoughts of mortals Oct. 8, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing - in 5th sphere - speaks of showing her people the divine love Oct. 16, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing Oct. 26, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing - the divine love, hers - wants to write a long letter Mar. 24, 1916
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess happy and progressing - Helen May 25, 1916
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess still progressing - been praying - in 7th sphere - Helen - thanks God that she came to me - divine love - will go to her people Aug. 17, 1916
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess happy - the love - will tell her life on earth - go to her people Sept. 12, 1916
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess Personal - encouragement Oct. 31, 1916
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess interested spectator - Richards influence - why thankful - happy Nov. 6, 1916
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess heard me read message of Paul - personally not interested in hell - happy and progressing - praying - will soon write of her earth life Nov. 22, 1916
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess in 1st Celestial - her knowledge - gratitude - trying to help her people - will come whenever I call her - soulmate Apr. 3, 1917
Salemeese Egyptian - antedated the Pharaohs - priest of Osiris & Closes - have temples & worship - one God - 6th sphere - came to talk of earth life but I am not in condition Jan. 11, 1917
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. promise to write much in future - poems - a little child -seeking the truths - mother - Jesus - his works Oct. 8, 1914
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. Helen in her new home - describes her Nov. 27, 1914
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. has experiences in spirit life - his regeneration - thought mere intellectual acquirements all that was necessary - found otherwise - studied spirit laws - true happiness in possession of God’s love - advice - in 3rd sphere with Helen - my mother taught him - divine love - happiness - his work - grandmother - his thanks - Mr. Riddle’s beliefs and condition - describes my father’s passing to a higher sphere - describes Helen and her love - not met his soulmate Dec. 18, 1914
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. 3rd sphere - God’s love - may recite poem - selected for the work - found soulmate - Helen - her love - love in spirit life - his son Joe - my mother - Ambrose H. - his father Dec. 28, 1914
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. some phases of spirit life - spirits often in condition of darkness - reason for - when spirits realize that they are spirits - his work - effect of death on spirits - their happiness Feb. 25, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. soulmate - both happy - mother and grandmother - her discussion on forgiveness - quotes from his writings on soul April 1, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. promises to write - his soulmate - my work with the dark spirits - conversation between Mr. Riddle and the man with the ponderous mind Apr. 12, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. discourses on laws of spirit world Apr. 13, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. arranges to write discourse - refers to description of him at séance Apr. 30, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. continues discourse on laws of spirit world - no mere knowledge of material things will fit for higher life - law of compensation - law of soulmates May 3, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. Jesus wrote - continues his discourse on laws of spirit world May 24, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. comments on Jesus’’ description of his birth and life - my father in 7th sphere June 8, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. writes of the story of Sir Walter Scott July 23 & 24, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. messages from great variety of spirits - new birth - 7th sphere - Roller Aug. 6, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. divine love - conversion of spirits - his work - 7th sphere Oct. 10, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. discourses on the Personality of God Nov. 21, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. discourse - “Law is the unchangeable factor in determining the status of men on earth and spirits in this life” Jan. 21, 1916
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. desires to finish his discourse - refers to Paul’s message on “the resurrection” - refers to my school days - the result to him in the spirit world of our meeting - my work with the dark spirits - happy - prayers - love - Helen Feb. 8, 1916
