Padgett's Messages

All The Padgett Messages In Date Order For 1915 both published and unpublished

Both published and unpublished messages are in this index. This uses the index maintained by James Padgett to describe the message, and those without links have not been identified. A small number of unpublished messages have been included and more will arrive over time now that we have scanned the originals.

Author Title Date of Message
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother refers to my visiting Ike - help him - Helen Jan. 1, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - her condition and what she is doing - progressing - in 5th sphere - mother - her home - some spirits not separated from earth desires - instructed by spirits - soulmates - voices - fourth sphere - first sphere - second sphere - third sphere - love - happiness - Mackey -Taggart - her work - spirits just as opinionated as mortals Jan. 1, 1915
Helen Padgett no hells as described in book - remorse and recollections the punishment - in 5th sphere - Syrick - Rose - Mackey - Taggart Jan. 2, 1915
Helen Padgett at Colburn’s - controlled by French officer - White Eagle - Syrick - Rose - spirits present - voices - not spiritually helped - she with me Jan. 3, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - her love Jan. 4, 1915
White Eagle Helen’s power - her love - she called my name - voices Jan. 4, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother Helen’s love - she called my name - happy - her power Jan. 4, 1915
Jesus my prayers - men thinking of spiritual things - advice promises - my work - spirits that I have helped - Helen - God’s love - not necessary to wait until I come over - my earth home - church - the war - the results - peace - his second coming - my length of life - churches will fight the truth - predictions - Catholic Church - its destruction Jan 5, 1915
Ann Rollins Jesus wrote - I must believe Jan. 5, 1915
Helen Padgett at Colburn’s -she called me - I heard her - her joy - her prayer - love Jan. 5, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - what she can do - her love - will talk through my organs - her power - will meet me - my possible progression - Jesus wrote - in plane with her - Jesus’€™ messages - his promises - Mackey - Taggart - her parents - Uncle William - Mr. Riddle - spirits pray with me Jan. 6, 1915
Helen Padgett what she doing in her new home and in the earth sphere - studying the laws of communication - helping doubting spirits - with mother - describes her home - is painting - singing - she has to use my brain to express her thoughts - her love - my doubts - hear her voice - soulmates - writing - powers - her spiritual condition what determines condition - suicide - murderer - drunkard - prostitute - salvation - her increased knowledge - love - Jesus - his kingdom - her love Jan. 7, 1915
Ann Rollins tells of truths of spirit life - no hells as described in the book I was reading - evil spirits have to suffer for their sins - condition of wicked - God of love - His love sufficient to wash away sins - Jesus’ love and work - what man must believe - her faith stronger - faith - her love stronger - grandfather - his condition - Helen - soulmate - when Jesus stops his work - his kingdom - when closed - no other great teachers teaching the new birth - ancient prophets - mortals who lived before and after Jesus - don’t know what the destiny of two soulmates will be when one has the divine love and the other has not Jan. 8, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to grandmother’s writing - grandfather Jan. 8, 1915
Helen Padgett with me at show - love -heard conversation between Dr. Stone and myself - he impressed by talk about love of God - what he thinks about the love principle - how man can obtain it - Rose writes her message to Syrick - Helen comments on Rose Jan. 9, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father I will do good - refers to Roses’ message Jan. 10, 1915
Helen Padgett she called - I heard - happiness - her love - father controlled me - Mrs. Colburn controlled - Fannie - Syrick impressed - Dr. Stone - Mary Jan. 10, 1915
Jesus his friend and disciple - promises - his kingdom - the Father’s son - my salvation - God answers prayers - pray - seek - love God Jan. 12, 1915
Harvey, George W. not happy - Taggart - wants help - priests can’t help themselves Jan. 12, 1915
Helen Padgett (at office) refers to Harvey’s writing - recites conversation between Taggart and Harvey Jan. 12, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - grandfather writes - 3rd sphere - need not worry much about the future - will try to get higher - not so ambitious - contented to remain as he is - told that grandmother is his soulmate - says she may get another - some divine love - describes his conversion on earth - his children - Jesus - did grandfather good - grandmother - mother’s soulmate - Helen Jan. 12, 1915
Helen Padgett how powerful she is - so happy (mother writes) Jan. 12, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to grandfather’s writing - love - Mackey and Taggart refers to séance Jan. 12, 1915
Jesus his love and promises - my work - spirits who do not believe in him - my faith - I will receive the divine love - my powers - never said he was God - lived before he came to earth - his kingdom - how he has seen God - closing of the kingdom - his love Jan. 13, 1915
Ann Rollins refers to Jesus’ messages - his promises - must believe - grandfather Jan. 13, 1915
Helen Padgett tells me how much she loves me - refers to Jesus - message - favored and blessed Jan. 13, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal (not copied) Jan. 14, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - not so happy - Mackey & Taggart - Harvey - Mary - Rose - Syrick Jan. 14, 1915
Ann Rollins Helen with her - describes Helen’s happiness and great faith - her love for me - what Jesus said - my work - grandfather - beauty on earth does not determine beauty there - soul development - all spirits in same sphere not on same plane - Jesus - how many spirits look on him - the kingdom - at some time will be closed - harmony of God’s universe - mortals born after kingdom is closed - definition of “divine” Jan. 15, 1915
Helen Padgett in wonderful state of exaltation - in sphere with mother and grandmother - (grandmother writes) - her increased love for me Jan. 15, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - describes her new home - her works - books - Jesus never wrote any books - his message to me - love - the kingdom - spirits who died before Jesus came to earth - St. John - Virgin Mary - love the criterion - St. Paul - St. Peter - not all working in earth plane - Bartholomew - Andrew - James son of Zeberdee - Judas - her instructors - my father and his soulmate - her love - when I come over - Guy - tells what she saw at the show - Bright Star - promised to write at Keeler’s Jan. 16, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to confirmatory writing on slate at Keeler’s - what Rose heard Syrick tell me on car - refers to lawyer who wrote me at Keeler’s - Syrick’s mother sends message - Kellcher - Mrs. Colburn - Mr. Riddle’s message at the Colburn’s - Mrs. Riddle & Bert - Bright Star - voices - her love for me - Mary - A.C.. & F.C.’s soulmates Jan. 17, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. How his eyes were opened to the things of the spirit world and his heart to God - in third sphere - Jesus - Mrs. Riddle - Bert - I am blessed - talked through me at Coburn’s - Helicher - Mackey - Taggart - Harvey - his soulmate - Helen - Knowlton - Foster - messages to Mate & Collie. Jan. 20, 1915
Helen Padgett speaks of materializing séance at Keelers - Syrick & Rose - happy - Riddle - his soulmate - Bert - Mrs. Sellman - Mr. Sellman - his wife - Sunday same as any other day Jan. 21, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal - Riddle just received the love - Helen’s faith Jan. 23, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - my evil thoughts - her prayers and love - séance - indigestion - tells her love - Mary sends message - long one - speaks of Mary Jan. 23, 1915
Jesus not God or to be worshipped as God - how he differed from other men - worship of him as God - blasphemy - only one God - men imposed false doctrines - man not sufficient for himself - men must believe - will give to the world the truth - new birth - prayer and faith - how man may become divine in nature - why he came into the world - morality - his mission not so successful - let not the teachings of the Bible keep me from believing what he may write - new gospel Jan. 24, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to Jesus’ first message - personal - Nita - Jen - Edward - Caroline - Edward’s soulmate - Harry Jan. 24, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - my indigestion - pray - talks about Ike - Fred - Aunt Sis - father’s parents - Alice - message from - Helen - soulmate - Belle - Uncle Jim - Uncle Billy - refers to Jesus’ message Jan. 27, 1915
Helen Padgett describes Mrs. Emmon’s passing - soulmate may be found but not acquired until - what makes soulmates - speaks of a spirit that Colburn thought was attracted to him - Colburn’s soulmate - voices - Rose - materialization - Syrick Jan. 27, 1915
Jesus Second message - the nature of God Jan. 31, 1915
Ann Rollins Jesus wrote - her addition to Jesus’ description of God Jan. 31, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to Jesus’ description of God and to grandmother’s - must believe what Jesus writes - my sickness - her love for me - Mrs. Emmon’s - her parents progressing - not soulmates - how she will meet me when I pass over Jan. 31, 1915
Helen Padgett my sickness - she happy - Jesus wrote Saturday night - so did grandmother - her love for me and what she does to make me happy - her love in spirit world differs from her love on earth Feb. 2, 1915
Helen Padgett my indigestion - introduces Dr. Campbell - he prescribes - cause of pain - Rose wrote to Syrick at Keeler’s Feb. 4, 1915
Helen Padgett stocks - Dr. Campbell - prescription - who he was - dieting - mediumship - speaks of life on earth - her children - soulmates - love and encouragement - my work - Jesus - my selection Feb. 7, 1915
Helen Padgett fancies Feb. 7, 1915
Helen Padgett Dr. Campbell - my condition - what to eat - her love for Nita - for me - Rose - message to Syrick - tells who she is and was - materialization Feb. 9, 1915
Helen Padgett Dr. Campbell - White Eagle - prayer Feb. 12, 1915
Helen Padgett Dr. Campbell - my condition - diet - spiritualists’ church - Mrs. Kates Feb. 12, 1915
Jesus pray to the Father, and believe and will be healed Feb. 14, 1915
White Eagle my cure - Jesus Feb. 15, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father my cure - Jesus - White Eagle - faith Feb. 15, 1915
Helen Padgett my cure - Jesus - White Eagle - Dr. Campbell - her faith Feb. 15, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father indigestion cured - market Feb. 17, 1915