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. finishes his discourse of Jan. 21 Mar. 15, 1916
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. intruding spirits - soon write a message May 1, 1916
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. I am not in good condition - must not become doubtful - advice - only I prevent them from making their love felt - pray more - say I am a child of the Father Feb. 24, 1917
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. refers to John and Mr. Stone - their homes - work - advice - love June 16, 1917
Samera - a Greek of the days of Aristotle - message on most important truth - Oneness of God - his investigations - the lesser Gods - 6th Jan. 15, 1917
Samuel - the Prophet now a Christian - my selection - gift of divine love - God - his beliefs on earth - fear - Saul - laws of Moses - the woman of Endor - mediums July 21, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet life in spirit world - 10,000 years - learned truths - natural love - divine love - Jesus - founders of other religions - their homes Aug. 5, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet description of celestial spheres - homes - inhabitants Aug. 17, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet my work Aug. 30, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet love - pray - soul development - may be obtained on earth Sept. 13, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet men who know not Jesus - divine love - redemption Sept. 20, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet Jesus writes - his love - my doubts - messages Sept. 23, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet urges to pray Oct. 18, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet supplement to Luke’s discourse as to how a soul is born into the flesh Jan. 17, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet future life - wishes to write to those who say “I don’t know” - the materialists - reappearance of life in vegetable, etc. does not prove future life of man Mar. 21, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet will soon finish message - no reason that I should know what it will be Mar. 24, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet continues message on future life - as shown by manifestations of nature Mar. 30, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet many high spirits around me - my soul development - encouragement Apr. 15, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet I am in better condition to receive the Masters messages - my band - Elias Apr. 20, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet try to help me - no need for worry May 7, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet Paine’s “Age of Reason” - reasonable & true - God of the Old Testament not the true God - will come and write with reference to Old Testament Books June 16, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet comes because I am worried about business - encouragement - wants to write about some soul truths and historical facts June 20, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet speaks of the book of the Israelite (street preacher) - spirits keep their eyes open to the various ideas of men - derive no good from reading such books - will come soon and give his understanding of man’s creation and fall as he understood it while in the flesh - cannot positively know the manner in which creation occurred - knows of the fall of man - has talked with the first parents - they have written me - of no importance, except to show what man lost by the fall and what was restored to him at the coming of Jesus - revelations coming to me are the truths of God which they have been striving for centuries to make known to humanity - the results of my work (No Archive Reord) July 10, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet personal - faith - love - effect of - Paul’s description of Sept. 10, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet not written for a long time - with me often - writes on subject: What causes the souls of men the unrest that now exists in your mortal world - (did not finish - Dr. Stone came in) Dec. 13, 1916
Samuel - the Prophet corroborates John & Luke - encouragement - cannot foretell events as if he were omniscient - neither did he while on earth and neither did any prophet or seer - how mediums may foretell - explains why I am to live to do the work - promises - God is love - man the object & is never refused when he comes with the proper longings - divine love - natural love no part of it Jan. 5, 1917
Samuel - the Prophet (added) Jan 7, 1917
Samuel - the Prophet corroborates what James wrote - will soon come and write on: What is the Conscience. Apr. 3, 1917
Samuel - the Prophet expects to write many times in the future - work - love - pray - many spirits present desiring to express gratitude May 1, 1917
Samuel - the Prophet (added) May 15, 1917
Samuel - the Prophet will write on: What were the beliefs of time Jews as to the resurrection and the destiny of the human soul May 23, 1917
Samuel - the Prophet Solomon wrote - refers to the conversation - material things - things spirits can’t explain - personal - how God works - how prayer is answered June 14, 1917
Samuel - the Prophet (Added) March 27, 1921
Samuels, Samuel G. Hells as well as heavens in spirit world - inhabitants - his experience - describes the hells Dec. 28, 1915
Sarah - the wife of Abraham not soulmate of Abraham - her treatment of Hagar - Bible - Aaron Oct. 23, 1915
Saul of the Old Testament speaks of his earth life - the scene at the woman of Endor - spirits learn, etc. Aug. 7, 1915
Saul of the Old Testament dark spirits - my work - Jesus - mediums - woman of Endor Aug. 13, 1915
Saul of the Old Testament my selection and work Aug. 21, 1915
Saul of the Old Testament my work - the celestial band Oct. 10, 1915
Saul of the Old Testament desires to write - happy Mar. 24, 1916
Saul of the Old Testament refers to the account of him in Old Testament - the witch of Endor Apr. 7, 1916
Saul of the Old Testament Mary, Jesus’ mother wrote - not pleased when mortals pray to her Apr. 15, 1916
Saul of the Old Testament desires to write a message - interested in the Jews and desires to tell them some truths - difficult to convince them - effect of the war on the Jews June 1, 1917
Saul of the Old Testament God never brought to him victory over the Amalakites, etc.- God not the particular patron of the Jews - not God of any race - God of every individual child - nations rise & fall, etc. - God does not deal with nations as such - only with individuals - victory over self - when nations may say God is our God - God never helped the Jews more than he did any other nation - when he went to Samuel in despair, nearer God than ever Jan. 31, 1917
Scott, Charles knows what death means - knows he is living & suffering - wants help - not in condition to know the truths of religion Feb. 2, 1920
Scott, Sir Walter writes story of soulmate - also a message July 23 & 24, 1915
Scott, Sir Walter pleased with manner in which I sounded out the story July 30, 1915
Scott, Wm. P. has some of the divine love - interested in work - enjoys conversations Feb. 19, 1917
Scranton, Wm. B. jolly man - knows nothing but fun - not the poor depressed spirits I may think - describes dark spirits - describes the girls Apr. 29, 1916
Scrivener, John B. not of the higher spheres - earth plane - present when other spirits were writing - interested in phenomena - all dependent on the will of the Father - suffers the penalties Mar. 21, 1918
Seafee spirit of Assyrian - spirit when Moses lived - believed in one God - no belief in devil - states beliefs & sacrifices - lives in Sixth sphere June 4, 1916
Sebastobel (lived many thousands of years ago on the Upper Nile) intellectual spirit - lives in highest sphere - communicated with seers of Atlantis - new birth - the development of the Atlantians - forces of nature Sept. 24, 1915
See, Miss - mother of a personal, comforting letter to her daughter Aug. 1, 1918
Seligman - Muslim ex-sultan (later says his name is Seligman not Seleman - ed.) follower of Prophet - heard messages - divine love not known to him - will inquire - his happiness - live in different heavens - dissatisfied Aug. 8, 1915
Seligman - Muslim ex-sultan (later says his name is Seligman not Seleman - ed.) wants to tell of his pursuit of the divine love Aug. 29, 1915
Seligman - Muslim ex-sultan (later says his name is Seligman - ed.) has written before - has made investigation - divine love true - has received some of it - never before learned of this love - the Prophet never taught it - only the natural love - very few of his people have any conception of the existence of the divine love - they are in the spirit sphere only - Christian spirits - in third sphere - becomes more unselfish - desire that his brothers shall know of this love - will go back to his brothers & teach - Seligman is his name - the other name (Seleman) a mistake Mar. 6, 1916
Selim - first Muslim Sultan of that name in his paradise - loves all men Aug. 12, 1915
Selim - first Muslim Sultan of that name refers to Paul’s writing - new birth and natural love - Prophet never taught divine love Aug. 20, 1915
Selman, John P. in better condition - was infidel - salvation - Mrs. Selman - Helen Apr. 18, 1916
Semiramis - a Greek maiden a Christian - former pagan beliefs Nov. 2, 1915
Seurges - the Babylonian makes his sign manual - on earth many thousand years ago - his sign now, the great seal of the Fathers love - now a Christian - will come later & write Mar. 24, 1916
Shannon, Samuel P. an English scientist - says our writers are deceiving us - no such thing as divine love - gives his knowledge of the spirit world and spiritual things ( interesting) Jan. 8, 1917