Helen Padgett mother gone to 2nd celestial sphere - her father - what I shall eat Feb. 17, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. cured of indigestion - faith - Jesus - White Eagle - happy - 3rd sphere - soulmate - grandmother - tells of some of the laws of the spirit world - voices - automatic writing - Helen - his progress in love and happiness - Jesus - how man is saved Feb. 20, 1915
Helen Padgett her happiness and love - voices - Riddle - Alice - Prof. Salyards - Bright Star Feb. 20, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother stop smoking - happy - 1st celestial sphere - who lives there - grandmother - soul perceptions - increase my faith - soulmate - he sends message - his name - helping to get voices Feb. 22, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - her love - voices Feb. 22, 1915
Jesus will soon receive gift of Holy Ghost - how I sometimes make mistakes in writing - corrects message on God - grandmother explained fully - my work - faith Feb. 23, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus wrote - personal Feb. 23, 1915
Ann Rollins Jesus wrote - personal - Edward - Harry - Nita - grandfather - Christian Science Feb. 24, 1915
Helen Padgett grandmother wrote - personal Feb. 24, 1915
Dulin, Charles G. wants help - asks prayers Feb. 25, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. some phases of spirit life - spirits often in condition of darkness - reason for - when spirits realize that they are spirits - his work - effect of death on spirits - their happiness Feb. 25, 1915
Helen Padgett Prof. Salyards writes Feb. 25, 1915
Helen Padgett happy - celestial sphere - home beyond description - her progression - knowledge - inhabitants - same occupation - my work - why should I have been selected - divine love Feb. 26, 1915
Ann Rollins Helen with her - Helen’s progress - her faith - Riddle progressing - Uncle William progressing - Mackey & Taggart Feb. 26, 1915
Jesus message: Love of God or the Divine Love Mar. 3, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus’ message wonderful - she has divine love to some extent - her happiness Mar. 3, 1915
Jesus message: Love of man or the natural love Mar. 4, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother happy - want of contentment not dissatisfaction - more difficult for mortals to progress than for spirits - pray and seek the great love - messages of Jesus Mar. 5, 1915
Ann Rollins experiences in progressing in spirit life - from sphere to sphere Mar. 5, 1915
Jesus message: the power of love to redeem man from sin and error Mar. 6, 1915
Helen Padgett her great happiness - in her home in 1st celestial sphere - pray - mother and grandmother - Jesus’ messages - powers that will be given to me - séance at Colburn’s White Eagle - Dr. Campbell - treatment Mar. 8, 1915
Jesus message: the power of love to redeem man from sin and error Mar 6, 1915
Jesus continues his discourse on the divine love - my condition - compares the great teachers with himself - refers to John’s Gospel - in the beginning was the word, etc. - who Jesus is - describes his home - what he meant when he said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions” - ancient spirits - how a man may receive the divine love - laws of compensation - law of love - my work and powers Mar. 9, 1915
Ann Rollins she, mother and Helen in same sphere - love and faith the “open sesame” to higher spheres - condition of spirits in 1st celestial sphere - Nita’s guardian angel - grandfather - Jesus -spirits who don’t know him - assembly places - certain high spirits possess only the natural love - does not believe that any mortal ever went higher than the 3rd sphere Mar. 10, 1915
Helen Padgett describes her home in detail Mar. 10, 1915
Helen Padgett Mrs. Kates’ séance Mar. 11, 1915
Helen Padgett what do I think of her description of her home - describes spirit who lives with her - has no soulmate - tells how much she loves me Mar. 12, 1915
Jesus personal matter - case in court - the extent to which he can see the future - how the prophets foretold - séances - Mr. C. - independent voices - automatic writing - Nita - my time of passing - my selection - Mr. Crowell’s book - the divine love Mar. 13, 1915
Helen Padgett surprised that Jesus says spirits cannot foretell - Jesus wrote Mar. 13, 1915
Helen Padgett at Colburn’s - I heard her talk to me - Mola controlled me - believer in Jesus - impress on Colburn’s the divine love - Indians controlled - Mr. Hamilton - Rose told White Eagle to talk to Syrick about little Dutch girl - Mr. Miller described Mary to Dr. Stone Mar. 14, 1915
Crowell, Eugene - author of “Primitive Christianity” did not look upon Jesus as God - the highest and most beautiful of all spirits - the only one of all the reformers who taught the true way to the kingdom of heaven - all spirits do not understand this - spiritualism Mar. 17, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father will be my guardian angel as long as I live - White Eagle my guide - Jesus - Mr. Crowell - Alice in 3rd sphere - Mackey and Taggart progressing Mar. 17, 1915
Helen Padgett her experience in trying to show a spirit the way to God’s love - the importance of learning the truths while on earth Mar. 17, 1915
Phillips, Samuel L. in darkness - states his beliefs on earth - don’t understand Mar. 19, 1915
Garfield, James A. I a favored man - been with Riddle - in 3rd sphere - believer in doctrines of his church - faith in prayer not strong - nor in Holy Spirit - reason must be convinced - faculties of soul - will search for the truth - Helen - Jesus - thought him part of trinity - believed in letter of Bible - mere continuance of earth life - refers to message sent Riddle just after his death Mar. 22, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. refers to Garfield’s writing - does not understand his belief - R’s happiness - Mrs. Riddle & Bert praying some Mar. 22, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to Garfield’s writing - not spiritual Mar. 22, 1915
Ann Rollins the Father’s love - my imaginations - Jesus’ love - more faith - Nita - clairvoyant Mar. 23, 1915
Helen Padgett happy - one short year ago a mortal - the law of regeneration - law of compensation - divine love - for vilest sinner - recompense not sufficient - prayer and faith - God’s justice and man’s future - the wonderful love Mar. 23, 1915
Jesus personal - advice - strange that he should interest himself in material affairs - not doubt that he is Jesus - his love - his limitations - what it means to leave the celestial spheres - how to become an inhabitant of his spheres - my daydreams - Dr. Peeble’s séance - he does not know the mystery of the new birth divine love - natural love - Dr. Crowell Mar. 24, 1915
Ann Rollins Jesus wrote - so human - his love - his mission - my selection - Garfield - Riddle’s progress Mar. 24, 1915
Helen Padgett had some wonderful messages - Jesus - many spirits do not know him - these blind spirits - work of spirits - may enter the higher spheres at death Mar. 24, 1915
Jesus Jesus writes - not having new birth not unnatural to sin - not left alone - description of faith - who the devil is - suggestions from evil spirits Mar. 26, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal Mar. 26, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - if I ceased to believe in them how lonely my life would be Mar. 26, 1915
Ann Rollins personal - can’t foretell the future - how she may - Nita Mar. 27, 1915
Helen Padgett Syrick’s condition - his arrival in spirit world - truths of life and death Mar. 27, 1915
Helen Padgett dark spirits wrote - last one a refined woman - my work - Syrick - his message - Rose fulfilled her promise Mar. 27, 1915
Jesus personal - Mar. 28, 1915
George E. Young a whiskey seller from Savannah Georgia Mar. 28, 1915
Helen Padgett dark spirits - Jesus wrote - Syrick’s condition Mar. 28, 1915
Jesus personal - evil thoughts Mar. 29, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother wants to help me - Helen with her - worries - Nita - dark spirits - will not listen to us - why - my work Mar. 29, 1915
Burroughs, Laura - cousin unhappy - wants help - don’t understand her condition - grandmother - mother - Helen Mar. 29, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. alive - has Rose with him - not suited to live with her - uncertainty has become certain - Helen - Dr. Stone’s Mary Mar, 29, 1915
Helen Padgett Syrick wrote - some spirits almost as soon as they leave the body can exercise the functions of mind - Syrick’s condition - his advantages - memories - Laura - her condition - family ties - law of attraction - love - law of progress - happiness - the natural love of relatives - each individual a unit Mar. 29, 1915
Jesus personal Mar. 30, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. happy and progressing - refers to dark spirits - spirit and mind only part of soul - Jesus with me often - Garfield - his interview with grandmother - Syrick - Helen Mar. 30, 1915
Helen Padgett dark spirits - incident of a dark spirit whom she was helping Mar. 30, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal - the market Mar. 31, 1915
Ann Rollins discourse on forgiveness Mar. 31, 1915
Helen Padgett personal Mar. 31, 1915
Jesus personal - dark spirits - prayer Apr. 1, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. soulmate - both happy - mother and grandmother - her discussion on forgiveness - quotes from his writings on soul April 1, 1915
Groveneur, Charles G. - the man with the lost soul describes his condition and cause Apr. 1, 1915
Helen Padgett (added, was not here) Apr. 1, 1915
Jesus personal Apr. 2, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal - the market Apr. 2, 1915
White Eagle dark spirits writing Apr. 2, 1915
Helen Padgett personal Apr. 2, 1915
Jesus personal - Jesus writes - proof that he is Jesus - the man with the lost soul - dark spirits - my work with - reward Apr. 3, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to Jesus€™’ explanation of the lost soul - he is the true Jesus - his love Apr. 3, 1915
Jesus at Coburn’s - declared my faith in Jesus - disappointments - new birth - assurances Apr. 4, 1915
Ann Rollins read discourse on forgiveness - Colburn’s beliefs - my belief in Jesus - man with the lost soul - the defiled soul needs pity - dark spirits Apr. 4, 1915
Helen Padgett her love - that I believe that Jesus wrote - Dr. Stone - Syrick not happy - my prayers - dark spirits believe more in mortals than in spirits Apr. 4, 1915
Ann Rollins we who write are whom we represent ourselves to be - no imposter allowed - my doubts of spirit communion - Jesus greater than on earth - his love Apr. 5, 1915
The Man With the Ponderous Mind - John H. Collins - Charles W. Everett describes his wonderful mind (that two names are suggested here, indicates that some editing has ocurred, after Padgett recorded the entry. We had the impression that there might be three fellows with what were described as “ponderous minds.”, because Samuel R Smith is so described.) Apr. 5, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. progressing - his soulmate - his wife Apr. 5, 1915
Mary Kennedy Added Apr. 5, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to dark spirits - one sent to her - the man with the “ponderous” mind Apr. 5, 1915
Jesus the result of my declaring my belief in Jesus - my work no man before him ever declared the truth of immortality - faith - dark spirits Apr. 6, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. Tells of conversation with the man of ponderous mind Apr. 6, 1915
Jesus work among dark spirits - love and help Apr. 7, 1915
White Eagle in 5th sphere - loves his work - treatment - Bright Star - Syrick - Helen - grandmother - Mr. Colburn - Jesus - Dr. Campbell Apr. 7, 1915
Jesus personal - my experiences - divine love Apr. 8, 1915
Helen Padgett dark spirits - divine love - happiness Apr. 8, 1915
Jesus personal - Holy Ghost not God - only an instrumentality - his coming not understood - my selection - not to doubt grandmother - mother, wife Apr. 9, 1915
Jesus divine love - prayer - help Apr 12, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. promises to write - his soulmate - my work with the dark spirits - conversation between Mr. Riddle and the man with the ponderous mind Apr. 12, 1915
Helen Padgett describes her love for me - Mr. Morgan’s guardian angel and soulmate - his mother sends a message Apr. 12, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. discourses on laws of spirit world Apr. 13, 1915
Helen Padgett Prof. Salyards wrote - uses my brain as well as my hands - the former the more important Apr. 13, 1915
Everett, Charles W. - the man with the ponderous mind describes his wonderful mind Apr. 15, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to my sickness - White Eagle - Mrs. Emmon’s - Syrick Morgan’s soulmate - a description of her Apr. 16 & 17, 1915
White Eagle refers to his treatment of me - Jesus - wicked spirit better Apr. 21, 1915
Harrison, James T. - uncle in third sphere - his wife in darkness - Hannah not happy - Helen - my work Apr. 21, 1915
Helen Padgett writes of my fight with evil spirits - their sufferings - impersonating spirits - her love Apr. 21, 1915
Jesus personal - his messages - dark spirits - my work - evil spirits Apr. 22, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus wrote - evil spirits - a test Apr. 22, 1915
Everett, Charles W. - the man with the ponderous mind has had experience - was an ignorant man - has learned spiritual truths - grandmother - new birth Apr. 23, 1915
Helen Padgett personal Apr. 23, 1915
Helen Padgett personal Apr. 24, 1915
Helen Padgett controlled me - at Colburn’s - love Apr. 25, 1915
Kennedy, Mary Added through Helen Apr. 26, 1915
Ann Rollins happy - in 2nd celestial sphere - describes her entrance - her home and life -inhabitants Apr. 27, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - grandmother left her - grandmother - expectations - divine love Apr. 27, 1915
Helen Padgett at Mrs. Kates’ séance - Irish spirit said what she repeated - describes Prof. Salyards Apr. 29, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. arranges to write discourse - refers to description of him at séance Apr. 30, 1915
Jesus advice - not God - go to churches that preach of God’s love May 2, 1915
Helen Padgett at Edwards’ - impersonating spirit - Caroline - advice - at church May 2, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. continues discourse on laws of spirit world - no mere knowledge of material things will fit for higher life - law of compensation - law of soulmates May 3, 1915
Helen Padgett at medium’s - meaning of her seeing me reaping - other predictions - advice - Colburn and my discussions - Jesus - Trinity - promises May 4, 1915
Jesus his messages - my works - my home - advice May 5, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. Helen - Rose - his fortunate day - refers to my advice on earth - describes his death - entrance into spirit world May 6, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father promises - advice - work with dark spirits - his soulmate May 6, 1915
Ann Rollins we really write - her work among spirits - will come when I call - my work - with the dark spirits - divine love - earthly cares - grandfather - Helen - can make such progress on earth as to enter the high spheres May 6, 1915
Helen Padgett Syrick wrote - told his true condition - his progress May 6, 1915
Queen Elizabeth I added May 12, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to Queen Elizabeth May 12, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother 2nd celestial sphere - her happiness - her home - Helen - grandmother May 13, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father happy - mother - advice May 13, 1915
Ann Rollins her experience in seeking God’s love - beliefs - Jesus - entered 5th sphere when she entered the spirit world - Jesus’ appearance - probation May 13, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. in 5th sphere - Mrs. Riddle & Bert - progressing - Helen - Bert’s wish - thanks - my work May 13, 1915
Jesus personal - grandmother’s description of him correct May 13, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - great love - Mrs. Emmon’s May 13, 1915
Helen Padgett spoke to me at Ripple’s - personal - bad influences - Bright Star - father May 17, 1915
Jesus personal - prayer - faith May 18, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. at Mrs. Ripple’s - Helen met him - Senator Daniels wrote - refers to Rose’s letter, saying he would soon pass over - only commenced to live when he came over - has met Jesus and saw him write - Helen talked - Mr. Colburn there - Mrs. Colburn’s beliefs May 18, 1915
Roller, Oscar in darkness - don’t want to be a spirit - beliefs - whiskey - Prof. Salyards May 18, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to Oscar Roller’s writing - his condition - the unfortunates May 18, 1915
White Eagle at Mrs. Ripples séance May 19, 1915
Helen Padgett speaks of and describes my vision at Colburn’s May 21, 1915
Jesus advice - promises - home here - messages May 22, 1915
Ann Rollins Jesus wrote May 23, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus wrote - marrying - Nita - home May 23, 1915
Jesus condition of world when he came to earth - how the Jews looked on him - John’s privilege - new birth - the other disciples - Peter - Pentecost - Paul - understanding of people now living - advice May 24, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. Jesus wrote - continues his discourse on laws of spirit world May 24, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to Jesus’ message, and to Prof. Salyards, and to dark spirits May 24, 1915
Jesus discourse: The real truth of the life on earth and what it means to mortals May 25, 1915
Ann Rollins comments on Jesus’ discourse - correct the language if necessary - my work - advice - promises May 25, 1915
Helen Padgett message to Miss Burgess - her soulmate May 25, 1915
Jesus What immortality is May 28, 1915
Ann Rollins comments on Jesus’ discourse on immortality May 28, 1915
Helen Padgett in second celestial sphere - her great happiness - comments on Jesus’ message - on immortality - knows she is immortal May 28, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess long letter - describes her life on earth - beliefs - spirit life, etc. June 2, 1915
Jesus not recorded here. June 2, 1915
Helen Padgett the dark spirits - the one that came to her - Princess Saleeba June 2, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father advice - in 7th sphere - more power - Nita June 3, 1915
Ann Rollins personal - refers to last night’s message - Nita June 3, 1915
Rollins, Wm. H. in 3rd sphere - Prayers - happy - Fred June 3, 1915
Granger, Alice - my cousin happy - in 3rd sphere - her entrance into spirit life - Helen - grandmother - her father - soulmates June 3, 1915
Conley, William S. came to me as a dark spirit - I helped him - now in the light June 3, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother advice - her happiness - Nita June 3, 1915
Murray, Mary - aunt in earth plane - commencing to believe - grandmother June 3, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to a dark spirit - Alice - Colburn’s soulmate on earth - personal - Nita June 3, 1915
Jesus Divine love - why man must receive this love in order to enter the kingdom of heaven June 4, 1915
Helen Padgett Helen comments on Jesus’ important message. June 4, 1915
Jesus pleased with my work - grandmother - her messages June 5, 1915
Ann Rollins 2nd celestial - inhabitants - part of Father’s divine nature - soul perceptions - Jesus - natural love - soul perfection - Master - description of the several spheres - first home of spirit - spirits development the objects and character of the several spheres June 5, 1915
Helen Padgett grandmother’s message on the spheres - her development -ancient spirits June 5, 1915
Jesus refers to my reading the messages to the Colburns - Holy Ghost not God - no unpardonable sin - spheres as grandmother describes - ancient spirits June 6, 1915
Jesus description of his birth and life to time of public ministry June 7, 1915
Helen being controlled - Saleeba (unpublished) June 7, 1915
Helen Padgett added June 7, 1915
Jesus continuation of the description of his birth and life June 8, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. comments on Jesus’ description of his birth and life - my father in 7th sphere June 8, 1915
Bright Star - Mrs. Ripple’s guide Mrs. Ripple’s séance - why she appears as Indian squaw - Helen - pray - Syrick - Colburn’s spirit friends - my work with dark spirits - saw Jesus writing June 8, 1915
Helen Padgett Mrs. Church June 8, 1915
Helen Padgett interesting letter about many things June 10, 1915
Jesus personal - advice - séance June 11, 1915
Helen Padgett at Mrs. Ripple’s€™ séance - names many spirits who were there - conditions of others June 11, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - love June 14, 1915
Jesus writes on subject: why man should believe that he is the true Jesus and why he writes June 15, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus wrote - Nita June 15, 1915
White Eagle gives name of spirit who could not write her name June 16, 1915
Shellington, Joe. in darkness - describes his dying - Mr. Ripple’s séance - letter to his wife June 17, 1915
Helen Padgett Joe Shillington wrote - progressing - people worshipping Jesus June 17, 1915
Jesus personal June 18, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - Colburn’s - Jesus June 18, 1915
Jesus personal - pray and believe June 19, 1915
Ann Rollins personal - divine love - prayer June 19, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - Jesus’ love - Holy Spirit - Jesus wrote June 19, 1915
Paine, Thomas in 1st celestial sphere - beliefs before death and now - redemption - church doctrines - suffered June 20, 1915
Abdullah ben Califf - Mohammedan (Muslim) interested in my work - not a churchman - priest of the Mosque - keeper of the sacred carpet of the Prophet - Mohamet still preaching - sphere - only one wife - suffering June 22, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - children June 22, 1915
Helen Padgett about the dark spirits June 23, 1915
Richards, William S. added June 24, 1915
Helen Padgett personal June 24, 1915
Helen Padgett personal June 25, 1915