Shem - father of Israel my work - Christian - his life - new birth - salvation Sept. 16, 1915
Sherman, Genl. Wm. T. his condition - can’t believe - meets Riddle & Ingersoll Oct. 19, 1915
Sherman, Genl. Wm. T. doubts - not ready to believe in Christianity - Grant believes Oct. 28, 1915
Sherman, Wm. P. - second sphere refers to Mary’s letter to Dr. Stone - enjoyed love scene - asks Helen to find his soulmate Oct. 8, 1915
Shellington, Joe. in darkness - describes his dying - Mr. Ripple’s séance - letter to his wife June 17, 1915
Simms, Peter W. soulmate did not write - he is the only spirit whom can write - a giddy spirit - call on him - sometimes he goes to mediums - If you can make a mortal happy why not do so, even if you have to tell a lie Nov. 26, 1917
Simpson, Charles W. - an evil spirit he came impersonating my father - he speaks of the spirit photographs and explains who the spirits are - I charge him with being an evil spirit - he then curses and shows his true character - I then talk to him of God’s love and wont let him go - he doesnt want to be saved - don’t pray for him - says I am torturing him - and wants to leave - promises to pray and ask help - never heard of Jesus Nov. 28, 1914
Simpson, Charles W. - an evil spirit came to me a long time ago in distress - started him on his road to happiness - now a redeemed child - thankful - other spirits expressing their gratitude Dec. 16, 1916
Sinclair, John D. heard me read the messages - never experienced anything like them - not in much darkness - explain what it all means June 1, 1920
Sinclaire, Madeline wants soul love - speaks of her earth life - in hell Oct. 11, 1917
Slack, Caroline S. to Mrs. Slack Nov. 9, 1915
Slack, J. B. to his daughter - Mr. Levey (Leavy) Nov. 8, 1915
Smith, C. Maurice his condition - other lawyers in same place Mar. 19, 1916
Smith, C. Maurice Forrest’s change - the surprise - must follow his course - speaks of my advice Mar. 10, 1917
Smith, George W. a spirit rescued from darkness - grateful Dec. 8, 1917
Samuel R Smith - The Man With the Ponderous Mind has had experience - was ignorant man - has leaned spirit truths - grandmother - new birth Aug. 23, 1915
Samuel R Smith - The Man With the Ponderous Mind his progression - belief in Jesus - helping the dark spirits Oct. 29, 1915
Socrates describes his earth life - and in spirit world - and his conversion - immortality - God July 8, 1915
Solomon - the wise Paul & John - wisdom - Jesus - divine love - his conversion - ancient spirits June 27, 1915
Solomon - the wise why I was chosen to do the work - Swedenborg chosen - his failure - Jesus - celestial band - Dr. Stone chosen Oct. 1, 1915
Solomon - the wise the greatest thing in all the world - Love will come and then faith, and then knowledge, and then ownership Apr. 20, 1916
Solomon - the wise must have more faith in the communications - spirits who write are actually whom they represent themselves to be - come soon and write July 9, 1916
Solomon - the wise refers to my selection - urges necessity for doing the work - results of the war - how God answers prayer - personal - advice June 14, 1917
Somerville, Hannah leader of sect that believed in resurrection of body - and eternal punishment - vicarious atonement - has seen the errors of her beliefs - suffered a long time because of her beliefs - died in 1682 Jan. 16, 1916
Somerville, Thomas needs help - in darkness - threw away certainty of heaven to satisfy appetite for drink - a hell - his sufferings - lost opportunities never come again - with Tinie often - mother comes to him Jan. 21, 1916
Sommer, Lillian society woman - describes her life on earth and why she now suffers and is in darkness June 6, 1916
Southard, Samuel B. believed in Trinity - surprised in spirit world - effects of belief - face to face with Jesus - beliefs changes - divine love - immortality Aug. 30, 1915
Southern, John B. doubts the divine love - the mind the important thing - opinions of earth life - promise of grandmother Dec. 26, 1915
Spanglios, Carlos was a Catholic - left earth many years ago - purgatory - priests - false teachings - wants to know the way out - lived in Spain June 19, 1917
Spencer - the Scientist the writing of spiritualists - the good work that they are doing - must wait for the messages to be finished June 18, 1919
Spinoza, Baruch never written me before - wonderful revelation - why he writes - was a philosopher - what he studied on earth - his speculations - reason - its workings - his mistakes - fallibility of reason - what truth is - what reason is - what the soul may do - should like to write of the errors of his earth teachings - in the intellectual planes of the 5th sphere - early period in spirit world one of stagnation - why so - speculation - what changed him Apr. 14, 1918
Spinoza, Baruch writes on Mrs. Kate’s prophecies - her condition limited by her development Jan. 5, 1919