Ann Rollins personal June 25 or 26, 1915
Jesus personal - court matter June 26, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal June 26, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother personal June 26, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. personal - court matter June 26, 1915
Helen Padgett personal June 26, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle Jesus - he writes - he loves me - my work - Father, son and Holy Ghost - Jesus and Holy Ghost not God nor part of Him - the first great truth - the second - lives in city in celestial spheres - Helen - the “Word” June 27, 1915
Saint Paul all disciples alive - his epistles - never taught Jesus is God - God is love - thorn in the flesh - on the way to Damascus - governor of city - Peter - my work June 27, 1915
Jesus personal - messages - Apollonius June 27, 1915
Solomon - the wise Paul & John - wisdom - Jesus - divine love - his conversion - ancient spirits June 27, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess happier - love of God - 3rd sphere - will go to 6th and tell her people - will tell of her life June 27, 1915
Helen Padgett encouragement - Henry Drummond - Apollonius - refers to books June 27, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to John and Paul and Solomon writing - no color where there is soul development - in earth plane color clings to spirits June 28, 1915
Jesus personal - lost faith - evil influences - pray - never in India or Greece - never received his knowledge from philosophers - Dr. Peebles - John - never communicated with mortals through his own voice until today June 29, 1915
Jesus personal - court matter July 1, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal July 1, 1915
Ann Rollins personal July 1, 1915
Helen Padgett personal July 1, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. in 5th sphere - happy - controversy with evil spirit - suffering July 2, 1915
Helen Padgett speaks of an evil spirit who tried to impersonate - he afterwards came for help - love July 2, 1915
Jesus personal - pray - have faith - the loving Father July 5, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing - Helen - glad she came for help - intellectual acquirements - divine love July 5, 1915
Beecher, Henry Ward discourse on Immortality -his beliefs on earth and in spirit world - Jesus - his resurrection July 5, 1915
Helen Padgett Mr. Beecher wrote - he came with my father July 5, 1915
Jesus personal - Beecher’s letter written by him - on immortality July 6, 1915
Luther, Martin my work - erroneous beliefs - still teaching - more mediums - Jesus loves me - my responsibility - 2nd Celestial sphere - justification by faith - new birth - love - faith and works - Jesus blood - Jesus not God - salvation - war July 6, 1915
Henkle, Genl. Saul S. 3rd sphere - refers to his beliefs - erroneous - effect of - Riddle - my selection July 6, 1915
Ann Rollins tells of home in 2nd celestial sphere - Helen and mother in same sphere - grandfather in 5th - no intellectual spheres in celestial heavens - Mr. Garvis - Mr. Stahl July 6, 1915
Socrates describes his earth life - and in spirit world - and his conversion - immortality - God July 8, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle love - what it is - divine love and natural love - the great truth - John works - Jesus, his kingdom - relationship - not educated - how taught July 8, 1915
Ann Rollins her life in 2nd celestial sphere - angels in that sphere - Old Testament angels - law of progression - all immortal - love for mortals - Jesus’ work - mortals inspired - false doctrines in churches - time coming when they will teach the real truths - Bible losing hold - for many years powers of spirit world been making efforts to have these truths taught July 8, 1915
Jesus adds to grandmother’s message - difficult to make man believe in communicating through mediums - churches will antagonize - power of spirit world - humanity longing for the truths - kingdom will be established - how Jesus will be estimated - physical phenomena - my work and faith July 8, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to messages from Jesus, John, grandmother and Socrates July 8, 1915
Jesus refers to my reading messages at Colburn’s - their beliefs - will have their eyes opened in spirit world - not much of God’s love in their souls - intellectual - Bible - no saint could write these truths through Fannie - Mr. C’s faith - summer will not be long past before he is a spirit July 11, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to reading messages at Colburn’s - their beliefs - soul condition July 11, 1915
Jesus personal - Jesus writes - C. will see his mistake - no spirit writes in Jesus’ name - Dr. Stone will soon receive the divine love - pray July 16, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle personal - love - faith - prayer - my selection July 16, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal July 16, 1915
Ann Rollins personal July 16, 1915
Helen Padgett personal July 16, 1915
Ann Rollins Jesus just written me - pray July 17, 1915
Saint Andrew my work - disciples write - Jesus’ teachings - believe - proof - Jesus selected July 17, 1915
Saint James with Jesus in his life and teachings and death - Jesus’ love - my selection - all powers working July 17, 1915
Saint Peter came for same reason as St. Andrew - my selection - Jesus writes - Peter’s doubts - forming band - Jesus - believe - pray July 17, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle personal July 17, 1915
Saint Jerome messages are written by the sprits - true - don’t doubt July 17, 1915
Saint Anthony not one of Jesus’ disciples - a follower - died in his cause - my selection - love July 17, 1915
Helen Padgett great spirits from Jesus’ Kingdom wrote the messages -my work July 17, 1915
Jesus personal - promises July 18, 1915
Saint Stephen the martyr - believe in us as spirits of men - many disciples suffered - truths must be taught - of position from churches -my selection - one of band - my powers July 18, 1915
Saint Barnabas describes work with Paul & Peter - my work - helping me - have faith July 18, 1915
Saint Luke in my Gospel things I never wrote - my work - acquire faith and soul development July 18, 1915
Wesley, John my selection to deliver the truths - believe - Jesus has declared it - get faith July 18, 1915
Saint Thomas my selection - favored - wonders why I was selected - will have all power of spirit world - believe July 18, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. my selection - proof astonishing - don’t doubt July 18, 1915
Ann Rollins my work, the testimony - surprised that so many spirits should declare it -faith July 18, 1915
Helen Padgett great spirits testified to my selection - power of spirits to sustain me - spirit band July 18, 1915
Jesus personal July 19, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle Jesus’ love for me - my work - promises - new spirit band July 20, 1915
Saint Matthew my work - spirit band - all powerful - have faith July 20, 1915
Saint Mark adds his testimony to my selection July 20, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle Added July 20, 1915
Helen Padgett personal July 20, 1915
Daniel - the Prophet my selection - Jesus’ mission - divine love - Jesus preached in spirit world - before his coming merely a spirit - natural love - progress of spirits there - no promise in Old Testament that man should have the divine nature - God spoke through his angels - Abraham, Moses and Elias - law of compensation - immortality - transfiguration - forming a way to destroy evil July 21, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet now a Christian - my selection - gift of divine love - God - his beliefs on earth - fear - Saul - laws of Moses - the woman of Endor - mediums July 21, 1915
Helen Padgett told dark spirits to leave - Daniel and Samuel wrote - they looked young July 21, 1915
Saint Sebastian - Bishop of Genoa was crucified - follower of Jesus on earth - my work July 22, 1915
Vespasian - Roman Emperor destroyed Jerusalem - now Christian - position on earth of no importance - my work - greatest number of mediums from those speaking English July 22, 1915
Saint Chrysostom my work - was teacher - beliefs - did not have divine love - beliefs now - saints - churches can’t make saints - my doubts July 22, 1915
Saint George - the Dragon warrior, not saint - fought Turks - divine love - Jesus working through me July 22, 1915
Jesus cloud of witnesses to my selection - he caused them to come - no more doubts - the old prophets actually wrote July 22, 1915
Mackey, Franklin H. Been benefited by my advice - commencing to see light. July 22, 1915
Taggart, Hugh T. grateful - seeing - light - Helen - fortunate thing for him - recalls our argument - love and faith - proof - Harry & McNally July 22, 1915
Harvey, George W. Mackey & Taggart so much changed - doubting Thomas - fooled by priests July 22, 1915
Anaxylabis - the Egyptian designer & builder of Great Pyramid - condition of human race - records lost - describes his people - why he came - how he learned my language - where he lived July 22, 1915
Anabalexis - of the Atlantis continent was ruler - came to tell of its history - my band said I was too tired to write July 22, 1915
Helen Padgett spirits wrote the messages - last one looked very ancient - not spirits of light July 22, 1915
Scott, Sir Walter writes story of soulmate - also a message July 23 & 24, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. writes of the story of Sir Walter Scott July 23 & 24, 1915
Poe, Edgar Allen speaks of story - promises to write on - Nita July 23 & 24, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. speaks of story writing July 23 & 24, 1915
Helen Padgett speaks of Sir Walter Scott’s story - he really wrote it - Poe will write July 23 & 24, 1915
Helen Padgett personal July 26, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - Nita July 23, 1915
Perry, R. Ross committed suicide - sufferings intense - why he did the act - mistake - his beliefs - condition when he shot himself - Riddle July 28, 1915
Jesus personal - pray more - my work July 29, 1915
Nichodemus did not understand the new birth - Jesus told him - this truth at foundation of redemption - without this faith and works vain - immortality - Holy Spirit July 30, 1915
Scott, Sir Walter pleased with manner in which I sounded out the story July 30, 1915
Helen Padgett speaks of Sir Walter Scott’s story - Perry’s condition and beliefs July 30, 1915
Washington, George in celestial sphere - not so interested in earthly affairs - but in individual souls - brotherhood of man - divine love - present war Aug. 1, 1915
Brown, John - of Harper’s Ferry fame principles for which he died have been established - still fighting - discourse on liberty - rights of men - religion - golden rule - brotherhood of men - the present war Aug. 1, 1915
Lafayette expresses his opinion as to the causes and ending of the War - Allies will win - Napoleon’s opinion - meets Washington Aug. 1, 1915
Bismarck his opinion as to the causes and ending of the War - Germans will win - saw Lafayette and Washington writing Aug. 1, 1915
Jesus material help - selection - faith - physically unwell - will have Dr. Campbell Aug. 2, 1915
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. I need attention - gives directions - diet - Sir Walter Scott wrote story - tuberculosis (cure for?) Aug. 2, 1915
Wesley, John Jesus writes to me - my selection - test of the truth of the writings - gift of divine love; Bible does not teach it - moral principles Aug. 2, 1915
Helen Padgett Wesley wrote - his answer to doubts that Jesus writes Aug. 2, 1915
Jesus his teachings in plain language - truths for all - no mental development required Aug. 3, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - Mrs. Emmons Aug. 3, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet life in spirit world - 10,000 years - learned truths - natural love - divine love - Jesus - founders of other religions - their homes Aug. 5, 1915
Colyer, Robert - preacher was not orthodox - Jesus not God - effect of Jesus’ messages - new birth - divine love Aug. 5, 1915
Lazarus Jesus called from grave - not dead - were all taught the rebestowal of the divine love - disciples taught also - church attendance - Jesus writes Aug. 5, 1915
Ingersoll, Robert G. Bible not worthy of belief - his teachings - Jesus - atonement - new birth - God - future life - of same opinion - expressing other opinions - hell - progression - satisfaction Aug. 5, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - Ingersoll with Riddle and grandmother Aug. 5, 1915
Jesus personal - pray more Aug. 6, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. messages from great variety of spirits - new birth - 7th sphere - Roller Aug. 6, 1915
Ann Rollins refers to message - new birth - Jesus writes - my work - Helen - Ingersoll Aug. 6, 1915
Jesus personal Aug. 7, 1915
Saul of the Old Testament speaks of his earth life - the scene at the woman of Endor - spirits learn, etc. Aug. 7, 1915
Saint Augustine manuscript that he used not basis of Bible - teachings of Jesus - must not depend on his writings - his comments should not be accepted - Jesus now writing truths - new birth Aug. 7, 1915
Saint Ambrose it was St. Augustine - he succeeded me as bishop - new birth Aug. 7, 1915
Whitefield, George - the great preacher of England change in beliefs - Jesus not God - no vicarious atonement - his life and teachings - God - hell - teaching spirits to unlearn - my work - soul development Aug. 8, 1915
Garner, John God is love - death of body, entrance to life - now the best time to get the gift - probation - natural love - divine love - judgment day - Jesus working Aug. 8, 1915
Saint Peter prayer - faith - soul development - my work - promises Aug. 8, 1915
Josephus Jewish historian - Christian - Jesus’ life on earth - my account not interpolated - wonders of Jesus’ works - why he did not write much about Jesus - his mission - the two most important truths - new birth - no chosen people - Vespasian - Herod - his sufferings Aug. 8, 1915
Saint Celestia - of Italy martyred by Church - not believer in its doctrines - canonized - my work - how Jesus is saviour - soul - God of love - pray Aug. 8, 1915
Loyola - the Jesuit founder Christian - persecutor - followers now the same - sufferings - God’s mercy - warning - man’s free will - beliefs - penalties - for false creeds - truths Aug. 8, 1915
Seligman - Mohammedan ex-sultan (later says his name is Seligman -ed.) follower of Prophet - heard messages - divine love not known to him - will inquire - his happiness - live in different heavens - dissatisfied Aug. 8, 1915
Helen Padgett grandmother talking to Seligman Aug. 8, 1915
John the Baptist now a forerunner of Jesus who writes my work - why I was selected - the power behind me - Herod -Herodias - daughter of Herodias - God’s love Aug. 10, 1915
Leytergus - the Arabian before Old Testament, had written a book on the creation - Genesis copied after his book - founded our tradition - existence of world - don’t know when it was created - angels - fall of man - Aman and Amon - souls - image of God - potentialities - disobedience, what Aug. 10, 1915
Amos, the Prophet heard message of Leytergus - prefers story of Genesis - never seen first parents - divine love Aug. 10, 1915
Lot - of the Old Testament Jesus alive and ruler - divine love - no knowledge of - came with Jesus - his wife - soulmates - natural love - God - mission of Jesus - conversion Aug. 10, 1915
Helen Padgett spirits who wrote, from higher spheres Aug. 10, 1915
Jesus personal Aug. 12, 1915
Washington, George no title - my writings from highest to lowest spirits - my work - why low spirits will not listen to higher ones - assures the truths written Aug. 12, 1915
Salaalida - Moslem lived in time of Crusaders - love for all - lives in Mohammedan heaven - Jesus Aug. 12, 1915
Selim - first Mohammedan Sultan of that name in his paradise - loves all men Aug. 12, 1915
Aaron - the brother of Moses a powerful man when on earth Aug. 12, 1915
Latimer, Hugh - the martyr beliefs - Jesus - God - worship - progress - effect of martyrdom Aug. 13, 1915
Cleveland, Grover - ex-President prominence on earth did not help him in spirit life - in earth plane - had he served God would not be unhappy and in darkness - early beliefs - old friends - is condition fixed - redemption Aug. 13, 1915
Saul of the Old Testament dark spirits - my work - Jesus - mediums - woman of Endor Aug. 13, 1915
Leetelam - the Tartar Brahman priest - beliefs - religion - sacrifices - his experiences - in Nirvana Aug. 13, 1915
Ann Rollins personal - Jesus not infallible - his knowledge of spiritual laws - Ingersoll Aug. 13, 1915
Jesus comments on sermon: “he that liveth and believeth on me shall never die” - what he meant - belief in him as Jesus not sufficient - divine love necessary - my work Aug. 15, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle his Gospel - errors - Judas - death of Jesus - not foreordained - purpose of betrayal - Jesus did not know that Judas would betray him - errors - object of Jesus’ teaching anew - my work - Mary - soul development Aug. 15, 1915
Saint Gallatin - of Italy priest of Romish church - beliefs on earth - deceived - suffered - why - no saint Aug. 16, 1915
Leterer, Samuel - religious writer - died in reign of Henry VIII Roman Catholic - protested against separation of church - my work Aug. 16, 1915
Salaventura, John - Priest of Rome lived when religion at low ebb - Church bulwark against infidelity - danger - bulls of popes - church not learned truths - priests cannot forgive sins - popes - Pope Pius X Aug. 16, 1915
Saint Clement - Pope of Rome suffered - protests against dogmas of church - harm done to people Aug. 16, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus and John wrote Aug. 16, 1915
Jesus personal - a number of important truths - my work - Helen in 2nd celestial sphere Aug. 17, 1915
Layton, John - time of Reformation to break power of Romish Church - teachings of Reformers - Luther - justification by faith Aug. 17, 1915
Carlyle, Thomas Christian - Jesus - Emerson - entrance into spirit life Aug. 17, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet description of celestial spheres - homes - inhabitants Aug. 17, 1915
Saint Jerome lives in celestial spheres - canonized - his writings - Bible - spirit band Aug. 17, 1915
Helen Padgett personal Aug. 17, 1915
Saint Paul new birth - blood of Jesus does not save - why - wrath - love - relations between God and man - material love Aug. 20, 1915
Selim - first Mohammedan Sultan of that name refers to Paul’s writing - new birth and natural love - Prophet never taught divine love Aug. 20, 1915
Aleyabis- Persian - follower of Zoroaster knows nothing of new birth - would like to learn what it means - our heaven Aug. 20, 1915
Lafayette his opinion about the War - the advance of the Allies Aug. 21, 1915
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. describes my physical condition & advises me Aug. 21, 1915
Saul of the Old Testament my selection and work Aug. 21, 1915
White Eagle as to his treatment of my ailment Aug. 22, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother personal - soulmate in 5th sphere Aug. 22, 1915
Helen Padgett at Colburn’s - reading messages - Mr. Colburn soon pass over Aug. 22, 1915
Jesus messages of spirits - new birth Aug. 23, 1915
Samuel R Smith - The Man With the Ponderous Mind has had experience - was ignorant man - has leaned spirit truths - grandmother - new birth Aug. 23, 1915
Judas Iscariot his condition and expectations when he betrayed Jesus Aug. 23, 1915
Jesus spirits and mortals communicate - why the truths were not before communicated - God’s plans - Jesus’ writings power behind the present movement - my powers Aug. 24, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle what Jesus says is true - Jesus subject to same laws controlling communication Aug. 24, 1915
Saint Luke confirms what John said - Bible filled with errors Aug. 24, 1915
St Sebastian (added) St. Sebastian wants Mr. Padgett to know that he is in condition to write. Aug. 24, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus and John and Luke wrote Aug. 24, 1915
Great Bear - my other Indian Guide helping me do my work - Christian - White Eagle good guide Aug. 25, 1915
Helen Padgett Great Bear and White Eagle - speak of my birthday - need someone to look after me Aug. 25, 1915
Jesus personal - my doubts - Jesus not infallible - foretelling - pray Aug. 28, 1915
Saint Luke my faith - compiled his Gospel - not as he wrote it - the true Jesus wants to write his messages Aug. 28, 1915
White Eagle will not give treatment - Great Bear Aug. 28, 1915
Helen Padgett not doing right to lose faith - could not write because of my condition Aug. 28, 1915
Aman - the first parent instead of Adam first parent - hard for men to believe - their paradise - the fall and the cause - his creation - no human beings before Aug. 29, 1915
Jesus his love - his blood - salvation - worship - false beliefs - Holy Spirit - Christ spirit - faith - Father answers prayers Aug. 29, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle my work - my faith & doubts - Jesus writing - true worship - Holy Spirit - blood Aug. 29, 1915
Saint Clement - Pope of Rome errors of church - will lose its power and disappear - not to be reformed from within - church of Christ will be established - my work Aug. 29, 1915
Seligman - Mohammedan ex-sultan (later says his name is Seligman -ed.) wants to tell of his pursuit of the divine love Aug. 29, 1915
Helen Padgett at church - loving working - Aman Aug. 29, 1915
Saint Paul true teachings of Jesus - errors of Bible - reason for - my work - blood - natural love Aug. 30, 1915
Amon - the wife of Aman first mother of human race - before them no human beings existed - how created - fall - immortality - life before fall - cause - Bible description of creation Aug. 30, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle (added) Aug. 30, 1915
Jesus my faith - results - personal Aug. 30, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet my work Aug. 30, 1915
Southard, Samuel B. believed in Trinity - surprised in spirit world - effects of belief - face to face with Jesus - beliefs changes - divine love - immortality Aug. 30, 1915