Sprague, Kate Chase first message not in tablet, nor in Archive Records so not dated  
Sprague, Kate Chase progressing - almost out of darkness - higher plane than when she wrote before - intellect not sufficient June 20, 1916
Sprague, Kate Chase happy - sought for the love - in the bright plane - praying for more - gratitude (Archive Record Exists) Mar. 12, 1917
Stahl, Win. B. at séance a few nights ago - heard spirits talk - surprised - not acquainted with the law controlling communications - made inquiries Apr. 10, 1918
Stanhope, Grace a young mother who died in childbirth - a beautiful letter - her experience in death Dec. 21, 1917
Stephenson, William. T. soulmate love - never dies - his wife has another husband on earth Oct. 6, 1915
Stokes, Rev. with me since I arrived at Ocean Grove - knows my views - warns me against telling them to his followers - has same beliefs as when on earth - Divine love - some spirits claim to have it - wrong July 18, 1918
Stone, Kate - Dr.’s Stones sister message to Dr. Stone Nov. 22, 1915
Stone, Kate - Dr.’s Stones sister message to Dr. Stone Nov. 23, 1915
Stone, Kate - Dr.’s Stones sister (added) June 6, 1916
Stone, Kate - Dr.’s Stones sister Richard the Third has left - depressing influence - love & happiness Nov. 6, 1916
Stone, Kate - Dr.’s Stones sister (added) June 19, 1917
Stone, Kate - Dr.s Stones sister (added) Apr. 4, 1918
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother message to Dr. Stone Oct. 29, 1915
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother Message to Dr. Stone Nov. 23, 1915
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother Jesus wrote - must not doubt Nov. 29, 1915
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother (added) Jan. 10, 1916
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother (added) Feb. 17, 1916
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother (added) Mar. 6, 1916
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother (added) Oct. 13, 1916
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother happy - love is filling the Dr.’s soul - Jesus - John - she loves him Nov. 2, 1916
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother (added) Priscilla Stone explains the great joy living in the Fathers Kingdom that she wants her son to know a great deal about. Nov. 20, 1916
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother letter to Dr. very beautiful Dec. 16, 1916
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother John wrote - our selection - our work Feb. 6, 1917
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother at Dr. Bruen’s séance - heard Johns message - advice - the Dr. Mar. 15, 1917
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother (added) April 19, 1917
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother (added) May 13, 1917
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother refers to my work - advice - results of the truths conveyed to me - love June 16, 1917
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother a letter to Leslie - her happiness - the Father’s love - “God is Love” - comments on - compares the divine love & mortal love - how the latter is unsatisfying - knowledge comes to her - ambitions of some mortals in the spirit world - refers to Leslie’s experience in going out of his body Dec. 10, 1917
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father (added) Oct. 3, 1915
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father message to Dr. Stone Nov. 4, 1915
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father (added) Nov. 14, 1915
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father message to Dr. Stone Nov. 23, 1915
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father (added) Mar. 23, 1916
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father Message to Dr. Stone Dec. 28, 1916
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father (added) March 15, 1917
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father (added) June 21, 1917
Swedenborg hell is a place as well as a condition - describes the hells - recollections cause sufferings - the hells increase the sufferings - where the hells are - the law of attraction - his mission as seer and failure Dec. 17, 1915
Swedenborg anxious to write - been waiting for some time - will write on his interpretations of the truths of the spirit world - God is spirit & not a divine man or a man divine - Jesus is not God Feb. 26, 1917
Swedenborg many errors in his writings - necessary that he correct them - will come soon - did not know of the divine love - all in the hells will be saved - in celestial spheres Apr. 8, 1917
Swedenborg desires to write a long message May 8, 1917
Swedenborg heard messages of Luke & grandmother - follow advice - his experience “failure” - comparative - what failure means - privilege conferred - my condition - how the messages are to be revealed through me - advice Dec. 23, 1917