Godomera - lived many thousand years ago - India young in appearance - 6th sphere - his present beliefs and worship - a ruler - race extinct - no writings show his race ever lived - extinct Aug. 30, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father faith in the Father and trust in Jesus necessary - my work - soulmate - guardian angel - stock friends Aug. 30, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus’ love - mental faith - soul faith - Amon - personal Aug. 30, 1915
Amoulomol lived thousands of years ago near North Pole - race extinct land also Aug. 31, 1915
Gregory, Thos. A. - Pope Gregory V, of Rome when he entered spirit world anything but a saint - now in celestial spheres Aug. 31, 1915
Saint Camelia - a Catholic nun no longer nun or Catholic, but a Christian - lived 1676 Aug. 31, 1915
Saint Salatia - of the Romish Church when first in spirit world, darkness - false beliefs - many priests in darkness - their beliefs Aug. 31, 1915
Saint Paul perfection - its meaning - spirit of truth - sin - born again - holiness Aug. 31, 1915
Jesus corroborates Paul - divine love - salvation - true worship - “Aman” - soul perceptions Aug. 31, 1915
Helen Padgett Amoulomol, ancient spirit - all wrote - personal - our children Aug. 31, 1915
Luther, Martin his version of the Bible - contradictions - blood redemption - new birth - Jesus’ messages Sept. 5, 1915
Saint Luke how he wrote his Gospel - many interpolations - truths - Jesus’ blood Sept. 5, 1915
Ann Rollins grandfather progressing - blood of Jesus - how she believed on earth - error - divine love - belief important - new birth Sept. 5, 1915
Jesus many things in Bible not written by disciples - his blood - new birth - Revelation mere allegory - truths Sept. 5, 1915
Aman - the first parent instead of Adam his ambition - disobedience - his creation the highest - God’s gift - Jesus Sept. 7, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle blood of Jesus - salvation - Revelation, a vision - errors in Bible - love - Jesus’ messages Sept. 7, 1915
John the Baptist truths - messages - men want the truth - beliefs - my work -the new revelation - Jesus’ baptism Sept. 7, 1915
Jesus my condition such that higher spirits could not write - low spirits did - influence of evil thoughts - evil real - judgment day added:(appears to contradict messages above so date could be wrong? There is no record of this in the archive on this date.) Sept. 7, 1915
Kennedy, Mary wrote to Dr. Stone through Helen Sept. 7, 1915
Helen Padgett could not write, but evil spirits could - spirits all wrote - Aman - Mary wrote Sept. 7, 1915
Ann Rollins contrast between Christian and other spirits - Book of Revelation - baptism -salvation Sept. 9, 1915
Helen Padgett dark spirits helped by being in room - I help them Sept. 9, 1915
Jesus personal - heard Jesus’ voice clairaudiently Sept. 10, 1915
Jesus love of the Father - Jesus’ blood - salvation - influence of spirits - Bible wrong - John’s writings Sept. 12, 1915
Jehosephat a Christian - his beliefs where he lived - my work Sept. 12, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. writes through Helen - progressing - my selection - Jesus Sept. 12, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle blood of Jesus - never preached it - Bible wrong - try the spirits test - worship in his time - healing Sept. 12, 1915
Helen Padgett evil spirit trying to control - explanation - Jesus and John wrote - Syrick Sept. 12, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet love - pray - soul development - may be obtained on earth Sept. 13, 1915
Lot - of the Old Testament helps me in spiritual progress Sept. 13, 1915
Bunyan, John wrote Pilgrim’s Progress - belief in Jesus as God, etc. wrong - divine love Sept. 13, 1915
Helen Padgett Dr. Stone - conversation in Park - band there - tried to impress us - love Sept. 13, 1915
Blaine, James G. my work - intellectual pursuits - interested in affairs of country Sept. 14, 1915
Helen Padgett speaks of the dark spirits Sept. 15, 1915
Shem - father of Israel my work - Christian - his life - new birth - salvation Sept. 16, 1915
Caesar, Julius in darkness - why - position on earth does not determine position in spirit world Sept. 16, 1915
Helen Padget Julius Caesar wrote - not bright Sept. 16, 1915
Saint Andrew love - divine love - God of love - new birth - good works, etc. - natural love Sept. 17, 1915
Saint Luke things in Bible not true - Jesus’ parents - Jesus and God - messages - my mission - Jesus progression - new birth Sept. 17, 1915
Jesus Mr. King’s wife present - pray - personal Sept. 17, 1915
Helen Padgett Mr. King - his wife - his soulmate Sept. 17, 1915
Jesus his blood - plan of salvation - divine love - new birth - keep in faith - powers Sept. 19, 1915
Helen Padgett comments on sermon - three Hebrew children Sept. 19, 1915
Jesus his messages - where I shall live - my work Sept. 20, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle those who believe in the blood in error - will be surprised in spirit world - Jesus never said that blood saves Sept. 20, 1915
John the Baptist must believe they write - my selection to do the work Sept. 20, 1915
Saint Mark faith - they write - my work Sept. 20, 1915
Saint Stephen have faith - my work - Jesus writes Sept. 20, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle have faith - my work Sept. 20, 1915
Josephus Jesus, historical person - his book Sept. 20, 1915
Meloy, William A. orthodox - surprise - entrance into spirit world - Jesus’ blood - divine love - Francis Miller - Riddle - Jesus writes me - trinity Sept. 20, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet men who know not Jesus - divine love - redemption Sept. 20, 1915
Helen Padgett spirits wrote - Meloy - Jesus’ love Sept. 20, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing - new birth - going to her race to teach Sept. 21, 1915
Ingersoll, Robert G. my spirit band - Riddle - contrasts appearances - Christian doctrines - new birth - he prays to God - Jesus Sept. 22, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - I heard her voice - Jesus wrote Sept. 22, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet Jesus writes - his love - my doubts - messages Sept. 23, 1915
Hastings, of England my work Sept. 23, 1915
Helen Padgett Ingersoll wrote - he is praying Sept. 23, 1915
Jesus personal Sept. 24, 1915
John the Baptist men must believe the Master’s teachings - new birth - sacraments not necessary - blood of Jesus - salvation - pray more Sept. 24, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. happy - Jesus - his help - Helen’s love - new birth - Ingersoll - Meloy - grandmother Sept. 24, 1915
Sebastobel (lived many thousands of years ago on the Upper Nile) intellectual spirit - lives in highest sphere - communicated with seers of Atlantis - new birth - the development of the Atlantians - forces of nature Sept. 24, 1915
Rice, Bettie why she was not a good woman - suffering - can’t understand soul development - earth plane - no home - Prof. Salyards Sept. 24, 1915
Ann Rollins mortals’ disappointments - Jesus’ love - advice - grandfather progressing Sept. 24, 1915
Laelestia - queen of same race as Sebastobel as to the Atlantians - their spirits in the spirit world - races live together - my writings - beauty of spirits - secret Sept. 24, 1915
Helen Padgett ancient spirits wrote - told them of the truths Sept. 24, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle celestial spheres - description of them - their inhabitants - John’s home - how spiritual truths are comprehended - when the mind stops - soul Sept. 25, 1915
Saint James spheres below the celestial - their inhabitants - truths in sacred writings of all ages - Jesus only reveals divine love & immortality Sept. 25, 1915
Inaladocie - a ruler of men when the earth was young lived before the Bible time of creation - inhabitants - beliefs - now Christian Sept. 25, 1915
Helen Padgett personal Sept. 25, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle faith - effect of - of Elijah and the disciples - messages of Jesus Sept. 26, 1915
Jesus faith - how obtained - my mission and power - Jesus - my doubts Sept. 26, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus wrote - power - awe-stricken Sept. 26, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle my selection for the work - Jesus wrote - Jesus’ glorification - spirits fell on their faces - divine love - pray Sept. 27, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. Jesus wrote - his glorification - spirits fell on their face - my power Sept. 27, 1915
Ann Rollins describes the glory of Jesus - effect on spirits - my selection Sept. 27, 1915
Ingersoll, Robert G. no longer agnostic - Jesus’ display of glory - my selection - Jesus wrote - my doubts Sept. 27, 1915
Helen Padgett confirmation of my selection Sept. 27, 1915
Helen Padgett & Mary Kennedy happy night - celestial spirits present - message of Mary to Dr. Stone Sept. 28, 1915
Riddle, Bert I told Mate - not happy - earth plane - pray for and help him Sept. 30, 1915
Saint James personal - advice Sept. 30, 1915
Garner, John personal - advice Sept. 30, 1915
John the Baptist personal - advice - disciples’ troubles on earth Sept. 30, 1915
Saint Barnabas personal - advice - Jesus’ love Sept. 30, 1915
Saint Luke personal Sept. 30, 1915
Jesus personal - Jesus not infallible - orthodox and spiritualists churches Sept. 30, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle personal - advice - celestial band - Jesus’ love Sept. 30, 1915
Wesley, John “Feed my sheep”, what it means - advice - Jesus’ love Sept. 30, 1915
Helen Padgett spirits who wrote me celestial spirits Sept. 30, 1915
Layton, John - time of Reformation Jesus’ display of glory - many spirits of other spheres present - my selection Oct. 1, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess witnessed Jesus’ display of glory - convinced of divine love Oct. 1, 1915
Perry, R. Ross his condition - why he could not believe Riddle - regret for suicide - why he committed suicide - was calm - Jesus Oct. 1, 1915
Ingersoll, Robert G. beliefs - refers to Jesus’ display of glory - why he did not believe on earth - Bible plan of salvation - talks with Perry. Oct. 1, 1915
Solomon - the wise why I was chosen to do the work - Swedenborg chosen - his failure - Jesus - celestial band - Dr. Stone chosen Oct. 1, 1915
White Eagle not smoke - speaks of Jesus’ display of glory - many spirits present Oct. 1, 1915
Helen Padgett what Solomon said true - our work Oct. 1, 1915
Helen Padgett reading messages - spirits present Oct. 2, 1915
Jesus comments on Mr. Herrick’s lecture - soul - loves -immortality - spirit - realism - meetings - good done - Dr. Stone’s work Oct. 3, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle importance of Jesus’ messages - Dr. Stone’s work - celestial spirits behind the work - Jesus leader - our powers Oct. 3, 1915
William Stone (added) Oct. 3, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus and John wrote - our work - Mary - refers to night of Jesus’ revelation of power and glory Oct. 3, 1915
Helen Padgett criticizes a book - Jesus - Zoroaster - when spirits leave body - spheres Oct. 4, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle no spirit can impersonate him - sermon on the Mount - apostles’ condition - did not understand truths - prayer and works Oct. 5, 1915
Riddle, Albert G. advice to investigate - Perry better - talk with Ingersoll - divine love Oct. 6, 1915
Stephenson, William. T. soulmate love - never dies - his wife has another husband on earth Oct. 6, 1915
Helen Padgett my work Oct. 6, 1915
Jayemas - an inhabitant of Atlantis continent submerged - his life on earth - civilization of inhabitants - new discoveries to be made - 6th sphere Oct. 7, 1915
Saint James - the Lesser Jesus - my work - antagonists - celestial band - true Oct. 8, 1915
Jesus personal Oct. 8, 1915
Carroll, John B. - late of Baltimore divine love - Jesus - advice Oct. 8, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing - 3rd sphere - divine love - Jesus - kind thoughts of mortals Oct. 8, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle personal Oct. 8, 1915
Sherman, Wm. P. - second sphere refers to Mary’s letter to Dr. Stone - enjoyed love scene - asks Helen to find his soulmate Oct. 8, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Oct. 8, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to love scene between Mary and Dr. Stone - the kiss - Mary after the scene Oct. 8, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle personal Oct. 9, 1915
Jesus divine love - definition of faith - soul perception - prayer - beliefs - healings - Swedenborg Oct. 10, 1915
Saint Jerome his beliefs on earth - my work Oct. 10, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. divine love - conversion of spirits - his work - 7th sphere Oct. 10, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. tried to fool me by writing in name of Helen Oct. 10, 1915
Saul of the Old Testament my work - the celestial band Oct. 10, 1915
Gomeses - the Greek who lived in the time of Jesus follower of Pythagoras - now Christian - Jesus Oct. 10, 1915
Blackfoot, John - an Indian Christian - love of God - my Indian guides Oct. 10, 1915
Caligula murderer of Christians - sufferings - hell - conversion - Jesus - soulmate Oct. 11, 1915
Helen Padgett personal Oct. 11, 1915
Goliath in sixth sphere Oct. 16 (13?), 1915
Jesus personal Oct. 16, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle personal - Jesus - my work - salvation - comments on Russell’s “The Atonement” Oct. 16, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing - in 5th sphere - speaks of showing her people the divine love Oct. 16, 1915
Ann Rollins my work - Jesus’ love - her happiness Oct. 16, 1915
Helen Padgett her love and happiness - Jesus’ love Oct. 16, 1915
Saint Luke personal Oct. 17, 1915
Saint James message to Dr. Stone - his work - rest - divine love - tells of his mother Oct. 18, 1915
Saint Luke St. James wrote to Dr. Stone - must believe that they write Oct. 18, 1915
Samuel - the Prophet urges to pray Oct. 18, 1915
Saint Celestia - of Italy says that Jesus and grandmother and Helen wrote Oct. 18, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Oct. 18, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus and others wrote - Dr. Stone’s mother and soulmate were present Oct. 18, 1915
Luther, Martin comments on Russell’s “The Atonement” - the true test for trying the spirits - Jesus Oct. 19, 1915
Saint Camelia - a Catholic nun my work - faith Oct. 19, 1915
Saint Salvatore - Roman Catholic his history - beliefs - errors - church will fall Oct. 19, 1915
Grant, Ulysses S. his condition - beliefs - on the present war Oct. 19, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. progressing - Rose - beautiful spirits - how knowledge helped him Oct. 19, 1915
Sherman, Genl. Wm. T. his condition - can’t believe - meets Riddle & Ingersoll Oct. 19, 1915
Helen Padgett Grant and Sherman wrote - Ingersoll talks to them Oct. 19, 1915
Calvert, Clara - Eugene Morgan’s soulmate message to Eugene Morgan Oct. 21, 1915
Jesus personal Oct. 22, 1915
Ann Rollins message to Mr. Morgan from his mother and father Oct. 22, 1915
Helen Padgett Morgan’s soulmate wrote him Oct. 22, 1915
Helen Padgett Morgan’s mother sent message - personal Oct. 23, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Oct. 23, 1915
Granger, Alice - my cousin progressing - soulmate - Aunt Mary - Uncle William Oct. 23, 1915
Aaron - the brother of Moses confirms Beecher’s discourse on immortality (July 5, 1915) - describes conditions when he lived on earth - divine love Oct. 23, 1915
Sarah - the wife of Abraham not soulmate of Abraham - her treatment of Hagar - Bible - Aaron Oct. 23, 1915
Helen Padgett Aaron and Sarah wrote - Alice wrote Oct. 23, 1915
Saint Luke what became of Jesus’ body after death - his appearance before the Apostles Oct. 24, 1915
Carlyle, Thomas discusses the disappearance of Jesus’ body - law of material formation and disintegration - erroneous beliefs Oct. 24, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to Luke’s discourse on the disappearance of Jesus’ body - high spirits know Oct. 24, 1915
Jesus spiritual things cannot be perceived with the material mind - soul perceptions - laws of the spirit and of the material worlds Oct. 25, 1915
Caligula the mind, body & soul - operation of soul development on mind after death Oct. 25, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to discourse of Jesus and to Mary’s letter to Dr. Stone Oct. 25, 1915
Saint Paul comments on Pastor Russell’s book “The Atonement” - blood of Jesus - Bible - the mission of Jesus Oct. 26, 1915
Saint Peter corroborates what Paul says of Russell’s “The Atonement” - Bible - salvation - Russell’s penalty - my work Oct. 26, 1915
Saleeba - the Egyptian Princess progressing Oct. 26, 1915
Helen Padgett St. Paul and St. Peter wrote Oct. 26, 1915
White Eagle treatment Oct. 27, 1915
Morgan, J. Pierpont wonders why he is in darkness - good Episcopalian - charitable, etc. Oct. 27, 1915
Helene (Hortense) - Napoleon’s step daughter condition of herself, mother and Napoleon - when on earth and in spirit world Oct. 27, 1915
Helen Padgett personal Oct. 27. 1915
Jesus personal - my work Oct. 28, 1915
Saint Paul do not doubt Oct. 28, 1915
Saint Luke do not doubt Oct. 28, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle how spirits help mortals in material things - foretelling events - law of prophecy Oct. 28, 1915
Campbell, Alexander - founder of Campbellites plan of man’s salvation - erroneous doctrines Oct. 28, 1915
Saint James do not doubt Oct. 28, 1915
John the Baptist do not doubt Oct. 28, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle colored medium - spirits present - harmful - advice - orthodox churches Oct. 28, 1915
Roller, Cousin Sally first appearance - condition Oct. 28, 1915
Sherman, Genl. Wm. T. doubts - not ready to believe in Christianity - Grant believes Oct. 28, 1915
Latham, Charles do not doubt Oct. 28, 1915
Roller, Oscar in better condition - Cousin Sally wrote Oct. 28, 1915
Helen Padgett spirits write - cousin Sally Oct. 28, 1915
The Man With the Ponderous Mind - John H. Collins - Charles W. Everett message to Dr. Stone - spiritualism (There may be some error here, as there are two entries for this date, both apparently having “ponderous minds” the other being Samuel R Smith.) Oct. 29, 1915
Everett, Charles W. - the man with the ponderous mind his progression - belief in Jesus - helping the dark spirits Oct. 29, 1915
Samuel R Smith - The Man With the Ponderous Mind his progression - belief in Jesus - helping the dark spirits Oct. 29, 1915
Byerly, Peter D. his condition - his wife - Cousin Sally wrote Oct. 29, 1915
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother message to Dr. Stone Oct. 29, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father as to Dr. Stone’s mother and Mary Oct. 29, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - spirits wrote - dark spirits Oct. 29, 1915
Morgan, Mrs. - mother of Eugene message to Eugene Oct. 30, 1915
Jesus about Mr. Morgan - his mother wrote him - Jesus comes to all to help Oct. 30, 1915
Helen Padgett Mrs. Morgan wrote - Jesus wrote - advice to Mr. Morgan Oct. 30, 1915
Saint Luke the unpardonable sin - penalty for those who teach it - my work Oct. 31, 1915
Latham, Charles the unpardonable sin Oct. 31, 1915
Saint Paul the unpardonable sin Oct. 31, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - her children - her parents Oct. 31, 1915
Ann Rollins the unpardonable sin - untrue - doctrine to be fought Nov. 1, 1915
Napoleon - French Emperor still ambitious - interested in war - visits camp - Josephine Nov. 1, 1915
Graf Von Moltke - the German general replies to Napoleon - Germans will be victors Nov. 1, 1915
Larkin, Mr. forgot his name - does not believe in new birth Nov. 1, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Nov. 1, 1915
Helen Padgett Napoleon and Von Moltke wrote Nov. 1, 1915
Saint Matthew the soul - its relation to God - the future life - immortality Nov. 2, 1915
Saint Cornelius - the first gentile Christian defines what soul is - addition to Matthew’s talk Nov. 2, 1915
Semiramis - a Greek maiden a Christian - former pagan beliefs Nov. 2, 1915
Wesley, Charles my work - hymns Nov. 2, 1915
Saelish - an Assyrian wise man religion - Gods - future life - reincarnation Nov. 3, 1915
White Eagle sending dark spirits away - Great Bear Nov. 3, 1915
Helen Padgett dark spirits - work among Nov. 3, 1915
Jesus personal - overcoming temptations Nov. 4, 1915
Leekesi - the Assyrian King - at fall of Nineveh tells of his religion - many gods - Jesus Nov. 4, 1915
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father message to Dr. Stone Nov. 4, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - Josie’s father Nov. 5, 1915
Jesus personal - my work Nov. 7, 1915
Saint Gregory - the great Pope suffering - God’s love - way to - errors of belief - Church Nov. 7, 1915
Critcher, John spirit life - erroneous beliefs Nov. 7, 1915
Helen Padgett confirms what medium said - Cousin Sally - child - relations Nov. 7, 1915
Saint Chrysostom as to my work - spirit help Nov. 8, 1915
Jesus as to the work I am doing - suicides Nov. 8, 1915
Roller, Cousin Sally personal - confirms that she appeared at séance Nov. 8, 1915
Padgett, Ann R. - my mother progress of her father and soulmate Nov. 8, 1915
Slack, J. B. to his daughter - Mr. Levey (Leavy) Nov. 8, 1915
Slack, Caroline S. to Mrs. Slack Nov. 9, 1915
Campbell, Dr. Jas. C. on Mr. Colburn’s sickness - on Dr. Stone’s powers Nov. 9, 1915
Moses, the Prophet on Jesus - the Jews - his teachings Nov. 9, 1915
Plato Socrates - immortality Nov. 11, 1915
Calvert, Clara - Eugene Morgan’s soulmate message to Eugene Morgan Nov. 11, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father as to spiritualism - Lipscomb Nov. 11, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Nov. 11, 1915
Morgan, Mrs. - mother of Eugene message to Eugene Nov. 11, 1915
Willis, Sofia - mother of Dr. Willis letter to Dr. Willis - her death Nov. 12, 1915
Helen Padgett as to Mr. Slack and Mr. Herrell writing Nov. 12, 1915
Helen Padgett personal - signaling Nov. 12, 1915