Syrick, Frank D. alive - has Rose with him - not suited to live with her - uncertainty has become certain - Helen - Dr. Stone’s Mary Mar, 29, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. Helen - Rose - his fortunate day - refers to my advice on earth - describes his death - entrance into spirit world May 6, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. at Mrs. Ripple’s - Helen met him - Senator Daniels wrote - refers to Rose’s letter, saying he would soon pass over - only commenced to live when he came over - has met Jesus and saw him write - Helen talked - Mr. Colburn there - Mrs. Colburn’s beliefs May 18, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. writes through Helen - progressing - my selection - Jesus Sept. 12, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. tried to fool me by writing in name of Helen Oct. 10, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. progressing - Rose - beautiful spirits - how knowledge helped him Oct. 19, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. Tries to describe Helen appearance and her garments - wants to write Dec. 22, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. is happy - with Rose - progressing - Dr. Stone’s soulmate - our advantage over him on earth - his surprise Mar, 23, 1916
Syrick, Frank D. Rose & he often talk of communion through me - in fifth sphere has much of the love - happy - want of knowledge on part of preachers - my work - good doing to dark spirits - at Mrs. Ripple’s séances - impostors - describes a deception - why the impostors are not disclosed - Bright Star Nov. 1, 1916
Syrick, Frank D. sometime since he wrote - thinks of things that have happened since he left earth - found love of father - our soulmates - present when our soulmates carried us to spirit world - describes scene - happy - progressing Dec. 28, 1916
Syrick, Frank D. he impersonated Ingersoll - test - at church services - frequently comes to Dr. Jan. 18, 1917
Syrick, Frank D. pleased to write - his feelings for us - heard the message on the kingdoms - progressing - the divine love - Fifth Sphere - Rose - wants to tell of happiness that comes with the soulmate - spoke to me at séance - dark spirits helped May 13, 1917
Syrick, Frank D. progressing - keep up courage - many spirits present - the Broker Oct. 2, 1917
Syrick, Frank D. in 7th sphere - writes of my work with dark spirits - Morgan’s work with the priests - results, etc. Nov. 16, 1917
Syrick, Frank D. mystery & truth - with me often - many spirits around me - “Not only do we do unto others as they would have them do unto us, but we do unto others as we know both for the good of these others” - progressing - Rose - soulmate love - Mr. Morgan - Catholic spirits & Morgan Dec. 21, 1917
Taggart, Hugh T. grateful - seeing - light - Helen - fortunate thing for him - recalls our argument - love and faith - proof - Harry & McNally July 22, 1915
Taggart, Hugh T. not written for long time - spirit life wonderful - thinks of many lost opportunities - out of darkness - happy - Mackey also progressed - knows that there is the divine love and earnest prayer brings it - often talk about argument  of prayer I formulated - opened up his soul - sometime will tell experience - Harry has progressed some - priests - prayers - Mac, not advanced much - hard to get out of his beliefs about purgatory - Davidge in darkness - not suffering so much June 20, 1916
Taggart, Hugh T. been listening to messages - funny spirit wrote - messages from the spirits who claimed to write - Morgan - how many hours of darkness could have been saved him - has progressed - in 3rd sphere - happiness - the wonders - would not exchange - divine love - Morgan has love Nov. 4, 1916
Taggart, Hugh T. heard conversation with Perry - how firm a hold his belief in his eternal damnation has on him - tried to help him - told him my experience - could not convince him - grandmothers influence - he doesnt understand my power - many spirits helped Feb. 14, 1917
Taggart, Hugh T. the appearance of certain suicides has demonstrated to Perry that his punishment is not everlasting - grandmother brought these spirits and also Judas - effect on Perry Feb. 16, 1917
Thomas, Edwin H. alive & astonished - neither in heaven nor hell - number of old friends here - most of them not happy - Helen Jan. 27, 1917
Thomas, Edwin H. is better - is praying - wife and he in earth plane - Helen - expresses surprise at writing - hosts of spirits surround me - eager to write - thought Jesus was God Apr. 23, 1917
Todd, John B. the happiness of the children of God - 1st celestial sphere - knows he is immortal. - was recently with Lincoln - compares the happiness of the two spheres - the inhabitants - compares his condition as a mortal - every man may become the possessor of the blessings Jan. 5, 1916