Helen Padgett babies killed by abortion - babies in spirit world Nov. 13, 1915
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father (added) Nov. 14, 1915
Henkle, Genl. Saul S. writes about his progression Nov. 14, 1915
Saint Camelia - a Catholic nun as to who Jesus is Nov. 14, 1915
Saint James urges to pray more Nov. 15, 1915
John the Baptist urges to pray more Nov. 15, 1915
Helen Padgett personal Nov. 16, 1915
White Eagle personal Nov. 17, 1915
Helen Padgett séance at Mrs. Ripples - spirits to Dr. Willis & Dr. Stone - Ingersoll Nov. 19, 1915
Helen Padgett commenting on tract of Seventh Day Adventists Nov. 19, 1915
Carlisle, John G. (added) writes about his suffering and asks for help Nov. 20, 1915
Helen Padgett referring to John G. Carlisle Nov. 20, 1915
Salyards, Prof., Joseph H. discourses on the Personality of God Nov. 21, 1915
Saint Stephen discourse on personality of God Nov. 21, 1915
Pinckney, Bishop writes of his happiness and erroneous beliefs Nov. 21, 1915
Helen Padgett on personality of God - Bishop Pinckney Nov. 21, 1915
Jesus discourse on personality of God Nov. 22, 1915
Saint Luke discourse on personality of God Nov. 22, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal Nov. 22, 1915
Stone, Kate - Dr.’s Stone’s sister message to Dr. Stone Nov. 22, 1915
Buerly, Peter D. writes of his progression Nov. 22, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle what dark spirits do and have done to them Nov. 23, 1915
Padgett, John H. - my father personal Nov. 23, 1915
Stone, William. - Dr.’s father message to Dr. Stone Nov. 23, 1915
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother Message to Dr. Stone Nov. 23, 1915
Stone, Kate - Dr.’s Stone’s sister in message linked above Nov. 23, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Nov. 23, 1915
Helen Padgett refers to Dr. Stone’s folks writing - to St. John’s writings Nov. 23, 1915
Jesus personal Nov. 24, 1915
Jesus comments on séance - my work - advice - Father’s love Nov. 25, 1915
Helen Padgett comments on séance of colored medium - warns against attending such - describes spirits present Nov. 25, 1915
Jesus personal Nov. 26, 1915
Helen Padgett she called me - our conversation with Colburn - his erroneous beliefs - the beliefs of his mother - Dr. Stone & Mary Nov. 27, 1915
Jesus personal - of my experience in bed - he spoke to me - Dr. Stone’s work - promises for the future Nov. 29, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle Jesus wrote - his love - wonders of God displayed Nov. 29, 1915
Wesley, John Jesus wrote - believe Nov. 29, 1915
Stone, Priscilla - Dr.’s mother Jesus wrote - must not doubt Nov. 29, 1915
Mary, Sister of Lazarus Jesus wrote - love of God and love of the Master Nov. 29, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus wrote - his love, etc. - Mrs. Stone & John & Mary, the sister of Lazarus, wrote Nov. 29, 1915
Helen Padgett Dr. Stone’s & my discussion of Jesus’ message - he was present must believe Dec. 1, 1915 Jesus
Saint James Jesus wrote - again displayed his glory - awe Dec. 2, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle Jesus wrote - again displayed his glory - I must believe Dec. 2, 1915
Riddle, Albert G (added) Dec. 2, 1915
Ann Rollins Jesus wrote - his glory - listened in adoration Dec. 2, 1915
Helen Padgett my selection - Jesus wrote - his appearance - his glory - doubt no longer Dec. 2, 1915
Helen Padgett at séance - she spoke - Syrick and Perry spoke - must cultivate a new phase of mediumship - inspirational speaking Dec. 3, 1915
Helen Padgett her call - explains my dream - her love - the future together - my work - inspiration Dec. 4, 1915
Saint Luke spiritualism Dec. 5, 1915
Jesus comments on the discussion on “The Drama of St. Paul” - his experience on the way to Damascus - his blindness - he never experienced the divine love to a great degree - John - Paul’s besetting sin - he never taught that Jesus was God - Jesus still working - men’s present condition - their longings - inspirational teaching - who the inspirers will be - writings, the important means - my work - the spirits’ prayers Dec. 5, 1915
Saint Paul comments on “The Drama of St. Paul” - experience on way to Damascus - his writings flavored by his knowledge of Jewish theology Dec. 5, 1915
Helen Padgett Dr. Stone and I neglect our soulmates - our punishment - a letter of pleasantry and love Dec. 6, 1915
Jesus personal Dec. 7, 1915
Jesus personal - promises - advice - one truth: “only by the new birth can any man enter into the Kingdom of God” Dec. 9, 1915
Jefferson, Thomas I am favored - my work - 1st celestial sphere Dec. 9, 1915
Webster, Daniel efforts being made by spirit world to bring the truths to earth - my work - divine love - mankind’s needs - 1st celestial where Jefferson & Washington are Dec. 9, 1915
Newman, John P. - Bishop a preacher - did not understand the truths - belief in the atonement - working harm - creeds - progress Dec. 9, 1915
Mills, Samuel C. in earth plane - not very happy - learned a number of truths - Jesus - my communications Dec. 9, 1915
Lambert, Talmadge A. lawyer - in darkness - there is a hell - wants to come to earth to tell people what hell is - met several friends Dec. 10, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle personal Dec. 10, 1915
Jesus personal - my work - other helpers - a church - my home - a paper Dec. 13, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle personal Dec. 13, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus and John wrote - personal Dec. 13, 1915
Jesus personal - messages - the Father loves me - Jesus bestows his love - would see the glory of the Father displayed - love more real than anything in nature - my longings - the divine love shall be mine Dec. 14, 1915
Wesley, John Jesus bestowed his love - his glory - important man to Jesus - divine love Dec. 14, 1915
Ann Rollins wonderful experience - Jesus was glorious - his love Dec. 14, 1915
Helen Padgett scarcely write - filled with awe - Jesus’ love - its bestowal on me Dec. 14, 1915
Jesus the love that came last night - longings - same love for Dr. Stone - selected him to do a work - happiness - Jesus’ work - he is with us - reward Dec. 15, 1915
Helen Padgett a letter pleasantry - Mary lovesick - Dr. Stone, etc. - kisses Dec. 15, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle personal - foretelling future - how spirits may - how they influence mortals Dec. 17, 1915
Swedenborg hell is a place as well as a condition - describes the hells - recollections cause sufferings - the hells increase the sufferings - where the hells are - the law of attraction - his mission as seer and failure Dec. 17, 1915
Helen Padgett Swedenborg actually wrote - hells Dec. 17, 1915
Herod - King of Judea the hells - adds to Swedenborg’s description - writes from experience Dec. 18, 1915
Helen Padgett Herod wrote about the hells - I will never see them Dec. 18, 1915
Saint John - the Apostle Swedenborg gave correct description of the hells - their appearances, etc. belong to them irrespective of their inhabitants - how mortals console themselves - nothing but the truth shall come to me Dec. 19, 1915
Helen Padgett Dr. Stone and I relieved to know that we will not have to burn through all eternity - where we will go - Mary writes - pleasantry Dec. 19, 1915
Jesus my spiritual condition - divine love - will learn truths that the world has never heard of - love the greatest thing in all the universe - inspirational talking - his love bestowed Dec. 20, 1915
Joan of Arc (the martyr) I am chosen by the Master - one of the spirit band to work - could not write her name Dec. 20, 1915
Helen Padgett Joan of Arc wrote - belongs to spirit band - could not write her name Dec. 20, 1915
Jesus not with me when evil spirit wrote - band not able to keep it away - another message for me to take - I am much better Dec. 22, 1915
Corneys, John B. truths to tell - writes of the spirit spheres - a spirit’s entrance into spirit life - its experience - must go to its allotted place - never retrogrades - describes the hells - good deeds - its progress - describes the earth planes - and 2nd and 3rd spheres Dec. 22, 1915
Helen Padgett her love - grandmother wrote - her garments and form Dec. 22, 1915
Syrick, Frank D. Tries to describe Helen’s appearance and her garments - wants to write Dec. 22, 1915
Ann Rollins refers to Dr. Peebles’ book, “Immortality” - doubts Dr. Pierce’s experiences - description of higher spheres not correct - soul perceptions and mental faculties - Divine love - 6th sphere - soul work difficult - 7th sphere - clothing of spirits Dec. 22, 1915
Helen Padgett Signaled me to write - Nita Dec. 23, 1915
Jesus came to cheer me - speaks of the people’s worship of him - only one God - what Jesus is - new birth - men dissatisfied with old theology - refers to article “Christianizing the Bible” and also to article on his alleged saying that he came not to bring peace but a sword - errancy of Bible - truth and error - sin not an abstract entity - man’s will - its limitations - harmony in the universe required - man by his own will brings sin into the world - the remedy Dec. 25, 1915
Helen Padgett Jesus wrote a wonderful message - visit to Edward - Nita Dec. 25, 1915
Kennedy, Mary message to Dr. Stone Dec. 26, 1915
Southern, John B. doubts the divine love - the mind the important thing - opinions of earth life - promise of grandmother Dec. 26, 1915
Helen Padgett Refers to spirit who wanted light - Mary writes to Dr. Stone - refers to my being at picture show and her influencing me Dec. 26, 1915
Helen Padgett Refers to my sending copy of Jesus’ message to Vermont Dec. 27, 1915
Jesus refers to sending message to man in Vermont - my work - love - encourages me to trust in the Father Dec. 27, 1915
Jesus refers to sending his message to man in Vt. - people will doubt source of messages - their inherent truth will cause belief Dec. 28, 1915
Samuels, Samuel G. Hells as well as heavens in spirit world - inhabitants - his experience - describes the hells Dec. 28, 1915
Libbie, Laura Jean was a writer - in darkness - not happy - wants help Dec. 28, 1915
Helen Padgett In third celestial sphere - cannot describe her home - she is so happy - one continuous course of living - wants me with her - her love for me Dec. 28, 1915
Jesus Helen’s description of her progress is true - the joys the Father has prepared for those who love Him - divine love - refers to sentence in the Lord’s prayer: “Lead us not into temptation” - will write actual prayer taught his disciples Dec. 28, 1915
Helen Padgett Mary wants to tell Dr. Stone her secret - she does so - so happy Dec. 29, 1915
Saint Luke message on the Atonement - (not completed) Dec. 30, 1915
Salabis Egyptian priest of the temple of Osiris and Isis - had charge of the sacrifices - similarity between his beliefs and those of Christians - God - Jesus - divine love - lived when immortality was not known to men Dec. 30, 1915
Helen Padgett At church - many members have the divine love - speaks of evil. spirit - prophecies for New Year - will be with Nita and me at dinner - her love Dec. 31, 1915

Continued in 1916 Index

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