Todd, John B. heard what White said - he appears to be talking to someone - sees Riddle - going with him Jan. 16, 1918
Vespasian - Roman Emperor destroyed Jerusalem - now Christian - position on earth of no importance - my work - greatest number of mediums from those speaking English July 22, 1915
Graf Von Moltke - the German general replies to Napoleon - Germans will be victors Nov. 1, 1915
Victoria - Queen none more interested in the war - my people being destroyed - wished she could have lived a few years longer - could have controlled the Kaiser - have tried to influence him since becoming a spirit - believes end in sight & Germans seek peace Feb. 8, 1917
Wandering Jew the one who told Jesus to, “pass on” - describes the occasion - his wanderings - sufferings - redemption - how he met Jesus -in celestial spheres - the divine love June 21, 1917
Ware, Clara woman who was killed by her husband - comments - came to me a few nights ago at séance & asked for help - wants help - so unhappy & in darkness - never seen devil - has no God to love her - not forgiven her husband - hates him - tries to make herself visible to him - goes with spirit May 18, 1917
Washington, George in celestial sphere - not so interested in earthly affairs - but in individual souls - brotherhood of man - divine love - present war Aug. 1, 1915
Washington, George no title - my writings from highest to lowest spirits - my work - why low spirits will not listen to higher ones - assures the truths written Aug. 12, 1915
Washington, George the messages contain the whole plan of man’s salvation - in celestial heavens Nov. 9, 1918
Watson, Jas. E. a spirit redeemed from darkness - grateful Dec. 8, 1917
Webb, Wm. B. in darkness - wants help - sees Dr. Morgan Jan. 18, 1918
Webster, Daniel efforts being made by spirit world to bring the truths to earth - my work - divine love - mankind’s needs - 1st celestial where Jefferson & Washington are Dec. 9, 1915
Wesley, Charles my work - hymns Nov. 3(2?), 1915
Wesley, Charles not forget my mission - high spirits are writing Mar. 14, 1916
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists my selection to deliver the truths - believe - Jesus has declared it - get faith July 18, 1915
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists Jesus writes to me - my selection - test of the truth of the writings - gift of divine love; Bible does not teach it - moral principles Aug. 2, 1915
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists “Feed my sheep,” what it means - advice - Jesus’ love Sept. 30, 1915
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists Jesus bestowed his love - his glory - important man to Jesus - divine love Dec. 14, 1915
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists Jesus wrote - believe Nov. 29, 1915
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists Samuel has finished his message - would like to write Mar. 30, 1916
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists many spirits present - good to dark spirits - my work - Dr. Stone’s talks - more spirits hearers than mortal - effect of our discussions on spirits - become known in spirit world that there are mortals who can help the dark spirits - the good being done - our rapport with the spirits - encouragement - the great truth is the divine love, and then the workings of this love Feb. 15, 1917
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists present at services over Nita’s remains - describes what spirits were present - no sorrow with them June 21, 1918
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists speaks of my work - he is working on the other side - can see my condition & knows my attitude towards the work - have a fuller appreciation of the work - nothing on earth so important to mankind as the truths - they are more interested in their future destiny, but give less attention to ascertaining the same - faith and the mysteries of God - live more for the present - but when men learn of the future they will give more attention to the present life - becoming incredulous of the creeds and dogmas - satisfied - ready to learn the truth - my work - advice Nov. 15, 1918
Helen Padgett letter from Wesley - my condition Nov. 15, 1918
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists my work - advice Jan. 14, 1919
Wesley, John - leader of the Methodists things that make for heaven & happiness - my condition - must get in condition to receive the truths - my indifference - advice Mar. 29, 1919
White Eagle Helens power - her love - she called my name - voices Jan. 4, 1915
White Eagle my cure - Jesus Feb. 15, 1915
White Eagle dark spirits writing Apr. 2, 1915
White Eagle in 5th sphere - loves his work - treatment - Bright Star - Syrick - Helen - grandmother - Mr. Colburn - Jesus - Dr. Campbell Apr. 7, 1915
White Eagle refers to his treatment of me - Jesus - wicked spirit better Apr. 21, 1915
White Eagle at Mrs. Ripple’s séance May 19, 1915
White Eagle gives name of spirit who could not write her name June 16, 1915
White Eagle as to his treatment of my ailment Aug. 22, 1915
White Eagle will not give treatment - Great Bear Aug. 28, 1915
White Eagle not smoke - speaks of Jesus’ display of glory - many spirits present Oct. 1, 1915
White Eagle treatment Oct. 27, 1915
White Eagle sending dark spirits away - Great Bear Nov. 3, 1915
White Eagle personal Nov. 17, 1915
White Eagle great number of dark spirits present - they tell one another - hundreds of bright spirits present to help - is happy - dark spirits my friends to protect - Great Bear present - happy Feb. 16, 1916
White Eagle (added) Mar. 19, 1916
White Eagle (added) Apr. 18, 1916
White Eagle hard to prevent some spirits from writing - no more trouble May 1, 1916
White Eagle glad to write - with me - happy - messages of high spirits Aug. 9, 1916
White Eagle glad I called him - Great Bear Dec. 4, 1917
White, E. E. saw Eugene Morgan - learned that I received messages - his darkness - in hell - wants relief - with some of his boon companions of earth - sees spirit, etc. Jan. 17, 1918
Whitefield, George - the great preacher of England change in beliefs - Jesus not God - no vicarious atonement - his life and teachings - God - hell - teaching spirits to unlearn - my work - soul development Aug. 8, 1915
Whitefield, George - the great preacher of England seen display of soulmate love - soulmates in spirit world and on earth - his soulmate with him in celestial home - soul without its soulmate - comments on Dr. Gordon’s discourse on the ”coming great world teacher” - who the teacher will be - how the awakening of the human soul is aroused - Jesus’ teachings - the preacher’s conception not a true one - the truths will have to be taught - miracles will take place - the Master is the leader Oct. 11, 1917
Whiting, John S. in spirit life a great many years - enjoys development of mind and soul in moral qualities - 4th sphere - other spirits - learning - only recently learned that communication is possible - never seen Jesus - when on earth never believed in him, do not now - higher planes - does not believe in the religion of the churches - his beliefs Jan. 15, 1918
Williams, Arnold a spirit who had tried to deceive me - now in light Dec. 12, 1917
Williams, Father (added) Nov 8, 1917
Willis, Sofia - mother of Dr. Willis letter to Dr. Willis - her death Nov. 12, 1915
Willis, Sofia - mother of Dr. Willis one of the dark ones who came for help - out of darkness - gratitude, etc Dec. 20, 1917
Willard, Frances Hallelujah to God - senate passed prohibition bill - the freedom of man is drawing nigh - 4th sphere Jan. 9, 1917
Wilson, Charles a friend of Dr. Stone - knew him hospital at Buffalo - his condition then and now - (interesting) May 16, 1918
Wilson, Mrs. - the wife of the President interested in what is taking place in country - with her husband a great deal - he has around him other spirits who are interested - from Jefferson to McKinley they are with him - the war - the Germans - wish she could bring to him the advice of these spirits - she loves him Feb. 8, 1917
Wilson, Mrs. - the wife of the President anxious in regards to husbands condition - the strain on him - not just in condition to come to spirit world - she loves him - wonders whether it is a continuance of the earth love or the love that lasts through all eternity - in highest planes of earth sphere Mar. 18, 1917
Wolcott, Charles D. interested in writing - knows nothing of the divine love - in some darkness - man of education - devoted himself to material things - future life speculation - since coming - to spirit world - dont know how soul is developed - sees other spirits writing - they seem to be possessed of a happiness different - never spoke to them - Mr. Riddle Oct. 22, 1917
Woodward, William. R. listened to our conversation - does not comprehend - “What do you mean by transformation of the soul?” - believed in the new birth when on earth & no more in presence of God than when on earth - his disappointment - wants help Dec. 18, 1917
Yorking, John was a disciple of Jesus - not known to history - worked in country outlying Palestine - he received the communications from the spirit world in the public worship - others interpreted them - such communications that St. John referred to when he advised them to try the spirits - knows Jesus taught the new birth - never taught that he was God or that his death or sacrifice would save from sin - had the powers which Jesus possessed of healing, etc. - Jesus was the teacher, etc. - departure from these beliefs - the dogmas of the church - I am receiving revelations of the true religion Feb. 19, 1916
Young, George E. a whiskey seller from Savannah Georgia Mar. 28, 1915
Young, James L. not very bright - striving - I helped him sometime ago - work Feb. 24, 1917